Bodybuilding pause squats

Bodybuilding pause squats
Bodybuilding pause squats

There are many techniques for improving squat performance. Start improving your squat now and build big quads. Squats are one of the most popular and effective exercises. For this reason, one should not be surprised by the fact that a huge number of techniques have been created that give athletes the opportunity to improve their results in this exercise. With their help, you can increase strength indicators, movement efficiency, improve technique, etc. All this has a positive effect on other exercises as well. Today we will talk about one of the simplest methods - the pause squat in bodybuilding.

How to do pause squats correctly?

Athlete squatting with a barbell on his shoulders
Athlete squatting with a barbell on his shoulders

There is a lot of evidence for the effectiveness of this technique in comparison with the classic version of the exercise. When performing pause squats in bodybuilding, the athlete should linger in the lower position of the trajectory, and then abruptly begin to move upward.

This is an approximate description of the exercise, as you can do any kind of squat as long as you follow the technique. The only difference from your usual execution will be a pause at the lowest point of the movement, which is below the parallel. It should be remembered that it is necessary to reduce the weight of the projectile, since it will be much more difficult for you to climb.

Also, make sure that the muscles remain under tension while you are in the lower position. This requires practice and high concentration. If you relax the muscles at the lowest point, then with almost one hundred percent certainty we can say that your back will be round. When you pause, the stress on the lower back is reduced. However, the leg muscles then have to work harder to push you upward. During a pause, the fast fibers of the muscle tissue continue to work, and the slow ones are used to stabilize the body position. The more often you do this exercise, the stronger the neuromuscular connections will be, and the strength of the stabilizing muscles will also increase.

All this will increase your results when doing classic squats. It should also be remembered that a pause completely eliminates the "spring" effect, which requires the body to expend more energy, and you will become more tired. This will have a positive effect on muscle growth.

When doing classic exercises in weightlifting, you need to squat lower and lower in order to get hooked under a sports equipment during. Also, the weights on the bar are constantly increasing, which can cause some discomfort. This is where pause squats can help. When performing this exercise, you should be in a full squat for a few seconds, which will create the same sensations that you will encounter when performing a snatch or lifting a projectile to your chest. As you progress in the load, it will be easier for you to get up from the bottom position in other competitive movements.

Training involves not only constant progression of the load in order to force the body to continue to adapt. Various techniques are used for this, and a pause while performing a movement is one of them. Note that pause squats will be useful not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports disciplines.

Here's a rough plan for pause squats:

  • Week 1 - Perform 3 sets of 5 repetitions with a shell weight of 50 percent of the maximum;
  • 2 week - Perform 3 sets of 4 repetitions with a projectile weight of 60 percent of the maximum;
  • 3 week - Perform 3 sets of 3 repetitions with a shell weight of 50 percent of the maximum.

Check out the pause squat technique in this video:
