Steam omelet with pumpkin

Steam omelet with pumpkin
Steam omelet with pumpkin

Table of contents:


An omelet can be prepared by adding a wide variety of vegetables. In addition to the usual tomatoes and greens, it can be healthy, dietary and low-calorie pumpkin. Learn how to make such a treat and indulge yourself and your family with a delicious breakfast.

cooked steam omelet with pumpkin
cooked steam omelet with pumpkin

In the photo there is a ready-made omelet with pumpkin Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Pumpkin omelet is a very healthy breakfast. A vegetable addition to the dish is soft, tender and slightly sweet pumpkin pulp, which harmoniously decorates the wonderful taste of the omelet mixture. This food is suitable for baby and diet food. It is a great variety for breakfast, especially in the autumn season. You can cook such a dish in a multicooker, double boiler, airfryer or oven. But in the absence of all these kitchen "gadgets" you can make an omelet on a steam bath on the stove. The ingredients of the recipe remain unchanged. The resulting food is very tender, cute and appetizing with a delicate taste. Ingredients are given per serving. You can increase and decrease the volume of products in proportion to the desired amount.

To make a vegetable omelette tasty, you should remember the principles of its preparation:

  • Beat the eggs well.
  • Milk, cream, sour cream, mineral water are used as liquid.
  • The optimal amount of liquid is half a shell per egg, i.e. liquid by volume is 2 times less than eggs.
  • For a more dense and satiated dish, you can add a little flour or semolina.
  • The filling can be different. It is always added to the beaten egg mass.
  • Caloric content per 100 g - 65 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Pumpkin - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 1 tablespoon
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - a pinch

Making a Steam Pumpkin Omelet

Eggs combined with sour cream
Eggs combined with sour cream

1. Carefully break the eggshells with a sharp knife and pour the contents into a deep container. Add sour cream and a pinch of salt. You can replace sour cream with any liquid: milk, water and even beer.

Eggs beaten with sour cream
Eggs beaten with sour cream

2. Beat the eggs with a whisk, blender or mixer for about 3-5 minutes until fluffy, homogeneous, smooth.

The pumpkin is peeled, chopped and stacked in a deep bowl
The pumpkin is peeled, chopped and stacked in a deep bowl

3. Peel the vegetable from the thick skin, wash and cut into slices about 1–1.5 cm in size. You can also grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater. Place it in the container in which you will cook the omelet. If the peel is difficult to cut, then several cuts can be made on the vegetable and placed for a few minutes and in the microwave. The rind will soften and be easy to remove.

Instead of pumpkin, you can use any berries and fruits of the season: strawberries, fresh peas, bell peppers, apples, etc.

The pumpkin is filled with eggs and the mold is dipped in a sieve for steaming
The pumpkin is filled with eggs and the mold is dipped in a sieve for steaming

4. Pour the omelette mixture over the pumpkin. Put the bowl in a colander, which is placed in a pot of water and close the lid. Place the structure on the fire and cook the omelet for about 7-10 minutes.

If you have a double boiler, you can use it to make an omelet. You can also make a steam omelet in the microwave. Put the same container in the appliance and cook at the highest power for about 5 minutes.

Ready dish
Ready dish

5. Serve immediately after cooking, while the pumpkin omelet is tender, airy and soft. It is not customary to cook it for future use.

See also a video recipe on how to make an omelet for losing weight from a pumpkin:
