Lee Labrada: 4 Steps to Big Muscle in Bodybuilding

Lee Labrada: 4 Steps to Big Muscle in Bodybuilding
Lee Labrada: 4 Steps to Big Muscle in Bodybuilding

The bodybuilder of the golden era of bodybuilding is ready to share with you 4 secrets of how to build big and prominent muscles. Most people have big discipline problems when it comes to building their bodies. As paradoxical as it may sound, a pro-athlete and an ordinary person have the same level of self-discipline.

The only difference is in habits. If a professional athlete has accustomed himself to constant training, proper nutrition and adherence to the daily regimen, then a person leading a passive lifestyle is simply used to doing nothing after work. As a result, the former have a beautiful athletic body, while others envy them and continue to watch TV with a hamburger.

The situation can only change if you set a specific goal for yourself and begin to move towards it. Today you can get acquainted with the advice of a famous bodybuilder and take the first 4 steps to big muscles in bodybuilding with Lee Labrada.

Tips from Lee Labrada for aspiring athletes

Famous bodybuilder Lee Labrada
Famous bodybuilder Lee Labrada

To change your body, you have to change your attitude towards life. Here are four tips to help you take your first steps towards an athletic and beautiful body.

Make a plan

Workout plan
Workout plan

First of all, you need a goal and a plan to achieve it. Write in a notebook what you want to achieve and indicate the deadline for solving the problem. You shouldn't set global goals for yourself. They should be achievable in the short term. For example, within two months I need to burn 4 kilos of fat.

Determine what might be holding you back from your plan

The athlete is pushing up from the floor
The athlete is pushing up from the floor

After setting a goal, you must identify a few of your habits that may interfere with the task at hand. Let's say you skip meals because you don't have enough time (no desire) to cook healthy food. You are used to turning off the alarm and for this reason you are constantly late with charging. You constantly forget to take sports supplements. You break your daily routine because you watch TV late or stay on the Internet.

There can be many such reasons and you should choose the most significant ones.

Replace bad habits with good ones

The guy is pushing up from the floor with the girl on his back
The guy is pushing up from the floor with the girl on his back

When bad habits have been identified, replace them with good ones. With reference to our example, it is necessary to determine the time when you will cook your own food, do not turn off the alarm, go to bed at a strictly allotted time and make a plan for using a sports meal.

Keep a list of good habits in front of your eyes

Making a list of good habits
Making a list of good habits

In order not to return to old negative habits, you need to hang a list of good habits in a prominent place. Otherwise, in a couple of days you will be back to the old.

Of course, changing your lifestyle is very difficult. Good habits are hard to get used to, but very easy to live with. The opposite is true for bad habits. New habits can take root in your subconscious after a month or more, but when this happens, your life will change in a positive way. You will most likely feel uncomfortable when you start exercising. However, after a while you will enjoy the training process. Watching in the mirror how your figure changes and you become more beautiful, motivation will increase. After that, you will no longer miss classes without good reason. Any business at first turns out to be difficult and bodybuilding is no exception.

More about the fate and career of Lee Labrad in this video: