Steam omelet with vegetables

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Steam omelet with vegetables
Steam omelet with vegetables

Looking for simple, easy-on-stomach, yet hearty and healthy meals? Pay attention to the step-by-step recipe with a photo of a steam omelet with vegetables. It will saturate well, will not add heaviness to the body and contains many healing properties. Video recipe.

Cooked steamed omelet with vegetables
Cooked steamed omelet with vegetables

Omelet is considered a traditional French dish, and with the addition of vegetables, in particular beets, it is a Russian recipe. Beets have long been rooted in the cuisine of Russia. It is good for the body both raw and boiled. The vegetable has a unique set of useful elements and unique properties. It is included in the diet menu and diet for weight loss. The popularity of the root crop among those who are losing weight is deserved: the vegetable is available all year round, its cost is cheap, and most importantly, the beetroot diet is very effective. Therefore, if you want to get rid of extra pounds and excess weight, then eat beets as often as possible. By including it in the daily diet for a week, you can lose weight, strengthen immunity and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many different dishes are prepared with beets, incl. and a steam omelet. It is low in calories, yet light and nutritious at the same time with an unusual and pleasant taste. It is prepared simply and quickly, the main thing is that the beets are boiled in advance. Therefore, if you do not want to spend a long time in the kitchen on a hot summer day, then take note of this speedy recipe. This is a great way to diversify the menu for the benefit of your body and stomach. Well, if you are not afraid of extra pounds, then you can add mayonnaise, sour cream, a spoonful of flour, cheese chips and other products to the omelet.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 78 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Boiled beets - 50-75 g (can be replaced with boiled carrots, fresh tomatoes, peppers or other vegetables)
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Drinking water - 2 tablespoons

Step-by-step cooking of a steam omelet with vegetables, a recipe with a photo:

Boiled beets, peeled and chopped
Boiled beets, peeled and chopped

1. Boil the beets in advance or bake them in the oven. Cooking time depends on the size of the root vegetable and its age. A small and young vegetable will cook in 40 minutes, a mature and large one - 2 hours. Cool the prepared beets, peel and cut into medium cubes or grate on a coarse grater.

Eggs are combined with water and beaten with a whisk
Eggs are combined with water and beaten with a whisk

2. Wash the eggs, break and pour the contents into a bowl. Add drinking water, a pinch of salt and black pepper. Use a whisk or fork to beat the eggs. You do not need to use a mixer. It is enough only for the yolk and white to mix with each other. Instead of water, you can add milk or sour cream. But then the dish will contain more calories.

Beets added to the egg mass
Beets added to the egg mass

3. Add boiled beets to the egg mass and stir.

The omelet is boiled in a steam bath
The omelet is boiled in a steam bath

4. Place the dish in a strainer and place it on a pot of boiling water. Make sure that the boiling water does not come into contact with the colander.

The omelet is boiled in a steam bath
The omelet is boiled in a steam bath

5. Place the lid on the omelet and steam it for 7-10 minutes. Serve hot immediately after cooking, while the steam omelet with vegetables is tender and airy.

See also a video recipe on how to cook an omelet with vegetables.
