Steam omelet with prunes

Steam omelet with prunes
Steam omelet with prunes

Table of contents:


Love a steam omelet but don't have a steamer? No problem! It can be steamed and can be cooked on the usual stovetop. This is a proven grandmother's way that many housewives use. Consider the intricacies of baking eggs with steamed prunes!

Prepared steam omelet with prunes
Prepared steam omelet with prunes

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

A steam omelet is a food recommended for dietary and baby food. It is introduced into the menu of children from one year old and for people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases: stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis. Indeed, in a steamed omelette, all the beneficial properties of eggs are preserved, and these are vitamins A, D, E, group B, lysine, arginine, lutein, aspartic and folic acid. In addition, the steam product does not contain toxins and carcinogens, calories and cholesterol. Thanks to this, the food is suitable for people with obesity and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You can cook an omelet yourself, or supplement it with any products. For example, it is very tasty to put cheese chips, pumpkin puree, walnuts, raisins and other ingredients. In this recipe, I supplemented the omelet with prunes, which perfectly strengthens the immune system, which is especially important in winter and autumn. You can cook an omelet in boiled water, milk or sour cream. The first option is suitable for those who suffer from milk protein intolerance. And if you follow a strict protein diet, then cook an omelet with only proteins and water.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 48 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Prunes - 4-5 berries
  • Salt - a pinch

Steamed prune omelette

Eggs are poured into a bowl
Eggs are poured into a bowl

1. Beat eggs into a clean, dry bowl and add a pinch of salt.

The eggs are loose
The eggs are loose

2. Beat the eggs with a whisk until the white and yolk are combined into a homogeneous mass.

Sour cream added to the eggs
Sour cream added to the eggs

3. Pour sour cream into the egg mixture. If you don't have it, you can simply add drinking water or add mayonnaise for a more filling breakfast. Stir the ingredients to distribute them evenly.

Sliced prunes
Sliced prunes

4. Wash the prunes, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into slices.

Prunes added to the egg mass
Prunes added to the egg mass

5. Add the prune pieces to the egg mass and stir.

Egg mass set on a steam bath
Egg mass set on a steam bath

6. Pour the mixture into a small bowl in which to cook the omelet. Place this bowl in an iron sieve and place it on a pot filled with water. But the water must be poured so much that it does not touch the bottom of the sieve. That is, there should be a small distance between the water and the sieve, in which steam will collect.

Egg mass set on a steam bath
Egg mass set on a steam bath

7. Place such a structure on the stove and turn on a high heat. When the water boils and boils strongly, close the sieve with a lid to create a steam effect, thanks to which the food will be prepared.

An omelet is cooked on a steam bath
An omelet is cooked on a steam bath

8. Reduce heat to minimum and steam for 10-12 minutes.

Ready omelet
Ready omelet

9. After removing the omelet from the mold, cut some more prunes and sprinkle them on the dish. Serve warm immediately after cooking.

See also a video recipe on how to make a steam yogurt omelet.
