How favorable and unfavorable days for cutting and dyeing hair affect a person's well-being and the condition of the curls, how to choose a day for going to the hairdresser, taking into account the lunar calendar and the position of the heavenly body relative to the zodiac signs. The hair calendar is a special auspicious day of the month that is best for cutting and dyeing curls. After all, there has long been an opinion that our hairs are sensitive to the lunar phases.
Effect of favorable days for haircuts on hair condition

How hair grows is influenced by the phase of the moon. In order for the haircut to go down beautifully, and the hair to grow faster and healthier, you can find out the favorable dates for this in the lunar calendar before going to the salon. According to popular belief, it is hair that has always been considered valuable keepers of information about a person, his life and life potential. A haircut can both improve life and worsen the development of events in it. Astrologers say: a person himself can change his life for the better, for this he just needs to perform any manipulations with his hair, relying on a certain date in the lunar calendar, or when the heavenly body is in a favorable phase.
If you cut your hair on the "right" day, the hair will be transformed: its structure and appearance will improve, the curls will begin to grow faster. For a long time, scientists have proven the relationship of the lunar phases with what changes can occur in any aspect of your life: at work, in school, relationships, family life. Quite often it happens that, leaving the hairdresser with a new haircut, you feel lightness, high spirits, a surge of strength and a desire to strive for something new. And it happens the other way around: after going to the salon, the hair begins to get very tangled, it is difficult to put it into a hairdo, a little fatigue appears, but there is absolutely no mood. For scientists, such changes are not surprising, and they are easy to explain: after visiting a hairdresser, your biofield may change. And if you cut your hair on a certain (correct) day, then not only refresh the image, but also change the biofield and your life. This is how the principle of the Lunar calendar for haircuts works. It is very important, in addition to choosing the correct date in the lunar calendar, to find a good, intelligent, and most importantly - your specialist. After all, it is the hairdresser who brings changes to your biological field during the haircut. A benevolent, cheerful master will only improve your life - all the things you start will end well. And if the hairdresser is very nervous during the process, every now and then complains about the poor and neglected condition of your hair, then after a haircut it can become sparse and thin. Since ancient times, there is a tradition: if after a haircut you feel weak, trim the curls a little, cut off the ends. Parting with them, you will cleanse yourself of the negative energy of diseases, the body will quickly be filled with positive forces. It is also very important to remember: it is strongly not recommended to cut your own hair. After all, a person himself cannot change his biofield.
Unfavorable dates for going to the hairdresser

In addition to the fact that it is recommended to know which days are favorable for manipulating hair, it is very important to remember those days and dates when it is undesirable to cut a hair:
- First of all, these are religious holidays - Trinity, Epiphany, Christmas. You can not not only cut your hair, but also braid your hair in a braid, because in this way a woman can incur illness.
- Lunar and solar eclipses have a very negative effect on curls. Even a fluffy and well-styled hairstyle on such a day can irrevocably deteriorate.
- The time of the waning moon is a period of losses, slowing down of movement. At this time, astrologers advise those people who do not want to grow their hair, but want to keep their hair of a certain length as long as possible. Also, during this period, the structure of the strands changes: they will not be so much confused, they will be smoothed out, excess "fluffiness" will be removed, the roots will strengthen.
Choosing a date for a haircut based on the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac

The position of the Moon relative to the signs of the Zodiac determines the quality of the haircut and the condition of the hair:
- The moon in Aries is generally an unfavorable time for haircuts and hair dyeing. From such a procedure, the body's defenses may weaken, there is a risk of disease.
- Moon in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, which are considered signs of the Earth - this is the best time to go to the salon. After a haircut, the curls will grow well, be filled with strength, and cut less.
- The moon in Libra and Gemini (air signs) will make hairstyles and haircuts airy, hair will actively grow.
- The moon in the water signs of Cancer and Pisces slows down the growth of curls, but saturates them with vital energy.
- If you are doing well, then you should not get your hair cut on the dates when the Moon is in Leo. If you want to change your usual lifestyle, then these days are favorable for a haircut.
- The moon in Scorpio is changeable. She is able to worsen or improve health, personal life, if you cut your hair these days. Therefore, it is better not to risk it, and if possible, postpone the trip to the hairdresser.
- Having cut your hair on the Moon, which is in Sagittarius, you can make changes in your work, build new professional relationships.
- Moon in Aquarius is the worst time for haircuts and coloring. Try not to go to the hairdresser that day.
Calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for June 2016
After a haircut, a person's well-being can both improve, because such a process relieves him of the accumulated negative energy, or worsen, up to the disease of the body. Church legends have repeatedly said that hair is a person's energy rays and connecting threads with the cosmos. It is through them that we receive a sufficient amount of vitality and energy. Cut your hair wisely and choose the “right” day for it!
Lunar calendar of haircuts for June

On the waning moon, it is recommended to cut a haircut for those people who want to maintain a certain hair length for a long time. It is a haircut in this lunar phase that will slow down hair growth. In June 2016, the phases of the heavenly body will predominantly have a beneficial effect on the growth of your curls. Haircutting on the right day can speed up this process. On some days, it is worth postponing a visit to the salon in order to maintain the health of your hair, otherwise it will fall out or dandruff will appear. This applies not only to haircuts, but also to the process of dyeing hair, curling it. If you often change hairstyles and looks, then you should remember the good days for a haircut, after which the curls will grow by leaps and bounds. It is necessary to dwell on the dates when the waxing moon will be in the first or second phase. Pay attention to the following dates in June:
- June 2, Thursday … 26th and 27th day of the waning moon. Unfavorable day for hair manipulation.
- June 9, Thursday … This is the date of the fourth and fifth day of the waxing moon. On this day, it is good to cut and dye your hair.
- June 11, Saturday … The sixth and seventh days of the waxing moon. Another auspicious day for a trip to the hairdresser.
In addition, it is worth refraining, if possible, from cutting hair on the following dates: June 3, 6, 8, 13, 15, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29. Go to the salon these days: June 1, 4, 7, 10, 17, 20, 23, 25.
If you do not want to visit the hairdresser often, then it is better to go for a haircut on the day when the moon is in the waning quarter. It is after cutting during this period that the hair roots will strengthen, the problem of thin and brittle strands will be solved, but their growth will slow down significantly. But a haircut during the new moon can be dangerous at all. It is believed that by shortening your hair on these dates, you are shortening your life.
Calendar of haircuts for June 2016 by days of the week

Since its own planet is responsible for each day of the week, then, according to astrologers, a certain date will affect the quality of the haircut and the health of the hair. It is best to get your hair cut on the day of the week when you are born. In this case, the patronizing planet will give vitality.
We present to your attention a brief description of the days of the week:
- Monday, patron saint Luna … A great day for any hair treatment. It will be possible to safely carry out a perm or dyeing. With the hair cut off, negative thoughts, emotions, and unresolved problems go away. But it is worth remembering that people born on Tuesday and Wednesday cannot get their hair cut on Monday.
- Tuesday, patron saint of Mars … Perfect day for a change of look. You don't have to cut your hair, you can experiment a bit with color or styling. Such changes will relieve you of depression or bring bright colors to a monotonous life.
- Wednesday, planet Mercury … If you get a haircut that day, you will improve your memory, increase efficiency, relax and be less nervous. Changing your hairstyle on Wednesday will help you make new good friends and establish the necessary contacts. There will be a chance for an unexpected journey. A good day for a haircut for everyone except for people born on Thursday.
- Thursday, Jupiter … An energetic day. After a visit to the salon, it will be easy to establish relationships with family and friends, career growth is possible, luck will accompany you in all matters, your authority will increase. You should not get a haircut on Thursday for those who were born on Wednesday.
- Friday, planet Venus … This day is neutral for any manipulation of curls. It is on Friday that all biochemical processes in the body slow down a little, and this will affect hair growth in the future. A Friday haircut can completely change your look. And if you are happy with the way you look, then it is better to transfer the trip to the salon. Friday is an unfavorable day for a visit to the hairdresser for those born on Tuesday.
- Saturday, patron planet Saturn … One of the most favorable days of the week for a haircut. A haircut will literally transform damaged hair - it will become strong, shiny and healthy. Along with this, your karma and biofield will be cleansed, the psyche will stabilize, new abilities will appear. Saturday is the day when all processes in the body are renewed, which means that the hair will remain healthy and well-groomed for a long time.
- Sunday, patron saint of the Sun … Not a very auspicious day. By cutting your hair, you lose your luck and prosperity. Astrologers do not even recommend cutting your nails on Sunday. For people born on Monday, this is a particularly bad day for a haircut.
How to choose a day for a haircut - watch the video:

The condition of the hair is influenced not only by the peculiarities of caring for them, but also by choosing the right date for going to the hairdresser. Take into account the date and position of the moon before heading to the salon so that your hair will delight you with beauty and health, and your head will be full of light thoughts.