Find out how bodybuilders adapt to super-intense workouts and keep progressing. Genetics or steroids for performance? Modern sports science includes a fairly large number of areas. Some of them are quite young. Learn about athletic adaptation in bodybuilding.
Sports adaptology is a scientific direction, the purpose of which is to study biochemical, morphological, biochemical changes in the body that occur during training. For this, methods of mathematical or speculative modeling of adaptation processes of various duration are used.
The essence of sports adaptation in bodybuilding

Any scientific direction in the course of its formation goes the way from myth-making and empiricism to theoretical knowledge of the objects of its study. At the last stage of development (theoretical knowledge), object models are created, which are subsequently studied as thoroughly as possible. Object models should be created taking into account all the knowledge gained so far. Thus, modeling can be called a tool for generalizing and systematizing accumulated knowledge.
For obvious reasons, differential calculus is the best tool for creating object models. Only with the help of differential equations it is possible to describe the object itself and all the processes occurring in it.
Sports adaptation in bodybuilding is designed to study the behavior of the body during training and competition. The behavior of the body of athletes as a whole cannot be accurately studied by sports physiology, since this direction sets itself the task of studying the work of individual systems of the body.
Models of organs and body systems of athletes in bodybuilding

As the scientific direction develops, models of research objects appear, thanks to the study of which it is possible to find modern technologies and learn new properties. Sports adaptology is designed to scientifically explain the mechanisms of work of all systems of the body of athletes.
Ideal muscle tissue cell

At a first approximation, all animal cells have the same structure. For example, a muscle tissue cell (fiber) has a membrane (sarcolemma), while the sarcoplasm contains all the usual organelles and nuclei. It is worth recalling that muscle fibers are multinucleated cells. There are also specific organelles - myofibrils.
After a detailed examination of the structure of the cell, one can proceed to the study of the physiological processes taking place in it. From a sports point of view, we are most interested in catabolic and anabolic reactions.
Anabolic processes are provided by DNA and polyribosomes, which are activated by hormones of the steroid group. For the development of physical qualities, testosterone and growth hormone are of the greatest interest. It should also be noted that steroid hormones are only able to penetrate into active cells. Catabolic processes are provided by the efforts of lysosomes. They are activated at the time of cell acidification (the appearance of hydrogen ions in them). This leads to an increase in pores in cell membranes and, as a consequence, diffusion processes are accelerated.
Thus, it can be concluded that the development of active cells can be caused by an increase in the level of hormones of the steroid group. From this, two basic training principles can be determined:
- By controlling the central nervous system and muscles, you can control the work of the hormonal system (the synthesis of growth hormone and testosterone).
- Controlling the level of hormones of the steroid group will cause adaptive processes of restructuring of active muscle fibers.
Hormonal system

The hormonal system includes several glands that secrete all hormonal substances, for example, the pituitary gland, testicles, adrenal glands, etc. During strength training, the cerebral cortex is exposed to stress, which leads to the activation of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. As a result, the anterior pituitary gland begins to synthesize hormones, including growth hormone.
This leads to the synthesis of new myofibrils (the effect of growth hormone on muscle cells) and the acceleration of testosterone production by the testicles (the effect of FSH and LH on the gonads). After the penetration of testosterone into the cells of muscle tissue, the processes of creating myofibrils are started in them. All these processes ultimately cause an increase in sports results. Thus, one more training principle can be distinguished - those exercises that are performed with maximum intensity can be effective.
The immune system

The immune system includes such elements as thymus, bone marrow, lymph nodes, etc. blood elements are synthesized in the bone marrow, and testosterone and vitamin B12 have the maximum effect on the functioning of this organ. Thus, loads that cause severe stress contribute to strengthening the performance of the bone marrow and, as a consequence, the entire immune system.
For how bodybuilding affects the body, see this video:
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