Fire cut

Fire cut
Fire cut

Find out what are the features of this procedure and what benefits it brings to your hair. Women always want to look stylish, fashionable and modern, so they are constantly in search of new technologies with which they can get the desired result. But the beauty industry does not stand still and literally every day offers new and indescribable procedures that no real fashionista can resist.

The main pride of every woman is beautiful, well-groomed and thick hair that can literally bewitch any member of the opposite sex and cause the envious glances of rivals. But what if the strands are weakened and have lost their attractive shine? Such a unique procedure as a haircut by fire comes to the rescue.

What is a fire haircut?


A haircut by fire is a new, very interesting and truly extraordinary cosmetic procedure. Despite its bright name, the master does not cut the hair too much, but simply carries out minor adjustments and treatment of the curls, but their length and shape do not change.

This procedure can have various names - for example, "fire treatment", "pyrophoresis", etc. At the heart of a fire cut is one main goal, to give the hair a healthy appearance and to treat its internal structure.

Today, a haircut with fire is rather difficult to call an innovation, since this procedure was used many centuries ago - instead of the usual scissors, it was fire that was used to give the hair the desired shape. In the beauty industry, fire began to be used long before the usual cosmetic procedures appeared.

On the territory of Russia, a haircut by fire gained great popularity thanks to the famous stylist Olga Kurbanova, since it was she who went to the West to study all the details of this technique, after which she began to teach the masters this art herself.

Is it dangerous to carry out such a procedure?

Hair treatment with fire
Hair treatment with fire

Many girls refuse such a hair-friendly procedure not because they are afraid of the use of fire, but because they lack information. That is why, before deciding or abandoning a haircut by fire, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the intricacies of this procedure.

First of all, it is important to know that a haircut by fire is a completely harmless procedure for hair. There is no danger neither for the client, nor for the master himself, who performs all the manipulations, since strict security measures are observed. The most important thing is the choice of a specialist, because the quality of the procedure performed will directly depend on his professional skills. If a decision was made to perform a haircut with fire, it is imperative to ask the master for a certificate, which says that he has completed the necessary training, knows all the intricacies of this technology and received permission to burn with fire.

In cases where the master does not have a certificate, the procedure can be carried out, but the consequences can be unpredictable. If you use the services of an experienced master, you can not be afraid of anything.

Who can do a fire cut?

The girl gets a haircut by fire
The girl gets a haircut by fire

This cosmetic procedure will be useful not only for women, but also for men, while it does not matter at all what problems with hair there are before starting a haircut.

As a rule, a haircut by fire is most often chosen by owners of long hair. The fact is that the hair is nourished directly from the root, therefore, closer to the ends, it becomes very weak. As a result, there is increased dryness of the strands, split ends, curls become brittle and outwardly resemble a fluffy washcloth.

All these problems will help to quickly remove a haircut by fire. However, one should not assume that this is a panacea for all hair diseases, but the positive effect of the procedure will be noticeable after its completion.

This treatment will help restore shine and health to even weakened and dull hair. The split ends are instantly sealed and retain their attractive appearance for quite some time. It is recommended to carry out a haircut by fire in case of frequent hair dyeing with aggressive agents, perms, constant heat treatments and other harmful procedures.

The main advantage of a haircut by fire is not only that the hair acquires a beautiful appearance, but also an effective treatment and restoration of their structure from the inside takes place, restoring their strength and health. After several sessions, some clients notice that the head began to hurt much less, migraine stopped bothering me.

Contraindications for haircuts by fire

Carrying out the pyrophoresis procedure
Carrying out the pyrophoresis procedure

Despite the fact that this procedure has a lot of positive qualities and helps to quickly restore hair, there are certain contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to carry out if there are any diseases of the scalp.

Advantages and disadvantages of cutting with fire

Men's haircut by fire
Men's haircut by fire

After one procedure, you will notice the following effect:

  • the problem of split ends is eliminated, the hair looks healthy and well-groomed along its entire length;
  • there is a feeling of lightness on the head, the hairstyle acquires additional volume and the previous hair density returns;
  • strands become smooth, acquire a natural glossy shine and softness;
  • the problem of hair electrification is eliminated;
  • curls are saturated with the necessary amount of protein, vitamins and amino acids, since these substances are simply vital for them.

This procedure has not only positive qualities, but also a small number of disadvantages:

  • it is necessary to carry out pyrophoresis periodically (once every 2–4 months), since the obtained therapeutic effect lasts for a relatively short time;
  • despite the fact that the procedure does not take too much time, it has a rather high cost - from 2,000 rubles;
  • quality work can only be performed by an experienced and certified specialist;
  • a haircut by fire may not always give the desired result, which happens if it is carried out by an inexperienced master.

How is the procedure carried out?

Stages of carrying out haircuts by fire
Stages of carrying out haircuts by fire

Fire cutting is carried out in several main stages and does not take too long.

Hair preparation

First of all, a thorough preparation of the hair for the upcoming procedure is carried out. First, the strands are washed using a special shampoo, which contains a large amount of substances useful for the hair. The master must carry out all the preparatory procedures with special attention - the curls must be washed thoroughly, since those strands that do not receive the necessary attention, as a result, will be knocked out of the total head of hair.

After washing your hair with shampoo, a special conditioner or ampoules must be used. The product is evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls, while it is selected for each client individually, after the condition of the hair has been determined so that the procedure will bring maximum benefit. The product is left on the strands for 10-15 minutes so that the composition can be completely absorbed. Then the hair is rinsed thoroughly with warm water.

Then a special spray is applied, the main components of which are wheat extract and protein. These substances, in combination with vitamins and essential oils, provide an amazing result from the fire haircut procedure.

Hair protection

The master must take the necessary measures to prevent hair from burning. For this purpose, a special additional composition is applied to the strands, which prevents the likelihood of hair catching fire in case of contact with fire.

The master very carefully drives the fire horizontally along the surface of the hair, so there is no change in their length and the risk of fire is prevented.

During the procedure, each hair is sealed, so it is recommended to avoid injuring them over the next few days and not resort to hot styling. Therefore, if there is a desire to correct the length or shape of the hairstyle, you need to warn the master about this in advance.

Scalding hair

After completing all the preparatory procedures, you can proceed directly to the hair baking process. To make the client feel as comfortable as possible, he sits in the usual hairdressing chair in front of the mirror and will be able to observe all the manipulations performed by the master.

The master himself stands behind the client's back and takes a cotton swab with a medical clamp in his hand, and in the other hand there is a comb made of a special non-flammable rubber material. The fire ignites on a tampon of relatively small size, while it is pre-moistened in alcohol.

Then the master takes one strand of hair near the roots, slightly separates it from the rest and slowly pulls towards the ends. Next, you need to check if the hair is damp enough, if so, in a horizontal direction, it is carried along their surface with a burning cotton swab, lightly touching the curls.

That's all! Now the hair acquires an ideal well-groomed appearance and will delight with its health. The burning time of one tampon is about three minutes. If the hair is of medium length, the master uses about 6-8 tampons. Therefore, the duration of the procedure for a haircut by fire lasts about 15–20 minutes. During this time, even unruly and brittle hair turns into perfectly smooth and soft strands.

Hair cleaning

After the master has carefully worked out all the strands, and there will be no hairs knocking out from the total mass of neat curls, a procedure is performed to clean them from excess.

For this purpose, a special composition is applied to the hair, after which the strands are thoroughly dried with a towel, but the movements should be soft and smooth. During this procedure, all dead particles that have baked are removed, making it easy to remove them. All excess is removed from the hair surface.

After that, the master can start styling the strands, during which all the hairs are smoothed out and the hairstyle is brought to its logical conclusion.

Professional fire clippers advise their clients that in order for the effect to last as long as possible, you should not wash your hair for the next four days after the procedure and try not to use any means that can provoke severe irritation.

In the future, it will be possible to use special formulations for hair care, which will help an experienced master to choose the right one. If you strictly adhere to the instructions received from a specialist, beautiful, well-groomed, shiny, soft, and most importantly, completely healthy hair will delight for a long time with its bright shine and rich color. It is strictly forbidden to try to carry out a haircut by fire at home, since this requires special salon conditions.

You will learn more information about haircut by fire in this video:
