Exercises with maximum eccentric contractions

Exercises with maximum eccentric contractions
Exercises with maximum eccentric contractions

Find out secret exercises to help you develop maximum strength, muscle mass and endurance. The effect is guaranteed - 100%. Strength training causes muscle tissue hypertrophy and increases the physical parameters of athletes. When performing dynamic exercises, the muscles are forced to work in two phases: eccentric and concentric. During the first phase, the muscles are lengthened (lowering the weight), and during the second phase, the muscles are contracted (lifting the weight).

Some novice athletes do not understand that in order to obtain the desired result, the muscles should be loaded as much as possible. To do this, it is necessary to use one of the most important principles of bodybuilding - load progression. Only with the maximum contraction of the muscles, it is possible to cause damage to the tissues, which activates the synthesis of protein compounds and, as a result, will lead to tissue growth.

Maximal eccentric contractions are a very effective way to accelerate muscle fiber hypertrophy. They require maximum effort from athletes and are often not used by athletes. This may be the reason for the lack of progress of bodybuilders.

Eccentric contractions and hypertrophy

Hypertrophy and hyperplasmia
Hypertrophy and hyperplasmia

The fact that more effort is required when performing eccentric contractions has been proven back in the middle of the last century. This is what caused the theory that eccentric contractions stimulate hypertrophy to a greater extent, since more sarcomeres are damaged.

However, it should be noted that the exact mechanism by which resistance training promotes hypertrophy has not yet been established. At the same time, the relationship between maximal eccentric contractions and muscle hypertrophy is clear. During the eccentric phase, muscular efforts are approximately 1.3 times higher than in the concentric phase. This gives reason to say that a person can lower much more weight than lift. It was also found that in the eccentric phase of movement, fewer motor elements work, which implies more stress on the body. When using eccentric repetitions, pain occurs in the muscles, which then disappear due to the adaptation of the body. All damage that is caused to muscle tissue during eccentric contractions can be divided into two stages.

Stage 1 - violations of structural integrity

Scientists are still establishing the cause and mechanisms of myofilament damage, which are caused by eccentric repeats. It is possible that this is due to the rupture of myosin bridges. In the course of one of the studies, it was found that after performing movements in the eccentric phase, more than 80 percent of the total number of microtraumas were injured. At the same time, damage caused by concentric contractions accounted for only 33 percent.

Then another experiment was carried out, during which the athletes worked according to a similar training scheme (8x8). As a result, it was possible to establish that experienced athletes did not receive as much tissue damage as beginners. This is probably due to a higher degree of adaptation of the body to power loads.

Stage 2 - histological stimulants

When the cellular structures of muscle tissue are damaged, special inflammatory enzymes are produced that accelerate the breakdown of fibers, which increases tissue damage. In the course of research, it was found that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) negatively affects anabolic processes. In addition, we can say with confidence that after intensive work of the muscles, their ability to create efforts decreases, and during this period it is desirable to reduce the intensity of training so that the body is fully restored.

In the course of some studies, it has been found that only concentric training is significantly inferior to eccentric training or their combination. At the same time, eccentric repetitions can be very useful for more than just accelerating hypertrophy. Scientists have proven that using concentric contractions alone cannot induce hypertrophy. The strength of the muscles increased, but the hypertrophy did not occur.

Practical application of eccentric contractions

Concentric and eccentric contraction diagram
Concentric and eccentric contraction diagram

We have established that eccentric repetitions can significantly accelerate hypertrophy, and all that remains is to figure out how this knowledge can be applied in practice. The main problem here is that almost all modern sports equipment is focused on concentric repetitions.

But a way out of this situation can be found. For example, when doing leg curls, you raise the platform with two legs and lower it with one. In some cases, you will need the help of a friend, say, in lifting the barbell for the biceps. It is important to remember that eccentric reps must be dosed correctly. This is due to their high trauma and the body needs more time to recover.

Check out eccentric glute exercises. The following video will help you with this:
