The use of a polysorb face mask at home

The use of a polysorb face mask at home
The use of a polysorb face mask at home

Polysorb is an effective drug that helps to cope with intoxication. Its absorption and deintoxication properties are able to solve the problem of acne and blackheads on the face. Polysorbent masks tighten the skin well, smooth out wrinkles and improve the complexion. Interestingly, silicon is also found in cosmetic clay. Therefore, Polysorb can be called an analogue of this tool. At the same time, it is more beneficial for the skin, since Polysorb silicon has a selective effect. It removes from the skin cells only what is harmful to them, without touching the beneficial substances. Silicon clay cannot boast of such selectivity.

Acne polysorb mask recipe

Local application of a polysorb mask on acne
Local application of a polysorb mask on acne

To make your skin healthy and smooth with polysorb, a very simple recipe can be used:

  • Dilute 2 tbsp with water. l. drug. Water should be taken boiled, warm. Add the water a little at a time to create a gruel that is easy to apply.
  • Apply the mask to cleansed face.
  • Leave the product to act for 10 minutes. This time is enough for the mask to show its antibacterial effect.
  • After the specified 10 minutes have elapsed, gently wash off the remnants of the polysorb with warm water or a cotton pad moistened with it.
  • To avoid possible overdrying of the skin, apply a nourishing cream to your face.
  • The course of such acne treatment is 2 times a week for oily skin, once a week for dry skin. Considering that problems on the skin of the face are often "echoes" of internal problems with the intestines, the "double" intake of Polysorb will be more effective - in the form of a mask and inside, according to the instructions for the drug.

Before applying the polysorb face mask, we recommend conducting an allergy test in order to exclude unexpected consequences. To do this, simply lubricate the area of the skin on the wrist with the resulting polysorb mass. If within half an hour you do not feel any discomfort and do not see any rashes, the mask can be applied to the face.

The course of such acne treatment is every other day until the problems are eliminated. If you have not received a result within a month, the cause of the rash should be looked for inside the body. Considering that problems on the skin of the face are often "echoes" of internal problems with the intestines, the "double" intake of Polysorb will be more effective - in the form of a mask and inside, according to the instructions for the drug.

Polysorb mask for face cleansing

Facial cleansing with polysorb powder
Facial cleansing with polysorb powder

Polysorbic mask is effective not only for acne. It can be used as an effective facial cleansing treatment. In this case, all the properties of Polysorb in the complex will "work" - both adsorbing, and detoxifying, and antibacterial. Thus, it is possible not only to solve existing skin problems, but also to act "ahead of the curve."

The procedure for applying a cleansing polysorb mask is as follows:

  1. Prepare the mask itself, for which take a small amount of Polysorb powder (3-4, 5 g / 1-1, 5 tablespoons, respectively) and mix it with water until it becomes liquid sour cream.
  2. Apply the active compound all over the face (except around the eyes) in a good layer. If you feel a slight tingling sensation, do not worry - this is a sign that the mask is "working" on your skin, absorbing all the "dirt" and "waste".
  3. The exposure time of the mask is 5-15 minutes (before drying). For dry skin, it is better to use a shorter period of action of the polysorb compound due to the drying effect. On the skin prone to oily, the mask can be held longer.
  4. Use plain warm water as a remover for the polysorb mask.
  5. For the correct completion of the cosmetic procedure, use a cream: for dry skin - nourishing, for oily skin - from a special series.

Despite the fact that, according to many reviews, the effect of such a cleansing mask is visible the first time, it is recommended to use it regularly. So, for the owners of dry skin, the most acceptable schedule will be "1-2 times a week". For those with oily skin, such procedures can be carried out more often - up to daily use.

When using such a mask, the allergy test is also acute.

Anti-wrinkle polysorb mask

Polysorb-based rejuvenating mask
Polysorb-based rejuvenating mask

Most often, Polysorb is used to heal problem skin of the face. But this is not the entire range of the "facial" action of the enterosorbent. Its detoxifying and absorbing properties can be effectively directed to resisting age-related processes and aggressive environmental factors, that is, to prolong the youthfulness of your skin.

The use of polysorb makes the skin more resistant to the external environment and slows down the processes of natural aging. As in the case of problem skin, the complex use of Polysorb (inside and in the form of a mask) will be more effective.

The "rejuvenating" effect of Polisorb is manifested in the following:

  • The drug takes on the function of removing from the cells of one of the factors of skin aging - toxins.
  • By absorbing excess fluid and activating intracellular metabolism, polysorb noticeably tightens and smoothes the skin.
  • Deep cleansing creates optimal conditions for the full flow of all vital processes of skin cells.

To experience the anti-age effect of a polysorb mask, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. enterosorbent with? glasses of warm mineral water. You can replace mineral water with ordinary water, but it will not have the same effect as enriched with minerals. Add the liquid component of the mask a little at a time to end up with a mass similar in consistency to heavy cream.
  2. Gently apply the mask to your face in a thin layer, without affecting the area around the eyes and mouth. You can also grab the neck and décolleté.
  3. By the time of exposure - be guided by your feelings. If after 15 minutes nothing bothers you, you can leave the mask "working" for another 15 minutes. If uncomfortable sensations arise, a quarter of an hour is enough.
  4. Carefully rinse the dried mask so as not to scratch the face with dry residues of the composition, rinse with warm water and fix the result by applying a cream. You can use a regular nourishing cream, but it is better to take a product with "rejuvenating" components from your age series.

Polysorbent anti-wrinkle masks really have a visible lifting effect, smooth wrinkles and improve complexion. They are not addictive, so they can be used continuously. The optimal frequency of such masks for normal and dry skin is 3 times a month, for oily skin - 2 times a week.

As in the case of problem skin, do not forget about the preliminary allergy test.

How to make a polysorb face mask for oily skin

Polysorb powder for problem skin
Polysorb powder for problem skin

To tidy up oily skin with profuse rashes, the classic polysorb mask can be enhanced with lemon and herbs (calendula, chamomile or celandine). It cleans pores well, removes greasy shine, dries up inflammatory elements and refreshes the face.

How to make such a mask correctly:

  • Prepare an infusion of calendula flowers (celandine, chamomile), pouring 5 g of medicinal raw material with 30 ml of boiling water. Leave the composition to infuse for 15 minutes and strain.
  • Combine the resulting infusion with 3 g of enterosorbent (1 tbsp. L.) And stir until a homogeneous gruel of medium density.
  • Squeeze 1 tsp from the lemon. juice and mix with the finished polysorb mass.
  • Apply the finished mask to the face, not forgetting to bypass the area of the eyes and mouth. In places of rashes, you can make a thicker layer.
  • The duration of the polysorbic mask with herbs is 5-7 minutes.
  • Rinse off the composition in the same way as an ordinary polysorb mask - with warm water.

For a long-lasting effect, try to apply the mask regularly, 3-5 times a week until the rash disappears. Then you can reduce the number of procedures to 1-2 per week.

When applying the mask, make sure that the skin does not dry out. If your skin feels tight after cleansing, correct this Polysorb side effect with cream. How to make a mask from polysorb - watch the video:

Using a polysorb for your face is another very effective budget-friendly way to have beautiful and healthy skin. It is only necessary not to forget about the drying effect of the enterosorbent and additionally "insure" by applying the cream after the procedure. And also in parallel to use it for its intended purpose, that is, inside, in order to multiply the effect.
