The use of whitening face masks at home

The use of whitening face masks at home
The use of whitening face masks at home

Whitening masks will help the fairer sex get rid of facial skin problems. Consider how to properly prepare such formulations and use at home. Content:

  1. Application of whitening masks

    • Cooking rules
    • Traditional recipe
    • Masks for age spots
    • Beneficial Effects
    • Clay masks
  2. Types of masks for lightening the skin

    • Lemon
    • Peroxide
    • Parsley
    • Clay

The whitening mask is a unique composition that includes both natural ingredients and compounds obtained through chemical processes. Their actions are aimed at removing age spots, uneven skin tone, freckles and other imperfections on the skin.

The use of masks for whitening the skin of the face

If you don't like your skin color, or if you have age spots, then it's time to get started. Namely - use whitening masks. This is not to say that self-made procedures are more effective than salon ones, but the correct use of natural ingredients and adherence to simple instructions will certainly give a result.

Rules for making lightening masks at home

Lemon for skin whitening
Lemon for skin whitening

If you decide to prepare a skin whitening mask at home, then follow these rules:

  • Before applying the vitamin composition, make sure you have no allergies, for which, apply the mixture on your wrist and wait for half an hour for the reaction to appear.
  • Make a scrub, with the help of it you will remove the keratinized areas, and the subsequent whitening will be even, the affected areas will become less noticeable.
  • Apply masks in the evening, because after them the skin should "rest", the action of bright sunlight can negatively affect its condition.
  • After applying the brightening composition, apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream to your face.
  • It is recommended to do the procedures no more than 1-2 times every 7 days (for dry skin - 1 time, oily skin - 2 times).

Traditional recipe for a whitening face mask

Whitening mask with honey
Whitening mask with honey

For the preparation of medicinal compositions, lemons, cucumbers, parsley, peroxide and other components with bleaching properties are used. The main rule is not to mix them in advance, prepare the mask immediately before use and take only fresh products for it.

Traditionally, a whitening mask is prepared using honey. Even babies know about its beneficial properties, in addition, it also has a positive effect on the skin. And in combination with kefir, it effectively brightens spots, evens out the complexion. For the mask, take two large spoons of kefir, one honey, mix well. Massage into the skin, after fifteen minutes, wash off with warm water, pleasant for the face. In addition to whitening, this blend will relieve you of excess dryness and under-eye circles.

Using masks for age spots on the face

Berry-based brightening face masks
Berry-based brightening face masks

There are many sources of stains: a lack of trace elements, vitamins, hormonal imbalance, internal diseases, age-related changes, the use of certain medications. Therefore, in some cases, treatment with masks alone may not be effective. To cope with dark age spots is possible only with complex measures. A specialist doctor will help you with this.

Before starting treatment with various formulations on your own, make sure that you have no contraindications: open wounds on the skin, pregnancy, the entire period of breastfeeding, diabetes, chronic, acute diseases, hypertension, taking medications that affect the pigmentation of the skin, a predisposition to the formation of colloidal scars.

In the summer, there are no problems with the choice of products for skin whitening, still, the markets are filled with products for every taste:

  1. Berry masks … Berries (currants, cranberries, viburnum) do an excellent job with mild spots on the skin. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the berries, take gauze, moisten, apply to the skin. Wash off after ten minutes.
  2. Masks with lactic acid products … Kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk - give a whitening effect due to a positive reaction of lactic acid on the skin. In addition, these products are used after prolonged sun exposure to soothe the skin.
  3. Citrus masks … Lemon, lime, grapefruit - remove stubborn stains due to their high content of vitamin C. Only many women have allergic reactions to masks made from such fruits, so test before use. Be aware that masks made from citrus juice alone dry out the skin of the face, so it is better to use combined formulations, for example, lemon with honey.

For the preparation of healing masks for age spots, you can also use radish, parsley, green cucumbers, sauerkraut, dandelion juice, peroxide.

Benefits of face lightening masks

Mask for whitening facial skin with pink clay
Mask for whitening facial skin with pink clay

The mixtures with a lightening effect help to cope not only with age spots, as mentioned above, but they also:

  • Eliminate unhealthy skin tone;
  • Lighten freckles;
  • Remove excess fat;
  • Improves the structure of skin cells;
  • They have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Whitens dark circles on the epidermis around the eyes.

The most effective clay masks for facial skin

Get rid of pigmentation with a green clay mask
Get rid of pigmentation with a green clay mask

Preparing for a celebration or other important event, girls are faced with the problem of how to bring the epidermis of the face into proper form in a short time. Namely, how to whiten the skin. You need to act a little ahead of time, at least a day or two before the event. You will need a cosmetic product - clay. You can buy it in pharmacies, moreover, clay is sold of different types.

Consider several recipes from various types of this product:

  1. Chinese mixture of colorless clay … Brew tea from pharmacy chamomile, make a gruel from clay and a drink, apply in an even layer on the surface of your face. If you have overly sensitive skin prone to irritation, apply the cream before applying the gruel. Stay in such a pretty state for five minutes. Then wash off the mask.
  2. Green clay mask … The method of preparing the mixture is the same as that of the Chinese mask. Effective with increased oily skin. To narrow the pores on your face, add whipped cold protein to the formula.
  3. Composition of pink clay … Perfectly nourishes the skin and whitens spots in older ladies. Ingredients: a mixture of red and white clay in equal proportions, pharmacy St. John's wort tea. Apply the finished consistency to the epidermis, rinse off after five to six minutes.

Types of brightening face masks and their recipes

Facial whitening paraffin mask
Facial whitening paraffin mask

In addition to whitening, as described above, masks also have other effects on the skin. Therefore, if you have several problems, choose a mixture that will immediately help you get rid of them.

There are several main types of formulations:

  • Constricting … Dry the skin. The main components of the masks are clay, therapeutic mud, egg white.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing … Smooth out wrinkles, nourish with moisture. For cooking, use fruits, vegetables, dairy products, honey.
  • Whitening … Lighten spots, improve complexion. Prepared from food, fruits, vegetables, pharmaceuticals.
  • Anti-aging … Increases elasticity, corrects facial contours. They usually include clay, protein, cosmetic paraffin.

It is not always possible to achieve the expected effect the first time, but you will notice the improvement in any case. Now let's move on to the recipes for masks.

Whitening lemon face mask

To prepare the mixture, you will need a large spoonful of lemon juice, wheat flour (also a tablespoon). Mix, apply to the skin, keep the composition for 18-20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Peroxide whitening mask for skin

Peroxide whitening face mask
Peroxide whitening face mask

For this composition, take two tablespoons of three percent hydrogen peroxide, one spoonful of lemon juice, mix well in a plate, and smear on your face. Rinse thoroughly after four to five minutes. Then apply face cream. This solution is suitable for oily skin.

Whitening parsley face mask

Buy two bunches of parsley, brew it like a medicinal infusion in 250 grams of water. Strain the tea after twenty minutes. Wet a napkin in the drink, then place it on your face. Hold this for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Whitening Clay Face Mask

Red Clay Skin Lightening Mask
Red Clay Skin Lightening Mask

Get red and white clay from the pharmacy. Mix 25 grams of each powder. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice and 45 grams of water. Apply the composition to the epidermis, after six minutes, rinse off first with warm, then room temperature water. Do not forget to spread the cream on your skin after the procedure.

Features of skin whitening using masks are demonstrated in the video:

By regularly applying these formulations, you will achieve good results. Do not be lazy, and your skin will become the object of admiration and envy of your friends.
