Find out what psychological tricks can help you lose fat without losing your mood and performance. The result is weight loss up to 10 kg per month. Some people start preparing for the beach season three months before, while others put it on the back burner and decide to start losing weight two weeks before the vacation. Most people are ready to give money for any drug or method of losing weight, if they are promised that everything will go quickly and without unnecessary effort.
You must understand that if you do not put in the effort, then no super fat burner can help you. One gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories and is an inviolable supply of energy for the body, with which it simply does not want to part. If you want to lose, say, 5 kilos of fat, then you need to burn 45 thousand calories. It should be borne in mind that:
- Fasting for three months will save you thousands of calories a day.
- An hour of cardio training burns about 400 calories.
- An hour of strength training - 500 calories.
As you can see from the figures above, it is very difficult to get rid of five kilos of fat in a couple of months. However, this does not mean at all that this cannot be achieved. Bodybuilders put themselves in order in about the same period of time. The thing is that they adhere to a certain regime. First of all, it should be a balanced diet and strength training.
In this regard, I would like to tell the girls that they should not be afraid to train with dumbbells and barbells. If you do not use AAS at the same time (and we are sure that you do not need it at all), then you will be able not so much to gain muscle mass as to burn fat. This is what you want to achieve, right? You will never be able to build big muscles with natural training. Actually, men without steroids will look a little like Olympia winners, but their bodies will become beautiful and athletic.
It is also important to know that muscles at rest require a lot of energy to maintain. If you increase your muscle mass, then you speed up your metabolism and, as a result, fats will be burned more actively. Let's see how to quickly start losing weight in fitness without moral stress. Let's start with those methods though. Which will not allow you to achieve your goals, but in the old years they were considered effective for fat burning.
How can you not lose weight in fitness?


Previously, running was considered a very effective way to lose weight. But today it is known that it is an excellent way for the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Fats will be burned only for half an hour or a little longer from the moment you start running.
At the same time, running can be used to burn fat, but it should be specific - interval. This concept should be understood as a change in the intensity of running approximately as follows:
- 100 meters should be run at maximum intensity.
- You just need to walk 200 meters at a calm pace.
- 300 meters - run with medium intensity.
You should do these activities throughout the week. Only in this case, the body will begin to burn fat, and this process will last about 20 hours after the end of the lesson. Add to that an effective fat burner and the results can be very good. It should also be remembered that the fat burning processes start only at the moment when you work with a heart rate of about 130 beats per minute.
Previously, running with a belt-sauna was quite popular. If you want to see a couple of hundred grams of weight loss on the scale, you can try it. But remember that in this case, fluid is simply excreted from the body, which will soon return to you along with the lost grams, if you just drink a glass of water or juice.
Hoop and side bends

The hoop, except for bruises on the sides, will not give you anything. To get a similar effect, you can simply rotate the pelvis with the same amplitude. But the fact is that there will be no fat burning effect from this.
The side bends will help you fit well into jeans that are one or two sizes larger than everyday jeans. Bends are physical exertion and muscles increase under its influence. As a result, you will only add a couple of centimeters at the waist. If you are not doing powerlifting (it strengthens the stabilizing muscles well), then this exercise is useless for you.
Do not eat after 6 pm

This recommendation has been around for decades. You need to organize your meals so that you consume fewer calories than you spend. Meal time is irrelevant here. In the evening, you should not eat fats and carbohydrates, but protein compounds are even needed, for example, cottage cheese, fish, or, best of all, egg white. You should also drink at least two and a half liters of water during the day, take omega-3 supplements and eat fiber.
How to lose weight fast in fitness?

At the moment, in terms of fighting fat, there is no alternative to strength training combined with proper nutrition.
Strength training

Train two or three times throughout the week and do only multi-joint movements. In one session, perform 5 or 6 movements in 3 or 4 sets. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of your diet by 500 calories, and as a result, you can lose half a kilogram of mass within a week. It is this rate of weight loss that is optimal, since only fats are burned, not muscle tissue.
You can add to this and cardio sessions, which must be carried out after strength training, on an empty stomach in the morning, or set aside separate days for them. Moreover, they should not last more than 30 minutes, and the heart rate should be in the range from 130 to 140 beats per minute. It should also be said that while losing weight, you should not think about gaining mass. There is no way to combine these two processes. If you are overweight, then first you need to get rid of it, and then gain weight and repeat the cycle.
The following video will introduce you to strength training in fitness for weight loss:
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