Carica or papaya oakleaf

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Carica or papaya oakleaf
Carica or papaya oakleaf

Description of a subtropical plant as it looks. The chemical composition of fruits, benefits, harm. Culinary recipes. Interesting facts about oak-leaved caricature. Do not immediately add unfamiliar fruit to food. It is recommended that you first visit the office of an allergist and gastroenterologist to make sure that oaky caricum will not negatively affect your health.

How is the fruit of the oaky melon tree eaten?

Parfait with oaky caricature
Parfait with oaky caricature

Valuable milky sap is extracted from the leaves and stems, which lends itself to heat treatment and is used in cooking. It is an excellent component that actively promotes the breakdown of proteins in the body.

Mainly the pulp of a ripe fruit is added to the food. It is juicy, has a rich aroma and sweet taste. It can be eaten fresh.

Oaky carica is used in the manufacture of various fruit salads, snacks, sauces, compotes, juices and alcoholic beverages. Due to the presence of pectin on the basis of the fruit, an excellent jelly is prepared.

The fruit goes well with hard cheeses, especially Parmesan cheese. Its taste can be emphasized by basil, mint, anise, star anise, nutmeg, vanilla and cinnamon.

Recipes for dishes with oaky karik

Creamy soup with oaky carica
Creamy soup with oaky carica

The juicy pulp of the fruit is perfectly revealed both in hot dishes and desserts. It can be combined with seafood and poultry.

Below are the recipes with delicious oaky carica:

  • Chicken breasts in sauce … Oaky carica (200 grams) is crushed with a mixer and combined with 120 ml of heavy cream. A kilogram of chicken fillet is cut into small pieces. Sprinkle the frying pan with a lot of vegetable oil and fry the meat for about 2 minutes so that it does not have time to give juice. Then add finely chopped onion, salt and black pepper to taste. The ingredients are fried under the lid for 5-8 minutes, and then the creamy mixture is poured. Make fire small. The dish is stewed until fully cooked. Serve hot.
  • Shrimps with pepper and oaky curd … 400 grams of shrimp are thoroughly washed, dried and strung on wooden sticks. Thanks to them, you can then conveniently turn the meat during frying. The seafood is pepper and salted at your own discretion. 100 grams of oaky carica pulp are chopped into cubes and placed in a preheated and abundantly oiled frying pan. After the fruit is covered with a thin crust, you can remove it. Then sticks with shrimps are fried from all sides. When the meat is fried, it is placed on the cooked oaky carik. At the end, the dish is sprinkled with olive oil, garnished with herbs and lemon.
  • Cheesecakes with caramel sauce … 2 tablespoons of flour are combined with 250 grams of 5% cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and a chicken egg. Then add 4 tablespoons of buckwheat flakes and 1 teaspoon of baking powder. You should get a thick mass. To make it more convenient to form syrniki, it is worth moistening your hands with water. The dough is placed in small cakes in a preheated and oiled frying pan. Fry on both sides until golden brown. In parallel with this, fruit sauce is prepared. An apple, an oak-leaved brownie and a quince are cut into cubes. All this is poured with freshly squeezed lime juice. Next, heat 3 tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, lay out the fruit and sprinkle with 3 tablespoons of sugar. Stew the ingredients until soft. To make the pieces caramelized, you need to increase the heat at the end of cooking. Cheesecakes are poured with fruit sauce and served for breakfast. For sourness, you can add cranberry or pomegranate seeds.
  • Parfait … 300 grams of oaky carica pulp are passed through a blender. Then take a few glass goblets for dessert. Pour yogurt in the first layer, then fruit puree. And so on until the ingredients run out. Parfait looks beautiful and will decorate any table.
  • Cheesecake salad … Beat juice and lemon zest with a blender with 100 ml of liquid yogurt and 200 grams of creamy soft cheese. Powdered sugar is added at its own discretion. 2 medium pears, stripped and diced. 100 grams of oaky carica is also crushed. All ingredients are mixed and distributed in glass goblets. Garnished with raspberries and crumbled waffles.
  • Matsoni … In a blender, thoroughly beat 60 ml of milk, 60 ml of oaky carica puree and 60 ml of yogurt. Then add 30 ml of cinnamon syrup, a couple of ice cubes to the drink and stir with a spoon. You can decorate with a piece of brownie or mint.
  • Milkshake … In a bowl, combine 70 grams of oaky carica puree, 50 grams of vanilla ice cream, 25 grams of pumpkin muffin, 20 grams of white chocolate, 90 ml of milk and 25 grams of mango sauce. Beat the ingredients with a mixer. Separately whip 50 grams of 33% cream and spread it over the fruit with a "head". The dessert is then garnished with pastry balls for sprinkling, a pumpkin muffin, and pieces of tulip dough cookies.
  • Scallop salad … 500 grams of scallops are salted, pepper and poured with olive oil. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Then they are fried in an oiled and preheated frying pan until golden brown. 100 grams of oaky carica pulp and 2 fresh cucumbers are cut into slices. Wash, dry and place 200 grams of salad greens in the center of a wide plate. Next, make a refueling. To do this, beat with a blender 20 grams of ginger root, a teaspoon of sesame oil, a tablespoon of lime juice, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of brown sugar, a pinch of ground red pepper and a tablespoon of soy sauce. Then, scallops, oak-leaved brownies, cucumbers are spread over the greens and watered with dressing. Serve immediately.
  • Cream soup … Heat 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seed oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Then finely chopped white onions, ginger and chili peppers are thrown into it. Fry for a couple of minutes and add pre-diced 2 potatoes, 2 carrots and 700 grams of pumpkin. After a couple of minutes, add a teaspoon of curry and cinnamon. Then pour in so much broth so that all the vegetables are covered under it. The oaky carica is cut into cubes and thrown into the soup. Cook the dish over low heat until the carrots and potatoes are cooked. After that, pour in 200 ml of cream and beat with a submersible mixer. Salt and pepper the soup at your own discretion. You can sprinkle with lemon juice. Before serving, the cream soup is garnished with pumpkin seeds and poured over with pumpkin oil.

The oaky carica is often included in the traditional dishes of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.

Interesting facts about oak leaf papaya

How does the oak-leaved caricature grow?
How does the oak-leaved caricature grow?

The tree is characterized by a special shade tolerance, withstands frosts at temperatures up to -8 degrees, and also easily tolerates drought. But oakleaf carica is susceptible to waterlogging and quickly dies. It grows best in well-drained soil.

The plant has a high yield percentage. During one season, oaky carica can give several thousand fruits. This tree has repeatedly saved the local population from hunger and drought. The plant is used in the manufacture of products for strengthening hair and whitening freckles. It is also used in pharmacology.

When choosing an oaky carica, it is necessary to focus on the color of the peel. Only ripe fruits are eaten, so their color should be orange. In addition, it is worth focusing on the integrity of the peel. There should be no dents, cracks or dark spots on it.
