Meat in sour cream and tomato sauce, very tasty

Meat in sour cream and tomato sauce, very tasty
Meat in sour cream and tomato sauce, very tasty

A step-by-step recipe for meat in sour cream-tomato sauce: choice of products, cooking technology. Video recipes.

Delicious meat in sour cream and tomato sauce
Delicious meat in sour cream and tomato sauce

Meat in sour cream and tomato sauce is a nutritious dish with excellent taste characteristics. Usually it is prepared for an everyday table, but you can always change the serving format and please loved ones and guests with this meal on a holiday.

For a recipe for meat in sour cream and tomato gravy, the back, loin, rib part, shoulder blade are suitable. But the cervical part is of greater value, tk. there, the meat has tender layers of fat and is distinguished by its juiciness and tender structure.

Fresh produce always provides the best taste of the finished meat in sour cream tomato gravy. When choosing, you should pay attention to the appearance and some other characteristics. Quality meat, depending on the part of the carcass, has natural shades of red, without any spots. The smell is not strong, pleasant. When pressed firmly with a finger, the resulting dent is quickly straightened. If this does not happen, then the pulp has been frozen. Thawed meat becomes poorer in nutrients and loses its structure.

We propose to study a simple recipe for meat in sour cream and tomato sauce with a photo and prepare this dish for the next feast.

See also Cooking Pork Goulash in Tomato Gravy.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 148 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Pork - 500 g
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons
  • Flour - 1 tablespoon
  • Broth or water - 1 tbsp.
  • Spices to taste

Step-by-step cooking of meat in sour cream and tomato sauce

Meat pulp
Meat pulp

1. Before cooking meat in sour cream-tomato sauce, it must be prepared. So, we rinse the pulp and place it in a container with cool water for 10-15 minutes. Next, drain the water and dry it a little with a towel. We remove the pleura and bones, cut off excess fat. Cut with a sharp knife into small pieces. We strive to give them the same shape and size so that the finished dish looks organic.

The meat is fried in a pan
The meat is fried in a pan

2. Heat vegetable oil over high heat in a wide frying pan with high sides. At this stage, you can also lay out a few pieces of bacon, melt the fat from it to make the dish more high-calorie and juicy, and then remove from the pan. Next, put the meat there and fry it until a fried crust forms, stirring occasionally. The juice that comes out does not have to be evaporated; it can be removed from the container and used later during stewing.

Adding flour to roasted pork
Adding flour to roasted pork

3. Sprinkle flour on the fried pork and stir. This breading helps to preserve the juiciness of the main product and ultimately make the gravy thicker.

Adding sour cream and tomato paste to pork
Adding sour cream and tomato paste to pork

4. Put the products for sour cream and tomato sauce in the meat. Sour cream softens the taste of the finished dish, and tomato paste gives it sourness and allows the meat to reach readiness faster.

Pork is fried in sour cream and tomato sauce
Pork is fried in sour cream and tomato sauce

5. Pour broth or plain water into the pan, mix thoroughly so that the sour cream and tomato paste are well dissolved. We reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to simmer under the lid for 30-40 minutes. The mass should boil slightly. If the liquid evaporates quickly, you can add some more broth in the process. Ultimately, the gravy should be thick enough to coat every bite of pork.

Meat ready to serve in sour cream and tomato sauce
Meat ready to serve in sour cream and tomato sauce

6. Delicious meat in sour cream-tomato sauce is ready! To serve it, you can choose a separate dish with high sides and decorate with herbs. Any cereals or vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

See also video recipes:

1. Pork in a thick gravy

2. Pork in sour cream-tomato sauce
