A simple recipe that is great for breakfast, afternoon tea, dinner or a snack for all family members with tea, coffee, milk or compote … pancakes with pear jam. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

I suggest making delicious and tender pancakes with pear jam for breakfast. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is to know the exact amount of products, have a good frying pan and a great mood. And for novice chefs, a detailed description of the step-by-step recipe will not be superfluous.
Such a recipe will help out when pancakes are baked in the evening, and they have not eaten everything. It is a pity to throw them away, and the next day it is no longer tasty to eat. Then there is a great way to dispose of them: reheat the pancakes in the microwave to make them look fresh, and brush with pear jam. However, it is convenient to spread thin pancakes with other toppings: any fruit jam, honey, curd mass and other tasty filling. In addition, if you have a lot of pancakes left, about 10 pieces, then you can make a cake of them by smearing each pancake with jam and leaving it to soak for 1-2 hours.
See also making apricot pancakes.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 301 kcal.
- Servings - 15
- Cooking time - 1 hour

- Milk - 500 ml
- Sugar - 1-3 tablespoons
- Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
- Pear jam - for filling
- Eggs - 1 pc.
- Flour - 250 g
- Salt - a pinch
Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with pear jam, recipe with photo:

1. Pour milk into the dough container. It can be heated to a hot temperature for custard pancakes, or it can be used chilled for thin patches.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the milk. It must be added so that the pancakes do not stick to the bottom of the pan during frying. If butter is not added to the dough, then before baking each pancake, the pan will have to be greased.

3. Then add eggs to the dough.

4. Whisk the liquid components until smooth.

5. Add flour to the dough, sift through a fine sieve, so that it is enriched with oxygen and the pancakes are softer.

6. Knead an elastic, smooth dough without lumps of consistency similar to liquid sour cream.

7. Place the pan on the stove and heat well. Before baking the first pancake, grease the pan with fat: vegetable or butter, lard or lard. You do not need to do this in the future. Spoon the dough with a ladle and pour it into the pan, rotating it in all directions so that it spreads in a circle. Fry the pancake on both sides for 1-1.5 minutes until golden brown.

8. Place the fried pancakes in a stack on top of each other, greasing them with butter if desired.

9. Turn the stack of pancakes over to the back.

10. Place the pear jam in the middle of the pancake. If desired, you can spread it all over the pancake. The jam should be thick so that it does not spread and flow out of the patches.

11. Roll up the pear jam pancakes and serve them with tea or coffee. They can be consumed both warm and chilled.
See also a video recipe on how to cook pancakes with pear jam and lingonberries.