The components that make up Aevit, their effect on the body as a whole and on the skin of the face in particular, the use of the drug in the fight against various skin diseases and deficiencies, instructions for the correct use of the vitamin for various problems. Aevit for the face is a universal vitamin of "beauty" that has a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails. In general, it improves metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation, and moisturizes the epidermis.
The composition of the drug Aevit

Aevit is a drug that is sold without a prescription in pharmacies and costs quite a budget. Vitamins can be sold in capsule form or by intramuscular injection. The latter are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription and are not suitable for the treatment of skin imperfections.
This product contains two vitamins - A and E. One capsule of Aevita contains 10,000 IU of vitamin A and 100 mg of vitamin E. These are powerful antioxidants, which are combined in an oily mixture of yellowish color in capsules. Both vitamins dissolve in fat, so it is the oil that preserves their properties in the best way.
Retinol palmitate (vitamin A) is vital for the maintenance of high-quality metabolism at the cellular level. It performs the following functions:
- Increases cellular immunity;
- Strengthens the protective ability of the epidermal tissue;
- Retains moisture in the skin;
- Fights the development of viruses, bacteria, fungi;
- Improves blood flow in the smallest capillaries.
Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is a "nimble" vitamin that can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis at the cell level. There he performs the following functions:
- Balances the quality of the metabolism in the skin;
- Provides healthy skin cells;
- Improves the appearance of the skin;
- Stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis.
These vitamins complement each other perfectly: vitamin E prevents vitamin A from oxidizing, and retinol improves the antioxidant functions of tocopherol.
Benefits of Aevita for the face
Aevit is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment and prevention of problem, dry, aging skin, in the presence of skin diseases. Moreover, this multifunctional tool can be used to combat skin imperfections both internally and externally.
Benefits of Aevita for the face with dry and aging skin

The lack of "beauty vitamins" in the body immediately becomes obvious: the skin on the face begins to peel off, becomes dry, fine wrinkles, acne, and age spots appear.
Vitamins included in Aevit are responsible for the freshness, elasticity and tone of the skin. The drug relieves inflammation, slows down skin aging and fights wrinkles, increases the strength of blood vessels. The combination of two powerful vitamins has a strong rejuvenating effect on the delicate skin of the face: the skin color improves, they become less sensitive and recover quickly.
With the systematic intake of vitamins A and E, skin aging is prevented as much as possible, destructive radicals will not have a negative effect on the skin.
Aevit is useful for women of all ages. But especially ladies with aging skin need it. This drug can replace various anti-aging procedures that are designed to care for the skin of the face.
The remedy also copes with the problems of dry skin of the face. Aevit effectively removes toxins from the dermis, reduces unhealthy peeling of the skin, moisturizes it, and helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
The benefits of Aevita for skin diseases on the face

Vitamins Aevit for the face are often prescribed by doctors as part of the complex treatment of various skin diseases. It is used for such diagnoses:
- Hereditary violation of keratinization (ichthyosis, erythroderma, erythrokeratoderma, follicular keratosis, porokeratosis, pachyonychia, scarring superciliary erythema).
- Systemic diseases - psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, red hairs.
- Diseases with impaired sebum secretion - seborrhea, severe acne.
- Precancerous conditions - solar keratosis, pigmented xeroderma, radiation damage to the skin.
- Ulcerative and erosive processes - burns, ulcers of various origins, wounds without infections, bullous toxidermia, Haley-Haley pemphigus.
- Allergodermatosis - eczema, neurodermatitis in different stages.
Many skin systemic diseases are the result of metabolic disorders in the body. This leads to a decrease in immunity, manifests itself on the skin in the form of various rashes, spots and other imperfections. Aevit acts in such cases in a complex way - it helps to restore metabolic processes and fight the visible consequences.
Often Aevit is included in antibiotic therapy for seborrhea. At the same time, antifungal drugs eliminate the causes of the disease, and vitamins - manifestations on the skin of the face and head.
Benefits of Aevita for the face from acne

Facial skin that is affected by acne and acne tends to be oily. Its distinctive features are also the presence of comedones, sebaceous plugs. The latter clog the pores and make it possible for pathogenic bacteria to actively multiply, as a result of which rashes appear in the form of pustules.
Such problems arise in both adolescents and adults. They are often the result of an unbalanced diet, bad habits, and disturbed metabolic processes in the body.
It is necessary to comprehensively eliminate the problem of skin rashes in the form of acne and acne. It is necessary to act both with external agents directly on the lesions, and with internal drugs, such as Aevit.
He will participate in the restoration of metabolic processes, skin regeneration, and improvement of its general appearance. After a course of taking or external use of vitamins A and E, the skin will restore the water-fat balance, which will reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat.
Contraindications to the use of Aevita for the face

Aevit is often considered a harmless prophylactic agent, but it is worth remembering that this is a medicine that has a number of contraindications. It should be understood that in some diseases, vitamins A and E can harm the body.
The main contraindications for taking Aevit:
- Chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris. With these diseases, taking Aevit is contraindicated, since an excess of vitamin E can contribute to the formation of blood clots, which are dangerous for vital blood vessels.
- Hyperthyroidism with increased thyroid function. An overdose of vitamin E can disrupt the thyroid gland.
- Chronic kidney disease and pathology. With these diagnoses, vitamin E can provoke renal failure.
- Diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Taking Aevit is contraindicated due to the special effect of vitamin A, which thickens bile. This leads to the formation of stones, impaired liver function.
- Pregnancy. Reception of Aevita is strictly contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, but in the later stages it can be used in small doses as prescribed by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist.
Aevit should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, following the instructions. In case of an overdose, some side effects are possible: nausea, vomiting, allergic rashes, weakness, bone aches. In such situations, you should immediately stop taking Aevit and consult a doctor. ('Textarea> Full description 2: optional
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Instructions for the use of Aevita
Like any drug, Aevit has its own instructions for use. Failure to comply with it threatens the emergence of various side effects. The drug can be used externally and internally.
Instructions for the use of Aevita for the face orally
It is worth taking the drug internally only after consulting a doctor. Reception of Aevit depends on the state of the body, therefore it is necessary to agree on the dosage and duration of admission. Abuse of vitamins that are part of the product causes an overdose and poisoning of the body.
In the absence of contraindications, Aevit is useful according to the following scheme: 1-2 capsules up to 3 times a day for a month, after which a break is made for 4-6 months. If necessary, the course of application is re-assigned.
Each capsule consists of a liquid filler enclosed in a gelatinous shell. The capsules are taken by mouth and do not need to be chewed. The drug is best taken with water, regardless of food intake.
In the presence of chronic and infectious diseases, Aevit is taken in small doses as part of a complex treatment, which will be prescribed by the attending physician.
Using Aevit for the face at night in the form of lotions

At night, Aevit is applied to the face in the form of lotions. This method is considered the simplest and most inexpensive method of exposure to the skin. To do this, from 1-2 capsules, the oil is poured onto a cotton pad, which thoroughly wipes the entire skin in a circular motion. At night, the face rests, facial expressions are relaxed, so vitamins are well absorbed.
In the morning, you need to wash your face to get rid of the remnants of Aevit. If this is not done, then a film of oils will clog the pores, cause excessive greasiness on the face, provoke rashes or an allergic reaction.
Another way to apply the drug at night is to add Aevit to the face cream. To do this, the contents of 1 capsule are squeezed into one portion of the cream. It has been proven that after such night procedures, the skin becomes fresh, clean, elastic, wrinkle networks and age spots disappear.
Aevit for the face: instructions for use for the skin around the eyes

As a rule, the first signs of aging in women can be observed at the age of 35 years. First of all, the skin around the eyes suffers. It loses its freshness and elasticity, mimic wrinkles and crow's feet appear. To get rid of these problems or reduce the manifestations of aging to a minimum, it is recommended to use Aevit externally directly on the skin under the eyes.
For these purposes, only capsules are suitable, not an injection solution. The capsules should be pierced with a clean needle. First of all, you need to check the response of the delicate skin around the eyes to the effects of the "vitamin cocktail". To do this, apply vitamin oil to the wrist and let it stand for about 15 minutes. After that, we wash off the oil and observe the treated area for a couple of hours. If there is no negative reaction, then you can safely use the drug.
Aevit can be applied to the skin around the eyes both in pure form and as part of masks and creams. In this case, the complex effect of several substances will undoubtedly be much more useful.
The procedure is carried out in the following order:
- We thoroughly cleanse the skin from cosmetics, dust and dirt. To do this, it is enough to wash with a cleansing gel.
- To prepare the mask, mix all the ingredients in a glass or ceramic container. Do not use metal utensils or tools, many substances can oxidize.
- Vitamins do not tolerate exposure to high temperatures, so all foods should be at room temperature.
- We drive the remedy with the vitamin into the skin with the pads of the fingers, following the massage lines - along the upper and lower eyelids, from the inner corners of the eye to the outer ones.
- For the first time, the mask can be kept on the skin for 5 minutes, so as not to provoke puffiness. The eyelids are a very delicate area of the skin, it is better to play it safe against the occurrence of unwanted reactions. You can gradually increase the exposure time of the mask. The maximum time is up to 20 minutes.
- Remove the product with a dry cotton pad so that a greasy film does not form. Do not wash with water immediately.
- After the procedure, we lubricate the skin around the eyes with a soft gel or cream for this area.
Such procedures should be carried out in the evenings. If your skin around the eyes is too dry, has many wrinkles, then masks with Aevit should be done as often as possible. If you use the drug as a prophylaxis, then it is enough to use it in the form of a mask a couple of times a week.
Remember that the course of treatment should not exceed 20 procedures. After that, the skin needs to be given a rest from vitamins A and E. Otherwise, it will stop reacting to them.
As a supplement to Aevit to create nourishing masks for the skin around the eyes, you can use the following ingredients: banana puree, cream, oatmeal, mashed potatoes. A couple of teaspoons mixed with 2-3 capsules of the vitamin is enough.
Instructions for use of Aevita in the form of face masks

It is recommended to take the drug internally, as well as externally, if the patient has obvious problems with the skin of the face. To enhance the effect, you will need a double dose of vitamins A and E. Often, face creams are saturated with the contents of the capsule. They perfectly help with dry, wrinkled skin, fight acne and their consequences.
Very effective masks for problematic oily skin containing Aevit:
- Mask with potatoes to eliminate acne … To do this, mix mashed potatoes from 1 raw potato with 1 capsule of vitamin, apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.
- Wax mask for oily skin … It relieves inflammation well. Mixed by? h. l. melted butter and wax,? h. l. olive oil, 2 capsules Aevita, puree of several strawberries. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes.
- Yellow clay mask for oily, wrinkled skin … This requires 1 tbsp. l. dilute yellow clay with milk, add 1 yolk and 2 capsules of Aevita. The mixture is applied to the face for 20 minutes.
- Salt mask for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin … For the mask, mix a pinch of salt with 1 raw yolk and 4 Aevita capsules. With this mixture, gently treat the face for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.
How to use Aevit for the face - watch the video:

Aevit is an inexpensive, effective and very easy to use multifunctional product. With the correct dosage and following the instructions, the drug will help restore youthfulness to the skin, get rid of acne, grease, dryness, and improve its appearance.