A pause in a relationship and a decoding of this concept. The article will talk about the reasons and rules of behavior for the announced decision of the couple. This information is accompanied by recommendations for actions during the termination of a love affair. A pause in the relationship between a man and a woman is a common occurrence, when the lovers have lost mutual understanding, the couple decides to temporarily leave. People themselves have the right to decide the future of their union. However, it is worthwhile to understand the expediency of the announced decision in order to understand the reasons for its appearance and the ways out of the crisis.
Reasons for the need for a pause in a relationship

Specialists in personal psychology have studied this process in some detail, in which relations in a couple come to a standstill. At some stage in a love story, alienation may arise, which in turn leads to the need to be without each other.
Taking a pause in a relationship does not always mean a final break, but delaying it can be extremely dangerous for the relationship that has arisen between a man and a woman. Loving hearts do not need rest from each other, but sometimes life dictates its conditions to us, destroying the former harmonious relationship.
The origins of the problem may be various circumstances, because it is sometimes impossible to carefully plan your life. Psychologists consider the following factors to be the main reasons for a pause in a relationship:
- The disappearance of romance … Oddly enough it sounds, but men also like the initial stage of a love story, when passion flares up between representatives of opposite sexes. However, everyday life and gray everyday life can muffle the ardor in any relationship. Over time, one of the partners (in some cases both) has a desire to temporarily stop the romance that has begun. This necessity is argued to keep in touch by resting from each other for the good of both lovers.
- Uncertainty in a partner … Not every person completely relies on their loved ones and relatives, because there are no ideal people. Their support is very important to us, but sometimes in a difficult situation bitter disappointment comes from the inaction of others we trust. In addition, the partner may have a windy character, which does not strengthen the relationship. As a result, there is a desire to temporarily isolate oneself from a person who is fickle in his feelings in order to understand the current situation.
- Regular fights … Not a single love affair is painted with tantrums and a constant showdown. A conflicted person can over time tire his soul mate, which will lead her to want to take time out. If the partner is aggressive at the same time, then the case may end in a complete break in relations in the future.
- Treason … Not every person is able to constructively approach the event that has happened. It is difficult for an angry person to control herself when emotions are raging, and despair takes over the affected side. The cheater remains dear both in soul and body, but a definite decision is often given by the affected person for a long time.
- Infatuation with another person … Some people ask for a break in their relationship because they are attracted to another potential partner. Not yet completely cooled down to the former object of passion, they are trying to chase two birds with one stone. As a result, they may be left with nothing, because if a person is in love with two at once, then he really does not really like anyone seriously.
- Stressful situation … Not in all cases people try to share their problems with their significant other. Secluded and sullen individuals try to retire and independently resolve the issue that has arisen. To do this, they need a break in the relationship so that emotional persons can bring their thoughts and feelings in order.
- Lack of confidence in feelings … A similar phenomenon applies to both men and women, which corresponds to human nature. Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand the question of whether the chosen one is really needed or is it a temporary hobby. Passion has the ability to quickly burn out, bringing disappointment and the end of romantic feelings with it.
Among the listed reasons for taking a time-out in a love conflict, there are many prerequisites for the final breakdown of the relationship. Before committing such an act, you need to think about the possible consequences of the deed. We can easily lose, and returning a dear person with careless enterprise becomes sometimes problematic.
Varieties of pauses in relationships

There are many options for taking time out in a love affair, which are not always completely different from each other. The most common options for personal know-how, experts refer to the following types of pause in a relationship:
- Pause check … Some people, not trusting their partner, organize a similar test for him. They want to check the seriousness of the chosen one's thoughts about themselves and the prospects for a joint future. Such an experiment can end as you like, but not always with a positive result for the future couple.
- Pause is a necessity … In some cases, it is necessary to part for a while under any circumstances in order to save the relationship. Dealing with a conflict situation is best done with a cool head. You can always do something stupid, but you need to think about the consequences of irresponsible actions.
- Pause-despair … With the fact of betrayal, it is difficult to keep your emotions under control, when the pain of betrayal has settled in your soul. In the case of partner abuse, there is also a desire to flee to the ends of the earth from the abuser. Hopelessness sometimes plays a cruel joke on a couple who may admit a variant of the "third-excess" type into their relationship.
- Pause protest … This type of temporary separation is often demonstrative. At the next violent quarrel, one of the partners loudly slams the door and waits for a chase after him with a prayer for forgiveness. The expected does not always come true, so it is necessary to consider such actions carefully.
Important! Relationships after a pause may not always be restored, so it is worth making such abrupt maneuvers only as a last resort. To break is not to build, so one should not subject a love affair to a serious test without good reasons for this on both sides.
How to take a break in a relationship
Many people get lost in the event that their couple came to a misunderstanding, and their relationship turned into a love drama. They cannot understand what a pause in a relationship means and where it will lead. You also need to be able to part for a while so that there is no final break between the beloved. The gender issue is also important in this case, because representatives of opposite sexes react differently to such a situation.
If the initiator of the temporary break with the chosen one is a man

Women are less likely to become a source of termination of the existence of a couple, which had previously developed successfully. Representatives of the stronger sex do this much more often when they want to shift responsibility for the current situation onto the fragile shoulders of the chosen one.
Men often think whether pauses in relationships are needed and how to generally react to emerging women's whims. However, if a potential chosen one values his relationship and initially sees an imminent conflict, then he should convey to his beloved the rules for temporarily stopping close communication in the following way:
- Analyzing your behavior … It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself the fact after which act of the beloved coldness appeared in the established relationship. If the reason for the voiced action is quite serious, then a pause is simply necessary so that more weighty prerequisites for the final separation do not appear. Hence, the woman should be aware of why further communication should be avoided in the near future.
- Clear prioritization … Men are usually more harsh when making such a decision, because they sometimes feel less painful about the loss of past feelings. If a lady of the heart is dear to a representative of the stronger sex, then you need to make her understand that this is not the end of the relationship, but just a timely and logical pause. In the case of a complete cooling of feelings in relation to some interesting woman in the past, it is necessary to specifically designate this for her. Any person has the right to a happy life, and it is not worth taking away precious time from him for fruitless hopes in the form of a “happy-far away” scheme.
- Timeout duration discussion … For women, such a proposal will seem long, but it makes it possible to build a model for the future behavior of the couple. The phrase "let's part for a month" does not mean absolutely anything, but, nevertheless, carries a significant semantic load. The lady will be warned about the terms of the contract and agree to wait for the end of the sentence. It is not a fact that the term of the so-called punishment will not end earlier, because the woman herself may cease to be interested in her ex-partner.
If the initiator of the pause in the relationship is a woman

The fair sex often intuitively feel the danger that threatens mutual understanding in their pair. Based on the statistics of well-known experts, they must be correct when saying a temporary "no" to their man:
- Preliminary preparation … Do not shock your soul mate with an ultimatum if she is not ready for it. From a distance and very tactfully it is necessary to explain to your man that some respite in the relationship is simply necessary. For greater persuasiveness, you can cite as an example a familiar couple, whom a pause in a relationship only brought closer together.
- Auspicious moment … In no case should you present your chosen one with an unpleasant surprise when he is in a bad mood or problems at work. This will only show that a woman does not value her man either now or in the future. As a result, he can return to his beloved, but with the condition of a similarly cold relationship.
- Correct wording of phrases … Without screaming and in an affectionate voice, it is worthwhile to accurately convey the information to your soulmate about the upcoming changes in the relationship. It is worth speaking clearly, but in fact, so as not to create an illusion for the beloved.
Rules of conduct during a pause in a relationship

In this case, the gender issue in such a difficult period for a couple does not have any special significance. It is very important to decide for yourself how to pause the relationship with the least emotional pain:
- Complete absence of pressure … The first step is to control your emotions after asking your partner to temporarily stop close communication. It can be shown that what happened caused a certain discomfort to the victim, because otherwise excessive control of feelings would look like elementary indifference. However, endless phone calls, smothering with declarations of love on the Internet and spying on the object of passion will end in a complete rupture of relations.
- Refusal of prohibited techniques … Only the voiced factor can be worse than the described pressure. Provocation by children, suicide and other unacceptable methods often evokes the most negative emotions in people as a response. Nobody wants to be used in this way, because everyone has the right to choose and is responsible for his own destiny.
- Partial communication … In no case should you put pressure on the initiator of a temporary break in relations. However, it is a gross mistake to completely stop communicating with him. An unobtrusive SMS or neutral message on a social network will not harm the participants in the conflict. At the same time, you need to be as sympathetic as possible and not express negative emotions to each other during communication.
- Honest conversation … With a fairly substantial time after an attempt at a truce in the event of a breakdown in relations, all the dots should be put on the "Y" regarding the situation that has arisen. Each person should value their personal time, and youth and attractiveness for the opposite sex will not last forever even for the most extraordinary person. It is necessary to clearly find out for yourself what the pause in the relationship gave and what are the prospects for the renewal of the union of loving hearts.
It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself the line between the inadmissibility of pressure on the partner during this period and the complete lack of control over the situation. Experts recommend finding a middle ground between the voiced and clearly adhering to it to get out of the crisis.
The consequences of taking a break in a relationship

We do not always acquire what we would like to receive in this life. A pause in the desire to make revenge in personal battles sometimes has the following character of development in the subsequent:
- Complete rupture of relations … Separation is good only in some very rare cases. A man may like the newfound freedom, and a woman is able to come to the conclusion about the end of a love affair. Before making a final decision on the temporary termination of the relationship, you should clearly understand for yourself the prospect of future events.
- Return of the former passion … If the relationship has withstood such a test, then this already speaks of strong feelings for each other. Loving hearts will not be able to stay long apart, because they will be drawn to each other with irresistible force. This test will simply let them know that such experiments should not take place in a stable pair.
- Passionate about another partner … Separation from a partner can sometimes play a cruel joke with both participants in life's drama. It is possible that a former admirer or admirer of the second ladle can take advantage of this circumstance.
How to take a break in a relationship - watch the video:

Some people think about how to deal with a break in a relationship. In some cases, it is easier to prevent it than to further correct the consequences. Love is an action that needs more than just one partner to work on. Before deciding on a break from each other, you should think about the appropriateness of such a relationship in the future.