What is plasma lifting? Features of the procedure

What is plasma lifting? Features of the procedure
What is plasma lifting? Features of the procedure

To prevent premature skin aging and regain youthfulness, it is worth using the plasmolifting procedure. Learn the intricacies of its implementation. The fairer sex is ready to make any sacrifices to maintain the beauty, health and youth of the skin of the face. Today, a wide variety of cosmetic procedures have been developed that will help stop time and slow down the aging process, achieving almost perfect skin. To directly affect problem areas, it is recommended to apply a universal non-laser procedure called "plasmolifting".

Plasmolifting - what is it?

Explanation of Plasmolifting
Explanation of Plasmolifting

Plasmolifting is a unique modern technology, during which it acts on problem areas of the skin in order to get rid of various cosmetic defects.

The main feature of this procedure is that it does not use activated nitrogen plasma or compressed gas to regenerate or remove damaged epidermis.

Thanks to the use of the patient's plasma, it becomes possible to achieve a pronounced effect of rejuvenation. This technology is widely used today to remove stretch marks and scars on the skin. With the help of plasmolifting, effective treatment of the scalp and hair is also performed.

Plasmolifting indications

Plasmolifting on the skin of the face
Plasmolifting on the skin of the face

This cosmetic procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

  • to eliminate the problem of hair loss;
  • during acne treatment;
  • against acne;
  • with sagging skin, stretch marks;
  • to remove wrinkles and signs of skin aging;
  • to improve the general condition of the skin of the face and body.

Contraindications for the plasmolifting procedure

Man draws compressed plasma into a syringe
Man draws compressed plasma into a syringe

Despite the fact that the plasma lifting procedure is very useful, it has certain contraindications:

  • Prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Cannot be carried out during breastfeeding.
  • If you are allergic to anticoagulants, which are used during the preparation of a solution for injections.
  • When diagnosing severe diabetes mellitus.
  • In the presence of a variety of blood diseases.
  • Under the age of 25.
  • In the presence of various infectious diseases, as well as ailments that negatively affect the immune system, especially if it is in an exacerbation stage.
  • For inflammation in the areas where injections are made during the procedure.

What is the effect of the plasma lifting procedure?

Plasmolifting action scheme
Plasmolifting action scheme

This procedure is based on the effect of plasma, which contains a large number of platelets. It is injected directly into problem areas. As a result, the process of natural rejuvenation of cells begins due to the activation of the body's own reserves.

Plasmolifting helps to accelerate the process of cell renewal, therefore, a more enhanced metabolism and regeneration occurs. This procedure is completely safe, as there is a contactless transfer of heat energy. As a result of the fact that during plasmolifting the patient's own plasma will be used, the probability of rejection and infection is reduced to zero.

It becomes possible to influence directly the deep layers of the epidermis, while the outer layer, which serves as a natural cover, is completely preserved, and the restoration of new skin is accelerated.

During plasmolifting, the elasticity and texture of the skin increases, while the results obtained remain throughout the year.

It also affects deep wrinkles, thanks to which they are quickly smoothed out. Skin color is significantly improved, wrinkles and scars are reduced.

The use of plasma lifting in cosmetology

Girl on the procedure of plasmolifting
Girl on the procedure of plasmolifting

The plasmolifting procedure is widely used in the field of cosmetology and helps to quickly get rid of various skin problems, the restoration of which is due to the influence of the patient's blood cells. Various skin diseases and the aging process provoke serious damage to cells, and to protect them, healer cells are injected directly into problem areas.

In cosmetology, the plasma lifting procedure will help achieve the following results:

  • both visible and latent signs of the process of photo- and chrono-aging of the skin are reduced;
  • the condition of the skin is significantly improved;
  • restoration and regeneration of tissues is activated;
  • the skin returns to its natural elasticity and firmness;
  • it has a restorative effect on the production of hyaluronic acid in skin cells, as well as collagen;
  • small mimic wrinkles are effectively smoothed;
  • lighten, and over time, age spots disappear altogether;
  • the skin returns to its natural healthy tone.

Plasmolifting for facial skin rejuvenation

Wrinkles that can be removed by plasma lifting
Wrinkles that can be removed by plasma lifting

This procedure has an effective regenerating effect, as the plasma promotes the activation of skin rejuvenation. Plasmolifting is performed with a break of two to three days. In a few weeks, positive changes will be noticeable.

To consolidate and enhance the effect obtained, it is necessary to regularly carry out supporting procedures in the future. Plasmolifting can be combined with other types of anti-aging techniques that can be performed independently at home.

Plasmolifting, carried out by an experienced specialist, allows you to radically change your appearance in a relatively short period of time. Including getting rid of visible cosmetic imperfections of the skin, making it perfectly smooth, firm, elastic and tender.

Plasmolifting for acne treatment

Plasmolifting acne treatment
Plasmolifting acne treatment

Acne is an inflammatory process that occurs in the sebaceous glands. As a result, acne forms, which begin to fester, purulent vesicles form, after which their contents come to the surface and a crust appears.

It is very difficult to cure this disease, but such a cosmetic procedure as plasmolifting will help to cope with it. It will take about 4-5 procedures to solve the problem.

The main patient who has a therapeutic effect is the patient's own blood plasma, which is obtained using a special technology. The concentration of platelets in it will be significantly higher than normal. Platelets contain protein molecules that activate the process of skin cell regeneration.

With the help of an injection, blood plasma is injected into the deep layers of the skin. The procedure resembles mesotherapy. As a result, a more accelerated process of self-healing and renewal of the skin is stimulated.

The advantages of this procedure in the treatment of acne are:

  • High efficiency of plasmolifting, since a positive result will be noticeable after several procedures.
  • This technology is completely safe.
  • Plasma, saturated with a large number of platelets, has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of epidermal cells.
  • This procedure helps to quickly get rid of acne and other types of skin rashes.
  • The likelihood of the onset of inflammation is minimized.
  • There is an increase in metabolic processes in the skin.

Plasmolifting for scalp and hair

Plasmolifting of scalp and hair
Plasmolifting of scalp and hair

Before carrying out the plasmolifting procedure for hair, it is necessary to accurately determine the reason that provoked the onset of hair loss. In the event that this unpleasant phenomenon is the result of hereditary or hormonal problems, this cosmetic procedure will not help. It is advisable to seek help from a specialist trichologist, who will have to conduct a full examination and accurately determine the cause of the hair loss.

The result, after plasmolifting, persists for several years, after which it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment. In some cases, a specialist may prescribe a fixing session, which is done periodically. Thanks to this, the achieved result will last much longer.

Depending on the condition of the hair, as well as the reasons that provoked the onset of their loss, sessions are held with different frequencies - the interval can vary from two weeks to one month.

After the first session, positive changes will be noticeable:

  • Already after the first session, hair loss slows down significantly (it becomes noticeable for 2-3 days).
  • The course of treatment makes the hair thicker, its structure and diameter are restored.
  • After two sessions of plasma-lifting, hair loss completely stops.
  • After the first procedure, the problem of dandruff is eliminated, since all the bacteria that provoked its appearance are destroyed.
  • The dying off of hair follicles completely stops.
  • Hair growth accelerates within a month and a half after the first plasmolifting procedure.

The use of plasma lifting in medicine

Industries in which plasmolifting is used
Industries in which plasmolifting is used

This procedure is widely used today in various fields of medicine:

  • gynecology;
  • dentistry;
  • urology;
  • dermatocosmetology.

Plasmolifting also helps to get rid of various problems associated with the condition of the joints, while the restoration of injured tissues occurs naturally.

In gynecology

Doctor takes an ampoule with plasma
Doctor takes an ampoule with plasma

The use of plasmolifting in the complex treatment of various types of inflammation of the genital organs significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy, and the healing process is much faster.

Thanks to the use of this procedure, the restoration of the erosive mucous membrane, as well as the tissues affected by the inflammatory process, begins.

This method is used in gynecology for:

  • croisore of the vulva;
  • diseases of the cervix;
  • erosion of the cervix;
  • endocervicitis;
  • leukoplakia.

After this procedure, an effective and fairly rapid restoration of the mucous membrane of the cervix occurs, the menstrual cycle is normalized, the problem of vaginal dryness is eliminated, and the number of cracks is significantly reduced.

For the treatment of joints

Schematic representation of plasmolifting for the treatment of joints
Schematic representation of plasmolifting for the treatment of joints

Plasmolifting in orthopedics and traumatology helps to achieve amazing results:

  • muscle spasm is relieved;
  • unpleasant painful manifestations in the injured joint are removed;
  • joint mobility increases several times;
  • the joint fluid is restored;
  • there is a stimulating effect on the formation of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • there is a strengthening of the tissues of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the rehabilitation time after surgery, prosthetics, stretching and other types of injuries is significantly reduced.

The plasmolifting procedure is a simple injection, so there is no need for a subsequent long rehabilitation period. However, after the procedure, a slight edema or hematoma may appear exactly at the injection site of the plasma itself. In just a few days, these phenomena disappear on their own, and no additional restorative procedures are required.

Everything you need to know about plasma lifting in this video interview with a dermatologist-cosmetologist:
