How delicious to fry chicken hearts in a pan with onions. All you just need to get acquainted with our step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking with photo
- Video recipes
Sometimes you really want to see something unusual, tasty, easy to prepare on the daily table. But there is no money for delicacies from marbled beef or salmon steaks? Then, in such a situation, we suggest that you turn your gaze to chicken offal. Namely, chicken hearts. At first glance, it is not quite an appetizing "something", to turn in skilled hands into a very tasty and satisfying dish. Moreover, chicken hearts are very tasty if cooked correctly.
We offer you a simple and proven recipe for fried chicken hearts with onions. After all, as they say, all ingenious is simple. But if you want something more complex and brighter in taste, you are welcome to see the recipe for chicken hearts in Chinese. Our Chicken Hearts are best served with mashed potatoes. You can adjust the thickness of the gravy while cooking. And in the recipe, you will learn the main secret of tender and soft hearts.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 135 kcal kcal.
- Servings - for 2 people
- Cooking time - 17 minutes

- Chicken hearts - 500 g
- Onions - 2 pcs.
- Water - 100 ml (optional)
- Salt to taste
- Pepper to taste
- Vegetable oil for frying
Step by step cooking chicken hearts in a pan with onions

1. First of all, let's prepare the chicken hearts. Fat can be left, but it is still worth rinsing the hearts from blood clots and removing large vessels. We wash the hearts and put them on a sieve so that the glasses have excess water.
Meanwhile, we clean and chop onions. The more onions, the tastier the dish.

2. Saute the onion in vegetable oil for 5 minutes.

3. Add the chicken hearts that we have prepared to the onion. Also now we add spices and any herbs - for example, thyme, parsley, dill.

4. Fry the hearts over medium heat for 7 minutes. After this time, hearts can be served. They prepare very quickly. Therefore, do not overexpose in a pan, they will become tough, and further heat treatment does not guarantee that they will be soft.

5. But we wanted some sauce. Therefore, they added water (you can take the broth) and poured hearts. Covered with a lid and stewed together for another 5 minutes.

See also video recipes:
1. Fried chicken hearts in a pan:

2. Delicious chicken hearts: