The benefits of orange oil

The benefits of orange oil
The benefits of orange oil

After reading this article, you will learn the benefits of orange oil and how to use it for hair, skin care and as an anti-cellulite agent. Orange oil is a natural source of three types of essential oils that are extracted from the rind of the orange fruit, the leaves of the plant and its flowers. This oil is obtained using the cold pressing process.

Today, orange oil is most often used in home cosmetology, folk medicine, perfumery, cooking, and aromatherapy. It turns out ether from the peel of not only sweet, but also bitter fruits. Orange oil is found in the form of an oily liquid of orange or yellow hue, has a pronounced characteristic aroma. The oil obtained from bitter orange has a more viscous consistency and has a rich color (bright orange or dark brown). It will have a fresh and slightly bitter aroma, which is characterized by a light, almost imperceptible shade of citrus.

Orange oil properties

Oil, fruits and leaves of orange
Oil, fruits and leaves of orange

The scope of use of essential orange oil is quite wide, since it has a lot of useful properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • deodorant;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • is an effective natural antidepressant.

Orange oil has the ability to awaken the appetite, which is why it is recommended for use in the treatment of symptoms of anorexia. For many centuries, this tool has been actively used in perfumery. It is added to perfumes, lotions, creams, deodorants, and colognes.

Orange oil dosage

Orange oil in a pipette
Orange oil in a pipette

Using orange oil, like any other ester, you must very carefully observe the correct dosage, otherwise there is a risk of serious harm to your own health.

Orange oil can be used in the following dosages:

  1. For the preparation of aromatic baths, 5 drops of pure ether are taken, but not more.
  2. To obtain cosmetic nutritional products, it is necessary to use 5 drops of ether per 20 g of the base (cream or lotion).
  3. For the preparation of smoking mixtures that will be used for medicinal purposes, 2–5 drops of ether are taken (the volume of oil is determined taking into account the area of the room).
  4. Orange oil can be used as an additional active ingredient in shampoos. This product is ideal for dry hair care and dandruff treatment. In this case, 4–5 drops of ether are taken for 20 g of raw material.
  5. For massage, it will be enough to take 8 drops of ether per 30 g of any cosmetic product to which oil will be added.
  6. For a bath or sauna, you will need 8-9 drops of orange oil.
  7. Orange oil can be used to rub joints to relieve pain - about 7-8 drops of ether are taken for 20 g of base.

How to use orange oil?

Manufactured orange oil in a bottle
Manufactured orange oil in a bottle

Orange oil helps with bleeding gums - recommended for use as compresses. A lotion with orange and vegetable oil is applied to the gums (the components are taken in equal proportions). Also, orange ether can be added to a variety of medicines designed to combat different types of dermatitis.

Also, orange oil will help improve eyesight and is beneficial for people who have to work at a computer for a long time. Due to the constant stress on the eyes, orange oil quickly relieves tension from the accommodative muscle.

By adding 1 drop of ether to a glass of fresh orange juice, in the spring you can get rid of hypovitaminosis, and with the onset of summer this drink will provide a quick and even tan.

This remedy has a pronounced pacifying effect, therefore it helps to quickly get rid of attacks of insomnia, which was provoked by a strong nervous strain. Orange oil can be used to combat stress as well as emotional exhaustion. Scientists were able to identify another unique property that orange oil has - it helps to lower the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Regular intake of orange oil helps to improve the absorption of vitamin C by the body, therefore, the likelihood of developing various infections is minimized. It is recommended to use this remedy during the treatment of colds accompanied by high fever and bronchitis.

Ester helps to normalize bowel function, which is why it is prescribed to treat diarrhea and constipation, especially if you have recently suffered severe stress.

This remedy is also beneficial in case of disturbances in the work of the circulatory system, with edema, obesity. Orange oil helps improve the formation of collagen fibers, which are essential for proper muscle building. That is why this remedy is recommended for rickets and severe muscle pain.

Orange oil is popular among girls as it helps to quickly get rid of pronounced signs of cellulite. It helps to strengthen the elasticity of the epidermis, accelerates the process of removing toxins from the body. This remedy is useful for owners of dry skin, especially if there are pronounced signs of flaking. With its constant use, the formation of new wrinkles is prevented, and the process of cell regeneration is accelerated. Also, orange oil quickly cleanses the skin and removes age spots, freckles.

Orange oil is considered to be a universal remedy for aromatherapy, as it can be combined with any other types of essential oils - for example, cloves, chamomile, jasmine, juniper, lavender, coriander, cypress, etc.

This remedy has a positive effect on human bioenergetics during massage. Orange oil helps to quickly restore emotional balance, it is much easier to tolerate serious illnesses and stress.

For hair care

Girl combing
Girl combing

With the help of orange oil, dry scalp can be eliminated, dandruff can be cured and hair is effectively strengthened. You can use this tool in a variety of ways.

You can take a couple of drops of ether and apply to the surface of the combs, then carefully comb the curls so that the product is evenly distributed along the entire length. This type of oil is allowed to be used 3 times a week, but only if an allergic reaction is not caused.

A mask with the addition of orange oil brings benefits:

  1. It is necessary to mix 6-7 drops of ether with 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil (can be replaced with almond, olive, sesame).
  2. The base oil is first heated in a water bath, then orange ether is added.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to damp hair, then a plastic bag and a warm towel are put on top.
  4. The mixture is left on the curls for 50-60 minutes, then the head is washed using shampoo.

You can use a hair balm that does not require rinsing:

  • Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed flax seeds, 1 tsp. coconut oil, 3-4 drops of orange essential oil.
  • First, flax seeds are ground until a powder is obtained. Then it is poured with 100 g of water (hot) and left to infuse until the liquid has completely cooled. Then the mixture is filtered.
  • Coconut and orange oil are added to the resulting broth, all components are well mixed.
  • The finished balm is applied to previously washed and damp strands - a small amount of the product is rubbed in the palms and evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls.

Do not use too much balm as this will make your hair look greasy and dirty. This cosmetic product is very easy to prepare, but if you use it regularly, you can easily get rid of the problem of split ends and strengthen your hair. After a one-month course, the strands become silky and soft to the touch, return their natural shine and the styling process is greatly facilitated.

For facial skin care

The girl is given a mask based on orange oil
The girl is given a mask based on orange oil

Orange oil is ideal for those with dry skin. It can also be used for lip care. This agent helps to stimulate the process of blood flow to the skin, therefore, an improvement in tissue cell regeneration occurs.

To care for dry skin, you can independently prepare a nourishing cream:

  • You need to take 2-4 drops of orange oil and 2-2, 5 tsp. base oils.
  • A little base oil is applied to the palm and orange is added.
  • The resulting composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face, décolleté and neck and distributed with gentle movements.
  • The cream is literally hammered into the skin in the eye area with light patting movements of the fingertips.

For problem skin care, you can use the following mask:

  1. To prepare this composition, you will need to take 1 tbsp. l. powder of blue clay, 2 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice, 1 egg white, 2 drops of orange oil.
  2. Clay powder is diluted with fresh citrus juice. The protein is whipped with a whisk, and all the components are mixed.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the previously cleansed face skin and left for about 12-16 minutes, then washed off.
  4. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, any nourishing cream is applied.

For aging skin, it is recommended to use an easy-to-prepare mask:

  1. Is it taken? pulp of a ripe banana, 3-5 drops of orange oil.
  2. The banana is ground until a mushy mass is obtained, then orange oil ether is introduced.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to clean skin and left for 25–32 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

If this mask is used regularly, nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed, the skin tightens and becomes softer.

Against cellulite

Girl applies orange oil to her legs
Girl applies orange oil to her legs

To quickly get rid of the ugly signs of cellulite, it is recommended to use a relaxing bath. A couple of drops of orange ether dissolve in warm water, and other citrus oils can be added to enhance the benefits of the procedure. You need to take a bath for about 15-18 minutes - you just need to lie down in warm water, enjoying the pleasant aroma, then gently blot the skin without using soap to remove the remaining oil.

Orange oil helps maintain beauty, youth and health. It is enough just to regularly use it as an additional agent for a cream or lotion, or add it to water while taking a bath, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

For more information on what properties orange oil has and how to use it, see this video:

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