Ice for face skin

Ice for face skin
Ice for face skin

In this article, we will unveil the secret of applying ice to your face. We will also teach you how, without expensive cosmetic procedures, you can slow down the appearance of wrinkles. Who invented to wipe the skin of the face with pieces of ice? There is no answer to this question, because most likely this method began to be used many decades ago. Today this method is used by a huge number of girls. After all, in order to freeze ice cubes it does not take a lot of money, trouble and time. With the help of ice cubes, you can eliminate expression lines, even out deeper ones, and make them less noticeable. Also, ice is an excellent ally when it is necessary to eliminate swelling and restore skin tone. The only thing that you need to know and always take into account is that in winter you do not need to use ice to wipe your face, this can only harm it.

Benefits of ice for facial skin

Ice cubes and mint leaves
Ice cubes and mint leaves

Everything is very simple, when you drive with a cold cube, based on water or herbal infusion, at first the superficial vessels narrow for a while, and then the deeper ones expand. Due to this, the blood flow to the vessels is significantly increased, the capillaries are filled with this blood as much as possible, and the skin instantly becomes velvety, radiant and "alive". Also, thanks to ice, the aging process is significantly reduced, a beautiful and natural blush appears on the face, and the renewal processes are launched to the maximum. And if you make cubes not just from pure water, but from juices, decoctions, or simply freeze the berries and wipe your face with these pieces of ice, then the effect will be 10 times better.

Tips for using ice cubes

Rubbing your face with ice cubes
Rubbing your face with ice cubes

First of all, you need to select the highest quality and cleanest water. Such water can be purchased at a store (mineral water, but only without gas), at a pharmacy (distilled), or made at home (melt water). How to make melt water? For melt water, you just need to collect ordinary water from the tap into a wide vessel. Then put it in the freezer, wait until the surface of the water grasps, and throw out this ice, the so-called "crust". All the water that remains in the vessel and will be melt water, it is this kind of water that gives the best result, because it is biologically pure.

If you decide to wipe your face with cosmetic ice from decoctions, various juices, then you need to make such ice every 4–5 days, because if it lasts longer, it loses all its beneficial properties. Remember one simple truth: it is difficult to harm oily skin, but it is very easy to dry out dry skin. It is always necessary to take into account your type of skin, because the composition of cosmetic ice cubes will depend on this.

Ice massage of the face must be performed, observing some of the rules of the massage itself:

  1. We lead with a cube from the chin to the earlobes.
  2. Next, draw a line from the corner of the mouth to the middle of the ear, from the lateral surface of the nose and the middle of the upper lip, to the very top of the auricle.
  3. For the eyes, massage is carried out, starting from the inner corner of the eye, then along the upper eyelid, and ends by making a circle again in the same place where we started.
  4. Massage on the forehead, do it from the middle to the temples.
  5. We put an ice cube on the bridge of the nose, lead it along the back of the nose, and slowly lower ourselves to its sides.

And one more piece of advice - don't overcool your skin. The procedure for wiping the skin with ice cubes should take no more than 2-3 minutes, and 5 seconds in one place, so as not to harm your health. You need to drive with an ice cube until it melts. Then, without wiping off with a towel, leave your face moist so that the infusion is gradually absorbed into the skin, making it even smoother and more silky. Also, do not forget that more often than 1-2 times a week, it is prohibited to carry out cold wiping procedures. If you are the owner of oily skin, then after rubbing with ice, you can apply a nourishing cream to your face, but if your skin is dry, then wipe your face with olive oil.

Contraindications for using ice cubes

Girl wipes the area around the eyelids with ice cubes
Girl wipes the area around the eyelids with ice cubes
  • You need to be careful with this procedure if you have skin diseases or are allergic to any herbs, fruits, vegetables. In these cases, ice massage should be carried out only with ice from hypoallergenic components.
  • It is impossible to carry out the massage procedure with ice cubes for people whose vessels are very close to the surface of the skin.
  • Rarely, but there is still a cold allergy. In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to use ice to improve the skin of the face. It's just that he can do much more harm than help.
  • You can never be indifferent to your health, if you have a cold or flu, then immediately stop rubbing with ice cubes.

Of course, there is no doubt that everyone knows their own skin type, and can independently choose the composition of ice cubes. But we would like to give you several universal recipes that are suitable for any skin type.

Cosmetic ice recipes

Ice cubes with fruits and herbs
Ice cubes with fruits and herbs
  • Ice with lemon juice. For 1 glass of water, 4 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice. We wipe our face in the morning, as soon as we woke up, while there is no need to wash.
  • Ice, which includes infusions of chamomile, sage, string, lemon balm or mint. In a 1: 1 ratio, a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of dry plant.
  • Parsley in ice cubes. For 1 glass of water, 4 tablespoons of this fragrant greens, insist for an hour, then into the freezer.
  • Rose petal ice. For 30-40 minutes it is necessary to insist in 1 glass of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. rose petals. You can make ice from a rose in another way: you need to boil the petals for 10 minutes, and then insist in a vessel with a lid for another 20 minutes.
  • Ice from a watermelon. Watermelon juice tones and invigorates the skin, respectively, the ice cubes from it make its properties even more effective.
  • Ice cubes made from strawberry, currant and cherry juice. Wipe your face with a cube of any berry juice, then wash yourself with cold water. But with all this, you do not need to deny your skin the pleasure and care that it can get from frozen pieces of fruits and berries.

Nourish, care for and love your skin, and in return you will receive its excellent condition, beauty and amazing appearance.

For more details on cosmetic ice, see this video:
