The construction of frame-panel board houses for baths is available to most owners of personal plots. The cost of such a building is much lower than that of similar structures made of log or brick. Today you will learn about making a bath frame with your own hands. Content:
Wooden frame for a bath
- Materials and tools
- Foundation preparation
- Bottom strapping
- Racks and top harness
- Rafter system
- Frame made of boards
Metal frame for a bath
- Frame advantages
- Assembly features
The frame technology for the construction of a bath has many admirers. Considering the many advantages of this mounting method, this is not surprising. With proper insulation, wooden panel board baths retain heat well, and their construction takes very little time.
Construction of a wooden frame for a bath
The manufacture of the frame structure of the bath begins after the installation of the foundation, which for such light buildings usually has a columnar appearance and is made of blocks, concrete or pipes. The frame consists of lower, upper straps and wooden wall elements. This is the most important element of the structure, on which its strength and reliability depend.
Materials for the construction of a wooden frame for a bath

For operational work, you need to prepare in advance materials and all the tools that will be needed:
- Board or timber. The transverse dimensions of the board for the manufacture of the frame are 38x140 mm or 38x100 mm. The bar is taken with a section of 150x150, 120x120 or 100x100 mm.
- Roll material for waterproofing - roofing felt or roofing felt is suitable.
- Fasteners. As it is used nails with a length of 50, 100, 150 mm and screws for wood, respectively - 50 or 100 mm.
- Construction square and level for checking the correctness of the geometric shapes created during the assembly of the bath frame.
- Antiseptic and fire retardant solutions for wood processing. They will help protect the future building from insects, rodents and accidental fire.
The lumber used for the manufacture of the frame must be well dried and treated with protective compounds. Otherwise, in the future, fungus and mold can create unnecessary problems.
Preparation of the foundation for the wooden frame of the bath

The correct laying of the lower frame strapping largely depends on the quality of the foundation for the bath. The difference in the height of its columns should not exceed 10 mm with their ideal vertical. Any violations will complicate further work. The preparation of the foundation for the installation of the piping is carried out at the stage of its pouring. To do this, anchor bolts are welded to its reinforcement in advance for the subsequent fastening of a wooden bar to them. On the finished foundation, they protrude above its upper surface. Another option is wooden corks laid in fresh concrete. To level the top of the posts, a cement-sand mortar is used. Before laying the timber, they are insulated with roofing material glued to a dry surface using bitumen mastic.
The device of the lower strapping of the wooden frame of the bath

The device for tying the frame of a bath from a bar requires correct adherence to technology, which allows this work to be done in two ways.
One of them involves starting it from the corner of the future building and assembling the entire structure in a circle. In another case, the strapping elements are located on the two long sides of the building, and the strapping of short walls is assembled between them. The latter method is recommended as it is considered more reliable.
Sometimes the corner joints of boards or beams are made with a sample of their wood to obtain grooves. For reliable fixation of structural elements, their horizontal position and length must be well measured and adjusted.
Screws, nails and metal corners are used as fasteners for connecting the timber and strapping boards. Anchor bolts press the trim elements to the base with nuts.
As a result, a rigid fixed structure should be obtained, consisting of a wooden strapping frame fixed to the foundation. After checking the work done with the help of a building level and a square, you can proceed to the installation of the racks and the upper strapping.
Racks and upper strapping of a wooden frame for a bath

The erection of the walls of the frame for the bath begins with the installation of its corner posts, which rest on the lower trim. Then all intermediate posts are installed with a step of 600 mm. At the locations of window and door openings, the distance between adjacent pillars may be different. Above and below the openings are limited by additional horizontal transoms fixed to the vertical elements of the frame.
After assembling the walls and partitions of the frame, its upper strapping is performed. It connects all vertical structural elements to each other, gives it strength and distributes the load from the future roof to the walls of the building. The upper strapping is also made from a board or timber.
Before its implementation, the racks are fixed in the desired position with temporary braces made of any unnecessary material - cuttings of boards, bars, etc. After aligning the corner posts, a bar of the upper trim is attached to them, on which the upper ends of all other wall elements are fixed. Permanent braces are attached to the corners inside the walls, and temporary ties are removed.
The device of the lag of the floor and ceiling beams makes the frame of the bath much more rigid. To make the floor of the steam room, dressing room and rest room, bars with a section of 50x50 mm are nailed to the logs fixed on the lower harness. Subfloor boards are laid on them. After laying roofing material, mineral wool and a layer of vapor barrier film on it, finishing floor boards are installed.
Rafter system for a frame bath

Roof rafters are assembled not on the walls of the building, but near it on a flat area. These products are made according to a template in the form of an open compass with a crossbar in its upper part. Then they alternately rise to the wall and are placed above the corresponding frame posts. For the convenience of installing the rafter system on the ceiling beams, you can arrange a temporary flooring of thick boards. This will increase the safety of work at height and allow free movement. Before raising the last structures, forms from OSB sheets for roofing gables are placed on them.
After the completion of the roofing work and wall cladding, door frames and window blocks are installed. The work on the manufacture of the frame for the bath has been completed.
Wooden frame for a bath made of boards

Traditionally, the strapping and frame walls are made of timber. But there is a more economical solution. You can make the frame of the bath from the boards. For its installation, you can use an edged board 25x100 mm. Its use will not weaken the strength of the entire structure, since the future wall cladding will redistribute the entire load.
There is a little trick to consider when using these thin boards. For the work of critical sections of the frame, for example, its straps and corners, the board is doubled. This has a definite advantage over the timber: if it is "driven" by moisture, then the double boards mutually compensate for all the bends.
In addition, the likelihood of the emergence of "weak" points is reduced. The knots in the timber reduce its strength. Therefore, it must be carefully selected. A high-quality timber is more expensive. In contrast to it, any board can be used, since on the knocked down boards the probability of the coincidence of the location of the knots is negligible. However, the board can be moved.
Construction of a metal frame for a bath
The welded metal bath frame is a strong and durable construction. In addition, it has a low weight, high installation speed and is compatible with any block, pile or column foundation. The material for the metal frame is a profile pipe, channel or corner. Like its wood counterpart, the welded frame consists of a lower and upper straps. Racks are located between them. It is very easy to provide openings, windows, doors and crate for the floor and roof in it. The metal frame is sheathed with profiled flooring, panels and wood.
Advantages of a metal frame for a bath

Buildings built on the basis of metal frames, in comparison with traditional construction of stone, glued beams or logs, have a low cost price. But they are significantly more expensive than similar structures with wooden frames. Moreover, their price is directly proportional to the section of the profile pipe. Agree, bending it is a rather laborious process, and it is not cheap.
Otherwise, the advantages of the welded frame are obvious:
- High construction speed. The use of a profile pipe as the main material for the manufacture of the frame can significantly reduce the time of installation work.
- Lack of "wet" processes in the technology of work, with the exception of the foundation. This makes it possible to mount the frame in any weather and season.
- The metal frame does not have any shrinkage both during assembly and during the operation of the building.
Features of the assembly of the metal frame of the bath

For the frame of the bath, profile pipes with a section of 60x60 or 100x100 mm are used. Their size depends on the dimensions of the bath and is calculated using the profile pipe calculator.
Frame elements are made as follows:
- The part that is necessary for installation is cut from the pipe.
- The pipe can be bent into an arched shape if necessary. This operation is performed in a workshop on a pipe bending machine.
- The resulting frame elements must be welded in accordance with the requirements for metal structures. Drawings and photos of bath frames can be found on the Internet. This will help not to violate the rules for assembling the structure.
- Technological processing of shaped pipes will make it possible to make a roof from them in the form of a frame element. The calculation of the pipe for the roof rafters is done taking into account the weight of the roofing material. Lightweight roofs with a steep slope allow the use of thin pipes.
The elements of the frame are connected by welding, but their fastening with bolts and nuts is also possible. For this, suitable holes are drilled in the pipe. When assembling the structure, the lower frame is installed first. It is welded at the corners to the embedded parts of the foundation - this provides it with immobility. Then the corner posts are mounted, the top of which is connected by ceiling girders. Vertical posts are placed along the longitudinal and transverse walls of the structure. They give rigidity to the frame and serve as a crate for wall cladding. The distance between the racks is taken equal to the width of the finishing material. If its installation is provided with an overlap, this distance is reduced by 3-5 cm.
How to build a frame for a bath - watch the video:

That's all the teaching. We hope you already understood how to make the frame of a bathhouse out of wood or metal. There is only one small thing left: to show diligence, be patient, and in a couple of weeks you will be happy to bathe in your own bathhouse!