Point reduction by Michael Gundill in bodybuilding

Point reduction by Michael Gundill in bodybuilding
Point reduction by Michael Gundill in bodybuilding

It was previously thought that point fat reduction was not possible, but recent research suggests otherwise. Learn how to get rid of fat in a specific area of the body. Arnie raised the issue of point reduction of fatty deposits, claiming that he can eliminate fat in the places he needs. At the same time, almost all scientists are sure that this is impossible. Since there are two opposite opinions on this issue, then, of course, one of them is erroneous. Today we're going to talk about Michael Gundill's Point Reduction in bodybuilding.

During weight loss, fat is gradually removed from the entire body. At the same time, there is one feature of this process, namely, first of all, fats are burned in those places where there are fewer of them. For example, in girls, first of all, it burns fat in the chest area, which leads to a decrease in their size. Of course, this is unacceptable for women. For this reason, everyone wants to remove fat only where it is needed.

The mechanism of point reduction of fats

Fat deposition mechanism
Fat deposition mechanism

When it comes to point reduction, most people are sure that for this it is necessary to pump certain muscles, say, the buttocks or the abs. This, in their opinion, should lead to the removal of fat deposits located in the area of the target muscles. However, such a process is impossible, since with an increase in the size of the muscles, they cannot influence the fat around them.

It should be remembered that in the body, in addition to subcutaneous fat deposits, there is also visceral fat, which surrounds all internal organs. There is no type of workout that can help you get rid of subcutaneous fat without affecting the visceral fat. Muscles can use glycogen and triglycerides in their cells as an energy source. These substances can be converted to ATP. It is this substance that supplies energy to the muscles. We also remember that the blood flow is capable of delivering various nutrients to any tissues, including muscular tissues. These include fatty acids formed during the fat burning process.

It's time to talk about this process, which is also called lipolysis. All fat stores in the body are stored in liposomes in the form of fatty acids. To begin the process of losing weight, it is necessary to destroy these elements, after which fatty acids enter the bloodstream and can be used by the body for energy.

Point reduction can be possible if lipolysis is induced only in a specific area. To do this, it is necessary to deliver two hormonal substances there - adrenaline and norepinephrine. They are the ones who are able to activate lipolysis. All other hormones with fat burning properties can indirectly trigger lipolysis. Let's say that the same growth hormone leads to an increase in the production of norepinephrine and adrenaline. Thus, we can say with absolute certainty that without the presence of a delivery amount of these two hormones in the blood, lipolysis is simply impossible. Adrenaline, like norepinephrine, has the ability to interact with two types of receptors: alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic. It should be noted that fat burning will proceed more efficiently when more beta receptors are present on the surface of adipose tissue cells. These structures are located on the surface of all body tissues, including adipose tissue. As a result, lipolysis becomes possible only after the action of hormones on the beta receptors.

Therefore, our task is to redistribute the receptors, causing an increase in the amount of beta. By the way, more beta receptors are located precisely in the places of the least accumulation of fat, which leads to faster lipolysis in these areas, as we talked about above.

To change the ratio of receptors, certain drugs must be used. Yohimbine and Ephedrine are very effective in this regard. Moreover, they have a different mechanism of work. Yohimbine blocks alpha receptors and ephedrine speeds up the production of adrenaline. As a result, when used together, you will get a greater effect.

To ensure a point reduction, it is necessary to increase the amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine entering the required area. This is quite logical and understandable. It is on this principle that all slimming creams are based. Also, often during preparation for the competition, professional athletes inject Clenbuterol and Yohimbine into the places of greatest accumulation of fats. The first drug stimulates beta receptors, and the second we have already mentioned above.

It is theoretically possible to achieve this in a natural way. When you train a certain muscle group, blood flow in it increases, which leads to the delivery of more necessary hormones. However, the effectiveness of this approach is extremely low. Thus, we can summarize some of the above. To achieve a targeted fat reduction, you need to exercise a lot. For example, men who want to get rid of fat in the abdominal area need to train at least three times for 10 minutes during the day. The target muscles in this case will be the abs.

Do the first lesson after waking up, the second at lunchtime, and the last before going to bed. With girls, things are much more complicated. First, women have more fat reserves than men. Secondly, they need to strengthen the target muscles, say, the buttocks, and thus give them more elasticity.

Thus, girls should also use the above scheme, but at the same time pay more attention to the lower half of the body on the days of ordinary classes. Also in addition to this, you should follow a low calorie diet program and use Caffeine, Ephedrine, and Yohimbine.

How to burn fat in the legs and thighs, see here:

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