Orange oil for cellulite

Orange oil for cellulite
Orange oil for cellulite

Find out how orange oil can help fight orange peel, how it works, and some healthy recipes. The content of the article:

  • What are the benefits of orange oil
  • How does orange oil get rid of cellulite?
  • Orange oil baths for cellulite
  • Anti-cellulite massage with orange oil
  • Wrap - fight against cellulite
  • Cellulite cream

On the eve of summer, we are preparing more intensively for the beach season. Numerous diets, exercise and other methods. What to do with cellulite? Orange oil will help to cope with just this problem, it is as effective as Hendel's Garden pomegranate emulsion for stretch marks.

What are the benefits of orange oil

  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Removal of decay products and toxins from the body.
  • Acceleration and improvement of blood circulation in the skin.
  • Restoration of the upper layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum).
  • Stimulates the production of endorphins.
  • Restoration of tone and activity.
  • Acceleration of fat breakdown.
  • The capillary network is normalized.
  • Improved mood.

In general, the effect of using orange oil cannot be overestimated. There is an increase in immunity, this is an excellent prevention of drying out of the skin, and the oil also helps to find an even, beautiful tan.

Most importantly, do not forget that the oil increases the effect of the sun on the skin, so after using it, before going out, you should apply a sun protection cream.

Overly sensitive skin can react to pure orange oil with irritation and increased sensitivity to light. Therefore, do not apply undiluted oil to the skin. Apricot or peach oils are used as a base.

How does orange oil get rid of cellulite?

Orange oil for cellulite
Orange oil for cellulite
  • There is an acceleration of metabolism and an improvement in mood due to the production of endorphins.
  • Lymph flow and blood flow are accelerated, as a result, the capillary system, which is located deep in the skin, is normalized.
  • Fats in cells are broken down, because lipolysis is stimulated, as a result, the excretion processes are activated.
  • The skin becomes elastic, leveled, because the epidermis is restored.
  • As a result, cellulite reduction.

Using orange oil for cellulite, you should understand that no methods to remove orange peel will help you if you simultaneously eat foods that lead to the formation of the latter every day. Therefore, first of all, change the diet, in which there will be no fatty, flour and sweet foods.

Also, do not apply orange oil to your face if you do not want to subsequently fight the problem of intense facial hair growth. In addition to stimulating hair growth, heavy use of oil in some cases can lead to hyperpigmentation.

Orange oil baths for cellulite

An insanely pleasant method that will help not only remove the bumps of cellulite, but also improve mood, relax and energize. Pour bubble bath into the water, then add ten drops of oil. On average, basking in such water costs about 20 minutes. You may feel a slight burning sensation in areas of fat accumulation, and your body will also steam and become soft. This is a very effective method for opening pores, breaking down and removing fats from the body. Take 15 baths throughout the month.

A bath alone cannot rid you of cellulite. This is the preparatory period for anti-cellulite massage or the use of anti-cellulite creams. And in a complex after joint procedures, you will feel how your body is transforming.

Anti-cellulite massage with orange oil

Anti-cellulite massage with orange oil
Anti-cellulite massage with orange oil

You can massage yourself or ask someone else, as it is not difficult at all. It is necessary to massage and rub the problem areas of the body. Use a few drops of orange oil, but not a lot. When you massage, you may feel a burning sensation, this will be a signal that your body is reacting and fighting the problem. The massage lasts about 20 minutes. You can use additional tools (gloves, exercise equipment, and others).

There is also the following effective massage recipe. You need to mix three drops of oils (preferably juniper and lemon), two drops each - orange and lavender, and do not forget to add honey. After that, start a massage, the duration of which is no more than 7 minutes.

Wrap - fight against cellulite

To wrap, you need white clay (4 tablespoons) and orange oil (6-8 drops). After application, you need to wrap yourself with cling film, and also spend about an hour under a blanket. Rinse off with warm water. Instead of clay, you can use honey or coffee grounds, they are also famous for their active ingredients. The wrap promotes the rapid burning of fat and its release from the skin, in its effect it resembles a steam room. After a course of wraps (10 times every other day), the skin becomes firm and smooth.

Cellulite cream

If you decide to get rid of the unpleasant-looking orange peel, you should use an anti-cellulite cream in addition to the above procedures (read the Cellulax review). Add a few drops of orange oil to your daily cream and massage into your body.

If you spend about a month or two on baths, wraps and massage, you can not only look great, but also forget about cellulite. Also, stick to a healthy diet and forget about bad habits.

Video about the recipe for homemade cellulite wrap from clay and orange oil:
