Super-frequent workouts for big muscles

Super-frequent workouts for big muscles
Super-frequent workouts for big muscles

Each athlete must find that training methodology that will bring results. Find out what training on the course allows you to build big muscles. In modern bodybuilding, most athletes work on each muscle group once a week. A similar training system came to bodybuilding three decades ago. And this revolution was not quiet. Today, few people remember the passions that raged at that time. Today we will talk about the super-frequent workout system for large muscles. However, first you should take a short excursion into history.

Reasons for changing the training methodology

Girl lies on a stationary bike
Girl lies on a stationary bike

As you know, muscle growth is possible only when the athlete performs a large amount of work in the classroom. The more sets and reps you do, the higher your muscle growth rate will be. This fact should be known to you. Actually, it was thanks to the understanding of this basis that bodybuilding was born.

But in the sixties, the first anabolic steroids were created, which, in fact, are doping for the psyche of an athlete, and not only for muscles. When an athlete begins to use AAS, he feels a huge surge of strength and energy, which prompts him to dramatically increase the intensity of the exercise. If you train very often at this time, then even steroids will not be able to prevent overtraining.

In the eighties, almost all pro-athletes began to actively use anabolic steroids, which led to massive cases of overtraining. This can be avoided only by increasing the time for the body to rest. As a result, bodybuilders were forced to break the founding rule of their sport. To avoid overtraining, they began to pump each muscle group once a week.

In the "golden" times of bodybuilding, when Arnie and his comrades shone on the stage, one group trained two or even three times in 7 days. They were sure that the transition to a new training method would simply kill amateur bodybuilding, since without the use of AAS, it was not effective.

It should be admitted that their gloomy predictions were fully justified. Gradually, the number of amateurs decreased and now many bodybuilding competitions are held in half-empty halls. Everyone understands that today athletes are heavily dependent on steroids. The younger generation of bodybuilders dreamed of new achievements and wanted to set mass records. It is clear that this is impossible without anabolic steroids. Mentzer also helped to change the training methodology. Mike is a spokesperson for the old chip, but he embraced the new training system with enthusiasm. N, as we just said, it happened not consciously. Athletes of the "golden" era of bodybuilding have always loved to show off those large weights that they used during classes.

But you understand that if you work with a lot of weight, then you need to reduce the number of sessions for a certain period of time. Mentzer went on to promote super intense classes. Unfortunately, his approach to the training process coincided with the training methods of steroid bodybuilders.

It should be noted that Mentzer's system never became popular. Most bodybuilding enthusiasts are engaged in the evening after working days and they are not at all up to record weights. This again proved Joe Weider's claim that 50 to 60 percent maximum is the best choice for bodybuilders.

Super Frequent Big Muscle Workout Technique

Athlete with a pancake on a training belt
Athlete with a pancake on a training belt

If you are an adherent of natural bodybuilding, then in order to progress you have to return to frequent exercises. However, it should be warned immediately that the modern system of super-frequent training for large muscles has changed dramatically since the "golden" era.

In the eighties, genetics was just beginning to develop and scientists knew practically nothing about the genes that control muscle growth. Now everything has changed, and most scientists explain the mechanism of muscle tissue growth not only by the amount of anabolic hormones, but also by genes. It is these genes, in their opinion, that are capable of enhancing or weakening the effect of hormones.

According to the current scientific concept, due to physical activity, certain genes are activated, which trigger the process of muscle growth. Some of these genes are active only for a couple of hours, while others can "work" for several days. After about three days, all genes become passive again and the mass gain stops.

Thus, if you carry out the next session within two days after the previous one, then it will be possible to dramatically increase the activity of the gene. At the same time, we know that frequent training can cause overtraining. Athletes need to experimentally determine for themselves the optimal combination of training volume with training frequency.

But in this matter, modern genetics has made changes. Scientists are confident that overtraining can be completely avoided by alternating training methods. And now let's move on directly to the training methodology.

You will train each muscle group three times during the week. Let's say you set aside Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to work on your back, deltas, and chest. In this case, the legs and farts should be trained on the remaining days, except Sunday. This day of the week will be free of classes.

You have to perform no more than two movements in each lesson. Do not think that this will not be enough, because the number of classes will increase, and during the week you will complete more than 20 approaches. The style of classes will also have to change. During the first workout, the number of repetitions will be from 6 to 8, on the next from 15 to 20, and on the third, a little less - 10-12 repetitions.

If you calculate the total volume for the week, then the numbers obtained may shock you, since previously such a load would definitely lead to overtraining. You should use super-frequent workouts for large muscles for one or one and a half months, after which you switch to a regular exercise regimen (each muscle group is trained once a week). This is necessary for the recovery of the body and after 4 or 6 weeks of such training, go back to super-frequent exercises.

In more detail about how to train the pectoral muscles in this story with Dmitry Ivanov: