What are the stalks of the candy tree? Description of the product, its chemical composition and calorie content. Beneficial effect on the body. Why is it better for some not to use it? Recipes for drinks and dishes, interesting facts about the tree.
Contraindications and harm to the stalks of the candy tree

Despite the beneficial qualities of this product, there is reason to talk about the dangers of the stalks of the candy tree. In particular, they can cause discomfort in people with the following conditions:
- Obesity … A high sugar content can contribute to weight gain, changes in hormonal levels, and cardiovascular problems.
- Diabetes … Some components of fasting actively resist this ailment, while others, on the contrary, can provoke a worsening of the condition. Therefore, if you have diabetes mellitus or a predisposition to it, take the product with extreme caution.
- Gout … The stalks contain substances that can provoke the release of uric acid, the compound that concentrates in the joints and causes gout. Therefore, if you are predisposed to this disease, it is better to exclude the product from the diet or use it in extremely small doses.
Also, people with individual intolerances, prone to food allergies, pregnant and lactating mothers, and babies under 3 years old need to be careful or completely eliminate sweetness. Children over 3 years of age can eat this product after consulting a pediatrician and under strict parental supervision.
How are the stalks of the candy tree eaten?

The product is used in cooking in a natural and grafted form, since the stalks of the candy tree are most often eaten on their own, without subjecting them to any heat treatment, only after rinsing.
They are also actively added when cooking confitures, compotes, all kinds of sweet confectionery delicacies, as an ingredient in sauces. The fruit of the candy tree makes excellent jams and syrups. The Japanese and Chinese make beer out of them.
Recipes for dishes and drinks with stalks

There is one interesting fact associated with this product. Despite the fact that stalks can often be found on trays with dried fruits (both in supermarkets and in markets), the overwhelming majority of Russians have never heard of them. We decided to fight this injustice, because the product is really very tasty and healthy, and we will tell you about the recipes with the stalks of the candy tree, which are most loved by Russian housewives.
Let's start by preparing drinks:
- Tea … The most popular beef drink is tea. To prepare it, pour boiling water over the stalk, based on the calculation: 1 tablespoon of chopped dried fruits per 200 ml of water. Insist for 50 minutes. You will especially like the fact that this tea does not need to be sweetened, because it will be so sweet and sour.
- Cocktail … To prepare a delicious and original alcoholic cocktail, brew 2 tablespoons of chopped hovenia 100 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 3-5 hours, strain. To this broth add 50 ml of vodka, 30 ml of barberry syrup, 30 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml of black currant liqueur, 15 ml of pomegranate syrup, 100 ml of vermouth, 1 liter of highly carbonated mineral water. Toss the ingredients, serve with ice, orange zest and mint leaves.
- Compote … Take 200 g of candy tree stalks, pour 1 liter of boiling water over them, put on low heat. Boil for 10-15 minutes, then add 3-5 types of any berries by a handful. Add another 1 L of water. Cook over low heat for 1 hour. Turn off, let cool completely, strain, serve over ice. In the cold season, drink like hot tea to boost immunity and overcome colds.
As we noted above, the stalks of the Japanese raisin tree are mainly eaten in their natural form, but there are also dishes that are prepared with this ingredient.
The most popular of the treats are the following:
- Sauce … It is added to many meat and fish dishes. To prepare it, dilute 2 tablespoons of starch in 150 ml of water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Add 50 g of chopped stalks, 100 ml of soy sauce, 20 ml of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of hot ketchup. Simmer without adding heat until the sauce thickens slightly. Strain and boil a little more.
- Jam … Take 2 kg of apples. You can use 1 kg of fresh firm fruit and 1 kg of fallen ones. The latter must be rinsed well, cut into pieces, covered with water and cooked over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Get the apples, dissolve 1 kg of sugar in the compote and add 300 g of the stalks of the candy tree. Cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain, remove the stalks. Boil for another 15-20 minutes, until the syrup thickens slightly. Take 1 kg of fresh apples, peel them, remove the middle, grate and send to the syrup. If you see that there is more liquid than apples, add more grated fruit. Bring to a boil, simmer over the slowest heat for 20-30 minutes until thickened. It is important to stir the jam constantly, as it burns very quickly when the liquid evaporates. It is best to prepare the sweetness in a copper bowl. If you want to prepare for the winter, put it in the jars while still hot and roll it up. If you plan to use it within a month, cool, transfer to a glass hermetically sealed container and store in the refrigerator. In this case, it will be appropriate to add nuts, apricot seeds, mint or cinnamon to the jam - any additions to taste. However, it is best to do this just before serving.
Interesting facts about the candy tree

This plant has been cultivated in Europe since the twentieth century. The most widespread is in India, China, Crimea and the Caucasus. There are 5 types of trees in the genus. The most popular of them are sweet fasting, about which our material today, and sad fasting. This tree is also grown at home.
In the tropics, these fruits are used to make medicines. In some countries, seed and leaf extracts are substituted for sugar.
Many people respect the wood of the candy tree, from which they make furniture, musical instruments, and souvenirs. Since the tree is beautiful enough, landscape designers decorate gardens with it. Watch the video about the candy tree:

If you have the gift of a gardener, try growing a candy tree on your property. And if you are far from home farming, enjoy the product purchased in the store.