Cheese Breaded Pork

Cheese Breaded Pork
Cheese Breaded Pork

Step-by-step recipe for pork in cheese breading: list of ingredients, cooking technology. Video recipes.

Cheese Breaded Pork
Cheese Breaded Pork

Cheese-breaded pork is an unusual but very tasty dish. First of all, the amazing aroma of the dish and its appetizing appearance are striking. Also, such meat has a rich taste and nutritional value. The benefit of the dish lies in replenishing the reserves of animal protein, vitamins, amino acids and some minerals. Therefore, it can be served with great success for a festive feast.

The best part of the pork carcass for a cheese-breaded pork recipe is the tenderloin, which is sourced from the back. The pulp, located along the lumbar vertebrae, is juicy and tender, so it chews well when finished. You can also use the scapula, thigh, neck. Fresh meat tastes best, but takes a little longer to cook than frozen meat.

It is worth considering that you need to defrost pork gradually in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Defrosting in the microwave or in water will cause the pulp to become drier.

The zest of this dish lies in the use of cheese breading, which improves the taste characteristics of the dish and allows you to make an incredibly attractive crispy crust. You can take any kind of cheese - with a neutral creamy flavor or more piquant with bitterness.

Next, we will outline the recipe for chops in cheese breading with a photo and a detailed description of each step.

See also how to cook pork knee in a savory sauce.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 252 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 35 minutes


  • Pork tenderloin - 400 g
  • Breadcrumbs - 50 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Spices to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking Cheese Breaded Pork Step by Step

Pork pieces on wooden board
Pork pieces on wooden board

1. Before cooking pork in cheese breading, prepare the meat. We cut it into portions, preferably of the same size and shape. The thickness should be about 1 cm. Rinse under running water and dry on all sides with a paper towel.

Chunks of raw pork
Chunks of raw pork

2. If it turned out to make thicker pieces, then it is better to beat them off a little or put them under a press for 10 minutes so that the cooking time does not drag on.

Ingredients for cheese breading
Ingredients for cheese breading

3. Prepare the hard cheese shavings using a fine grater. We spread the cheese mass in a half-portioned plate and mix with bread crumbs. You can also add your favorite seasonings to this.

Piece of pork in a beaten egg
Piece of pork in a beaten egg

4. Put a frying pan on medium heat and heat the oil on it. At this time, in a separate deep plate, beat the egg mass for pork in cheese breading, add a little. Then, one by one, each piece of meat is lowered into the batter.

A piece of pork in breadcrumbs
A piece of pork in breadcrumbs

5. After that, immediately roll in breading on all sides, leaving no gaps. The denser the "fur coat" is, the more juiciness the pork will retain.

Pork fried in a pan
Pork fried in a pan

6. Put the meat in a frying pan and fry on both sides. To make the crust grab, we immediately make a strong fire, and after 2 minutes we reduce it a little. It is advisable to exclude piercing of pieces with a fork in order to check readiness, because the juice will drain from the inside and soften the crisp. It is also better to use a wooden spatula for turning over. On average, to cook the pork until tender, it is enough to fry it for 5 minutes on each side.

Cheese Breaded Pork Ready to Serve
Cheese Breaded Pork Ready to Serve

7. Cheese-breaded pork is ready! Mashed potatoes or boiled rice are suitable as a side dish. On the festive table, the dish can be served accompanied by fried mushrooms, pickles or sliced vegetables with herbs.

See also video recipes:

1. Juicy pork chops

2. Pork chops with cheese
