Find out your weaknesses in bodybuilding and why you are not gaining in the diet and overworking in training. Champions Secrets Revealed! Today, almost no one remembers the famous American strongman George Jowett at the beginning of the last century. He performed a very entertaining trick that no one could do. The athlete lifted and squeezed the anvil with one hand, holding it by the "horn". Note that this was not a well-balanced sports equipment, but an anvil weighing 75 kilograms.
We remembered this strong man due to the presence of weaknesses in athletes of any level. Even pro athletes have them. To develop harmoniously, you need to find your weak point and eliminate it. First of all, we are talking about ligaments. For this, we will give some tips.
How to Strengthen Ligaments and Tendons in Bodybuilding?

Chest muscles

To strengthen the ligaments in this muscle group, you can do a heavy, short press while lying down. The range of motion should be no more than 10-12 centimeters. Your goal is to do the exercise only at the top of the trajectory before straightening your arms. Do 6 of these sets of five repetitions each.
Back muscles

For this group, it will be effective to perform a shortened deadlift. To do this, place the shell just above the level of the knee joints and take it with an opposite grip. After that, follow the movement to the end of the resulting trajectory, which will be the same 10 or 12 centimeters. It is necessary to perform 6 sets of 3 repetitions each.
Shoulder girdle

Periodically, instead of the classic chest press, use a shorter version, starting at about half the range. You need to do 5 sets of 3 reps.

For the muscles of the arms, it is most effective to use steep curls for the biceps, limiting the upward movement within the established limits. You can use restraints for this, but it is much easier to use elastic bands attached to the rack.

The most effective is the performance of shortened squats with the same amplitude (10-12 centimeters). The number of approaches is 6, and the reps are 5.
Practical advice on technique

- Remember that you are working with a lot of weight and try not to swing the barbell.
- All of the shortened movements listed above must be performed in a power stance.
- Of greater importance is not the weight of the projectile, but the movement. After lifting the weight, do not lower it immediately, but take a short pause.
For more helpful information on how to strengthen ligaments and tendons, see this video: