Yellow peeling

Yellow peeling
Yellow peeling

Find out the features of the yellow peeling and what is its benefit, how to take care of the skin after it. To maintain youth and beauty, you need to put a lot of effort and time to care for your face skin, because it needs daily and careful attention. Women are ready to use a variety of masks, creams and expensive cosmetic procedures to restore and rejuvenate the skin.

Such a procedure as yellow peeling is especially popular, as it helps to eliminate the signs of aging of the skin and restores its natural firmness and elasticity.

Features of yellow peeling

Peeling procedure
Peeling procedure

Retinoic or yellow peeling refers to a type of cosmetic procedure, after which the skin is restored rather quickly and its attractive appearance returns. The peeling contains an artificial form of vitamin A, which provides the right environment for normalizing the process of skin cell regeneration and metabolism.

Yellow peeling activates blood circulation and protein production. This procedure is ideal for treating the skin of the neck, face and décolleté. Among the main advantages of this type of peeling is the fact that there are practically no negative consequences, and the treated skin returns to normal very quickly.

Every year, yellow peeling is becoming more and more popular and in demand among the representatives of the fair half of the planet. And this is not surprising, because just one cosmetic procedure helps to solve a fairly large number of various problems associated with the condition of the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté in a relatively short period of time. Today there are several types of yellow peels.

Yellow peeling with artificial retinoic acid

Applying artificial retinoic acid to the face
Applying artificial retinoic acid to the face

This type of peeling contains retinoic acid, which is of artificial origin. The main incentive for its use is that the recovery period of the skin after the procedure is only a few days.

The middle type of peeling has a mild effect on the epidermis, so it is recommended to use it for girls over 23 years old. But before carrying out it, you need to go through a special preparation procedure for 14 days, when the skin is treated with a special tool, which contains the main ingredients for yellow peeling. Thanks to this preparation, the skin gradually gets used to the action of this substance and it becomes possible to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Directly on the day when the yellow peeling procedure will be carried out, you must first lubricate the face skin with a solution of glycolic acid, after which retinoic acid is applied. Over the next two days, the skin gradually acquires a rich pink hue and the epidermis begins to peel. After the end of this transition period, the skin surface is leveled, it becomes ideally smooth and silky, natural elasticity returns.

Yellow peeling with natural retinoic acid

Natural retinoic acid
Natural retinoic acid

This type of yellow peeling contains naturally occurring retinol, which is extracted from the processing of a tropical plant such as urucum, which grows in the depths of the Amazon. During the production of this substance, kojic acid is added to its composition, which is why the cleaning carried out will be superficial.

The main feature of yellow peeling is that it has a long-term effect, because it is left on the skin surface for 10 hours, which makes it different from other types of procedures. You need to do a yellow peel every 6 months, but not more often.

Indications and contraindications for yellow peeling

Skin before and after peeling with retinoic acid
Skin before and after peeling with retinoic acid

Yellow peeling is one of the gentle methods of cleansing the skin of the face, which is why it can be used at almost any age. As a rule, this procedure is prescribed to remove deep wrinkles and strong pigmentation, with the appearance of facial wrinkles, scars and the effects of acne. It is recommended to apply yellow peeling before dermoplasty (an operation aimed at restoring the skin).

The peeling mixture contains a large amount of acids, but do not worry, as they are completely safe, therefore they are often added to various products intended for facial skin care.

The yellow peeling procedure is completely painless, but after it you get a feeling of discomfort. Taking into account what type of peeling was used, the rehabilitation period will be determined, the duration of which can be 2-4 days.

However, despite the positive effect of yellow peeling, there are certain contraindications for its implementation, which include:

  • herpes virus;
  • prohibited during breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • with liver diseases;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to individual elements that make up the peeling mixture.

If there are violations of the integrity of the skin, the yellow peeling procedure should be postponed for a while.

How to prepare your skin for yellow peeling?

The girl cleanses the skin before peeling
The girl cleanses the skin before peeling

First of all, you need to seek help from a dermatologist who will conduct the necessary examination and select the ideal type of yellow peeling. The beautician determines the type of skin, after which the degree of sensitivity to retinol is established.

Retinoids have a negative effect on the development of a child, which is why, before visiting a beautician, you need to take a pregnancy test. It is not recommended to carry out this procedure in cases where viral hepatitis has recently been transferred or there is liver failure. After the yellow peeling, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, including artificial ultraviolet radiation, on the treated skin. Before going outside, a special sunscreen must be applied to the skin.

As a rule, pre-peeling skin preparation is carried out independently at home. The cosmetologist prescribes the use of certain creams, which include glycolic acid, since they will soften the epidermis over a certain period of time and prepare for the application of chemical peeling.

The duration of the preparation is about two weeks, but the owners of dark skin will need at least 21 days. The fact is that dark skin is more sensitive to the effects of retinoid drugs.

Also, today there is a fairly large variety of additional products that must be used during skin preparation - a gentle exfoliation procedure using fruit enzymes or acids. It is recommended to perform it several times before the main rethion peeling.

About a week before the start of the procedure, it is necessary to give up sunbathing and visiting a solarium, since it is better to limit the skin from additional external influences. Directly on the day when the yellow peeling will be carried out, you need to soften the skin so that all the beneficial substances can freely penetrate into its deeper layers. In this case, the procedure will bring maximum benefit, and the result obtained will last for a longer period of time.

How is the yellow peeling procedure performed?

Yellow peeling
Yellow peeling

It is best to use yellow peeling products only from companies that produce quality products. Depending on this, the period of skin recovery after the procedure will also change.

The standard version of peeling will be carried out in 1-2 procedures, with a break of 5-6 weeks between each one. A special preparation of the skin and aftercare is mandatory.

Most manufacturers add fruit acids to peeling mixes to enhance the benefits and minimize the potential for negative effects.

There is a certain difference in the drugs, including the different times of their exposure:

  1. Yellow peels, which act on the skin for 60 minutes - rich peels that provoke the appearance of a burning sensation and itching after the procedure.
  2. Retinol peels they are left on the skin for 3–12 hours (the duration of exposure is determined by the beautician, depending on the condition of the skin). The full course of this type of peeling consists of two procedures, which are done once a month.

After yellow peeling, there is a feeling of a thin film on the skin of the face, while it almost immediately becomes much lighter, its condition improves, pores are significantly narrowed and become less noticeable. Over the next 30 days, there is an increase in positive trends.

Recovery period

Woman applying cream to face skin
Woman applying cream to face skin

It is recommended to treat the skin with yellow peeling in the evening, and in the morning it will need to be washed off.

The manifestation of yellow peeling is divided into several stages:

  1. After the composition is applied to the skin, there is a slight feeling of skin tightening, the face acquires a yellow-red tint.
  2. On the second day, slight peeling of the treated area begins. This symptom will be a sure sign that deep cleansing of the facial skin is taking place, so there is no need for additional use of any cosmetic moisturizers.
  3. If you use a nourishing or moisturizing cream, there is a risk that wrinkles will become more visible after the peeling stage is over.
  4. 3 days after the procedure, peeling of the skin increases several times. You should not try to peel off the skin particles yourself, otherwise you can cause serious harm.
  5. On the fourth day, a feeling of slight itching will become noticeable; not very large specks of red color may appear.
  6. The feeling of itching and peeling completely disappears on the penultimate day of recovery, while the face acquires a slight pinkish tint.
  7. Complete reconstruction of the skin takes place on day 6, after which it becomes perfectly smooth, the face acquires a rested and fresh look.

The resulting effect of rejuvenation lasts for six months. But in order for it to last as long as possible, cosmetologists advise using moisturizers, thermal water, enzyme masks, as well as products that protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays in daily skin care, especially if the yellow peeling procedure was carried out in hot weather. of the year.

The skin of the face is very sensitive and often suffers from the effects of a variety of negative environmental factors. Therefore, she needs careful and constant care using quality cosmetics. Do not forget about the benefits of peeling, because thanks to this procedure, dead skin particles are removed and the face becomes perfectly smooth.

For more information on yellow, retinol peels, see here:
