The cost of winning bodybuilding tournaments

The cost of winning bodybuilding tournaments
The cost of winning bodybuilding tournaments

Find out what hides behind the mask of muscular bodies in bodybuilding and what is the price athletes have to pay for using steroids and huge muscle lumps? People with an interest in sports constantly see ups and downs in athletes' performance. To achieve good results in bodybuilding, you need to work a lot and hard and rarely can anyone imagine what kind of work is behind a champion title. Now we want to tell you what the price of winning in bodybuilding can be. As an example, let's take a few people with whom you will meet in the course of our conversation.

Sports victory stories and their costs

Famous bodybuilder Dorian Yates
Famous bodybuilder Dorian Yates

The first hero of this article will be Keith, who has two decades of powerlifting experience. Now he is almost fifty, and in his younger years he is one of the best powerlifters in the world. For example, his bench press was 317 kilos, and his squat was 445 kilos.

The worst part of the day for Keith today is morning. He completely calmly dispenses with an alarm clock for a long time, since from further viewing of dreams he is pulled out by severe pain. It starts at about five o'clock in the morning and Keith's first desire at that moment is a dose!

This has been going on for more than a dozen years, but our hero did not choose the easy path and does not use drugs. The feeling of pain that he experiences on a daily basis cannot be compared with anything in life. It starts in the shoulder joints and spreads rapidly throughout the body. His shoulder joints were badly damaged during his training and participation in competitions, and for about seven years he simply cannot play sports.

We often admire the strongest people on our planet, and if you follow the development of the situation in the world of "iron sports", then you know all of them. But after the end of our sports career, we will very quickly forget most of their names and start praising new heroes.

If you decide to learn more about the most common injuries of strength athletes, then you may become scared - joint injuries, torn ligaments and tendons, non-functioning rotators of the shoulder joint, etc. And these injuries are mostly received by the pros who are well known to us.

Keith also belonged to the elite of powerlifting and the various injuries he received throughout his sports career could not unsettle. Keith was proud of his reputation and tried to support it with all his might. But now his main desire is not to be confined to a hospital bed.

Powerlifting and bodybuilding with a professional approach to business are extreme sports. Athletes know this very well and cannot predict when and where they will face another serious injury. If you have taken the path of a professional athlete, then you must remember this. The use of steroids only aggravates the situation, and athletes, in an effort to achieve better results, receive damage to the ligamentous-articular apparatus.

Family life is an equally important problem for pro-athletes. They have to spend a lot of time in the gym and there is simply no time left for their loved ones. Often, athletes constantly delay the conception of children, which also does not contribute to strengthening the family.

Although today you can often hear opinions that the use of anabolic steroids can lead to infertility, this information is not true. According to the famous American sports doctor Eric Serrano, out of thousands of athletes with whom he has worked, only three have such a problem. However, even in these cases it is impossible to say for sure that the reason lies precisely in the AAS. Our second hero today is Eddie. Like all pros, he used AAS and did it quite actively. Often, the total dosage of anabolic steroids within a week reached seven grams. These were Boldenone, Testosterone, Masteron, Thyroid hormones and Clenbuterol.

Eddie himself, answering the question - why did he use such high doses, the guy said that he did it on the advice of one of his friends. Of course, the use of AAS in such an amount caused a sharp increase in strength indicators, but at the same time Eddie did not think at all what this could turn out to be for his health.

Almost all high-level athletes at a certain stage of their career can no longer do without pain relievers. Some even begin to use alcohol and light drugs for this. If this happens for a short time, then there will be no big problems, but when it lasts for years. One of the main problems with the constant use of pain relievers is a sharp decrease in the pain threshold. This makes it easy to tolerate pain during training and in competitions, and it is extremely difficult to refuse taking medications.

Most sports doctors talk about the desire of pro-athletes to heal another injury as soon as possible and quickly return to duty. But this is strongly discouraged. In the short term, this step may bring results, but serious problems are bound to arise in the future.

Every strength athlete must understand that injury is possible at any time, and it can put an end to your entire career. Athletes who have completed their performances are very quickly forgotten, because their place is immediately taken by others.

And now Keith constantly has a question - did he need it? Isn't the price of winning in bodybuilding and other sports high? Doctors warn that athletes need to analyze their victory and compare it with the possible consequences.

Of course, in team sports, say football or basketball, famous athletes can end their careers due to injury. But at the same time, there is a lot of money on their personal bank accounts for their future life after leaving the big sport. Keith made his choice a long time ago, and he was a champion. Unfortunately that was in the past, but now he is one step away from a wheelchair.

The famous Dorian Yates on the cost of winning bodybuilding tournaments:

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