Fruit peeling: benefits, features of the procedure, contraindications

Fruit peeling: benefits, features of the procedure, contraindications
Fruit peeling: benefits, features of the procedure, contraindications

Every girl and woman strives to look perfect, and first of all it concerns the face. Fruit peeling will help to preserve the attractiveness and youthfulness of the skin. What is this procedure, the subtleties of its implementation, the advantages and disadvantages are described in the next article. Content:

  1. Features of fruit peeling
  2. Peeling at home
  3. Selection of acids for peeling

    • Apple
    • Glycolic
    • Dairy
    • Lemon
    • Wine
  4. Contraindications

All girls know that only daily and proper facial skin care will help maintain youth and beauty for many years. Modern cosmetology offers just a huge number of a wide variety of procedures for rejuvenating, lightening or cleansing the skin of the face, various means can be used - creams, lotions, tonics, scrubs, as well as fruit peels. Let's talk about him.

Features of fruit peeling

Fruit peeling of the face
Fruit peeling of the face

Fruit peeling is one of the most popular procedures used to maintain the beauty of the skin of the face, which gives the maximum result, noticeable literally after the first treatment. This is not only an effective, but also a gentle method of deep cleansing of the skin.

With the help of fruit peeling, the skin is saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen, as a result of which the process of its rejuvenation begins. Various nutrients and vitamins will be absorbed by the epidermis much faster.

The main advantage of fruit peeling is that it does not affect the renewed and living cells. This is a gentle method of cleaning, the effect of which occurs directly on keratinized and dead cells.

A procedure such as a fruit peel can be easily done at home using a wide variety of ingredients. All components must be selected taking into account the condition of the skin, its type, season, and then the most effective result will be obtained.

During this procedure, only fruit acids are used - alpha hydroxy acids or ana-acids. They are obtained both from fruits and synthetically. As a rule, glycolic acid, produced from sugar cane, is used in cosmetology. It is this acid that helps to quickly remove all dead cells.

Lactic acid is one of the best moisturizers. To increase the elasticity of the skin, tartaric and malic acids are used. The ideal fruit peeling is a procedure that combines the ana-acids listed above, due to which an amazing effect is achieved after the first use.

It is believed that peeling is one of the cosmetic procedures used for deep cleansing of the skin, and it should be used regularly by girls who have overcome the barrier at 25 years old.

Fruit peeling at home

Slicing fruit for peeling
Slicing fruit for peeling

To maintain natural beauty, it is not necessary to seek the help of professional cosmetologists and specialists. Today, every girl, with just a little effort and using only natural ingredients, is able to make almost any skin care product at home on her own. At the same time, the quality of such cosmetics will in no way be inferior to expensive creams from the store, and sometimes it will be even much better, because these products will not include chemicals.

In order for the maximum benefit to be obtained from this cosmetic procedure, and the peeling does not harm the skin, several rather simple but important rules must be observed during its implementation:

  • First, everything you need is prepared: a container in which the components of the peeling mixture will be mixed (it is advisable to use enamel dishes), several cotton swabs, a brush to apply the composition to the skin, a towel.
  • It is necessary to wash thoroughly, remove all cosmetics from the face and wipe the skin with a tonic (you only need to use the product that does not include alcohol, so as not to dry the skin). It is important to remove the remaining sebum produced by the sebaceous glands, which will make the peeling procedure much more effective. If it is not possible to use cosmetics, you can simply wash your face with warm water.
  • Immediately before starting the peeling procedure, a mixture should be prepared for it. In no case should the ready-made mass be stored for several days, because organic acids quickly lose their beneficial properties, and there is a possibility of harming the skin.
  • Do not overuse the peeling procedure, because the skin on the face is very sensitive, thin and delicate. It will be enough to perform deep cleansing 2 times a week, and for girls with dry skin - no more than once every 1, 5 weeks.
  • During application of the composition to the skin, do not touch the area near the eyes. The mask is washed off only with cool, but not warm water.
  • As soon as the peeling procedure is completed, pat the skin dry with a dry and soft towel. Then the face is wiped with a pre-prepared and cooled decoction of oak or sage bark. These plants have useful tanning properties, therefore, the effect of the peeling is improved several times. Then any nourishing cream is applied.
  • For the first few days after peeling, the face should not be treated with tonics containing alcohol. It is also worth giving up masks with essential oils and honey, so as not to provoke a strong allergic reaction. The ideal option would be to wipe your skin with warm milk or tea.

Selection of acids for fruit peels

Before you do peeling with fruit acids yourself, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. It is the experts who will help you choose the right fruit acid that is ideal for solving your problem, and indicate acids that are not suitable for your skin type, which can provoke a strong allergic reaction.

Malic acid for fruit peels

Apples as a source of malic acid
Apples as a source of malic acid

It is one of the strongest fruit acids and will help exfoliate all layers of dead cells. It contributes to a more intensive restoration of new skin, interacting not only on the upper, but also in the deeper layers of the epidermis.

The composition of apples includes a huge amount of useful trace elements contained in malic acid. But cosmetologists do not advise to abuse this substance, because it is quite aggressive, and can also provoke not only an allergic rash (when working with very sensitive skin), but also a severe burn.

Malic acid is hypoallergenic, so it rarely causes a rash, itching, or other unpleasant consequences.

Glycolic acid for fruit peels

Green grapes are rich in glycolic acid
Green grapes are rich in glycolic acid

This substance has a positive effect on the skin, therefore it is often used by cosmetologists. Glycolic acid is added to most modern cosmetics. This substance is present in green, unripe grapes or sugarcane, has a very low molecular weight, due to which it can easily penetrate even into very deep layers of the skin.

Positive action will come from within. Skin cells receive the necessary hydration, the epidermis softens, peeling is eliminated, all dead particles are gently removed. Glycolic acid will help get rid of freckles and pigmentation.

Lactic acid for fruit peels

Blueberries contain lactic acid
Blueberries contain lactic acid

Lactic acid is found not only in yogurt and kefir, but also in other healthy foods such as blueberries, grapes, tomatoes, wedge syrup, etc. This substance has a unique structure, due to which it penetrates quite freely into the deep layers of the epidermis, providing a strong and complex effect on cells.

This acid perfectly moisturizes the skin, life-giving moisture in the cells remains for a long time. Among the advantages of lactic acid is the fact that it is ideal for fruit peeling procedures, effectively whitening the skin.

Citric acid for fruit peels

Lemons have a lot of citric acid
Lemons have a lot of citric acid

This unique substance with a lot of positive properties is one of the strong antioxidants, therefore it binds free radicals. Therefore, citric acid will help prolong youth and preserve beauty, all wrinkles are quickly smoothed out, preventing the formation of new ones.

Tartaric acid for fruit peeling

Ripe grapes as a source of tartaric acid
Ripe grapes as a source of tartaric acid

This acid is found in well-aged old wines, ripe grapes and oranges. This substance is useful for the beauty of the skin, perfectly saturating the cells with life-giving moisture, helping to keep it inside. It also has an effective exfoliating effect and helps to whiten the skin.

Contraindications for fruit peels

Skin defects
Skin defects

Unlike the salon procedure, home peeling with fruit acids is less aggressive, but has certain contraindications:

  • Do not use acid, which can provoke an allergic reaction;
  • It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for girls with very dry skin;
  • Peeling is prohibited in the presence of abscesses, wounds or scratches on the face.

Watch a video about fruit peeling at home:

To maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, it is recommended to carry out the fruit peeling procedure regularly (for example, once a week). After cleansing, the skin regains elasticity, looks fresh and toned. The pores are gently but effectively cleansed and after the first procedure they become much lighter, narrowing over time. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, age signs are removed, the appearance of new wrinkles is prevented.
