Proper nutrition is an essential part of effective training. What can you do to effectively complete your workout? Find out how to speed up your metabolism in bodybuilding. Surely many athletes are familiar with fluctuations in muscle tone. Two workouts of the same intensity are given in different ways. If in one of them all the exercises were performed "in one" breath, then during the second one had to apply a lot of effort. For a long time, the cause of this phenomenon remained unknown, but now we can say with confidence that the whole point is in the correct nutrition program. It is nutrition that supplies the body with all the substances necessary for building muscles.
When the body does not receive part of the "building materials", it is simply pointless to wait for progress in training. Vitamins, fats, minerals, carbohydrates and protein compounds must be present in the required amount. It can be said even more, if all of the above substances are not enough, that muscle mass may decrease. The body must replenish the energy expended in training and for this it begins to break down the reserves of protein compounds, including those found in muscle tissues. This process is called "internal cannibalism", since the body as it devours itself.
However, when it comes to the correct nutrition program, it means not only the athlete's diet itself, but also the diet. Also, metabolism plays an important role here. For this reason, the question often arises before athletes: how to speed up the metabolism in bodybuilding?
Energy balance in metabolism

Scientists have spent decades to understand the reasons for muscle growth. It is worth noting that this process has not yet been fully understood, but serious progress has been made in this direction. How much more time it will take to finally reveal this secret of human physiology, no one can say. And this despite the fact that the most modern equipment has been allocated for research.
Currently, scientists can only answer the question of when muscle tissue begins to grow. It is definitely established that the growth of muscle volume (the so-called hypertrophy) does not occur in the gym itself, but during the rest between training. Often, athletes do not even realize that their muscles are adding volume in the kitchen.
The role of carbohydrates in metabolism

Carbohydrates are highly energy-intensive compounds that can significantly accelerate muscle growth. But for this to happen, carbohydrates must be processed in the gastrointestinal tract and broken down into simpler compounds: fructose and glucose. It is from them that the body extracts energy.
Unused fructose and glucose are sent to the liver, where glycogen is stored. It follows from this that the effectiveness of training is directly related to the amount of accumulated glycogen. This is a well-known fact and for sure the vast majority of athletes know about it. And here are three facts that are not known to many:
- There are times when glycogen is “stored” at an accelerated rate. This happens within half an hour after completing a set of exercises. At this moment, enzymes are synthesized in the body that contribute to the accumulation of glycogen. To create as much glycogen as possible, you need to consume foods rich in carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes after training.
- When carbohydrates are consumed after exercise, the body gets a strong boost to store glycogen. Unfortunately, over time, this process slows down significantly. For example, after two hours from the end of a training session, stocks will be replenished by only 10 percent. Then this process slows down even more.
- If the lesson is held in the second half of the day, then you should take carbohydrates again in the morning of the next day. It should be remembered that fruits are the main supplier of fructose, which is not very well suited for the role of raw materials for glycogen synthesis. For these purposes, glucose is best suited, which is found in sufficiently large quantities in bread, potatoes and pasta.
The lack of carbohydrates can be judged by changes in mood. If the body lacks these substances, then a person develops a depressed state. At the same time, a good mood cannot signal a sufficient rate of accumulation of glycogen in the liver, since this is mainly influenced by the level of glucose.
Protein compounds in metabolism

Protein compounds that enter the body with food are processed into amino acids, from which new proteins are subsequently created. This process ensures the growth of muscle tissue. It is quite clear that when few protein compounds enter the body, then the growth of muscles will be difficult.
It also contributes to the occurrence of energy deficits. About 10% of all protein compounds are used in various chemical reactions and provide the necessary energy.
When a carbohydrate deficiency is created, the body begins to break down proteins to make up for the lack of energy. This is very dangerous for health, as the mass of muscle tissue decreases, and also a large number of ketone bodies are produced, which are a by-product of the breakdown of protein molecules. Thus, the athlete is not only faced with the question of how to speed up the metabolism in bodybuilding, but also the need to find a balance between proteins and carbohydrates in their diet.
It turns out that there is a solution to the problem with the balance of two nutrients, and it is named - the rule of two thirds. Its essence lies in the fact that one third of the plate should be protein-rich foods, and the remaining two-thirds should be given to carbohydrate foods. Take in more protein compounds after training, as well as carbohydrates.
The role of water in metabolism

Muscles are 70% water. It certainly does not affect muscle tone, but its importance for muscle growth should not be underestimated. Water is a good electrolyte that conducts and exchanges electrical charges. Consequently, the reduction in the amount of fluid in the muscles can lead to a decrease in their ability to contract. In this case, one should not focus only on the feeling of thirst, which appears when the body has lost about one liter of water.
Drink water during exercise every twenty minutes. Thanks to this, the process of tissue repair can be accelerated. During the training, water is consumed very quickly and if there is a lack of fluid, the body will have to deal with its synthesis, which will require additional energy consumption.
Stimulants in metabolism

Speaking about how to speed up the metabolism in bodybuilding, it is worth noting that the athlete can use stimulants to accelerate the recovery of energy reserves and the nervous system. The best of these substances is vitamin C. Vitamin E is also a valuable stimulant. When consumed during training, fewer muscle cells are destroyed.
Read more about nutrition and metabolism in the body of a bodybuilder in this video: