How to make a yogurt smoothie with strawberries and flax seeds at home? Benefits and nutritional value. Cooking secrets and a step by step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Do you want to please yourself and your family with a healthy breakfast, midday snack or afternoon snack? Then prepare a delicious and delicate kefir smoothie with strawberries and flax seeds in 5 minutes. The recipe is perfect for those who don't know how to include healthy seeds like flax in their menu. And a smoothie is a great choice for that. Flax seeds add satiety and benefit to the body, and are practically not felt in the dish itself. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, there are practically no carbohydrates and there is a lot of plant fiber, antioxidants and healthy fatty acids. Moreover, they are considered to be an effective weight loss aid. One glass of such a healthy smoothie will replace a full meal, while the body will receive energy, satiety, and also normalize metabolism.
The smoothie will be more delicious if you add at least one of the frozen ingredients to the drink, for example, berries. You can experiment with them using seasonal ones or those that are on hand and in the freezer. If there are no strawberries, take cranberries, currant cherries. All these fruits are red, and as you know, red berries are rich in iron. Therefore, this vitamin and berry smoothie is suitable for young mothers during the recovery period. In addition, the drink has a rich taste.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 92 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 5-7 minutes

- Kefir - 300 ml
- Strawberries - 10-20 berries depending on size
- Flax seeds - 1.5 tsp
Step by step preparation of kefir smoothie with strawberries and flax seeds:

1. Pour cold, well-cooled kefir into the container of a stationary blender or into the bowl of a handheld electric appliance for mixing ingredients. Take the percentage of fat content of kefir as you like best. With skimmed kefir or one percent fat, the drink will be liquid. The higher the fat percentage, the denser the drink will be. You can replace kefir with natural yogurt.

2. Pour flax seeds to kefir, which by their composition are considered a dietary product. Their quantity can be adjusted to taste. I do not dry the seeds beforehand, because during heat treatment, they lose up to 95% of their useful properties. But they contain a lot of fiber, and they have 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil. Flaxseeds can be added to smoothies both whole and pre-ground in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour. But keep in mind that powdered seeds oxidize quickly, so use only freshly ground seeds.
You can add a spoonful of oatmeal or sesame seeds to the drink to make it more satisfying. Oatmeal is better to take ordinary "rolled oats", because they are healthier than instant cereals. The popular new superfood chia is also a good choice.

3. Rinse the strawberries well to remove any dirt, soil and debris. Dry the berries with a paper towel and cut off a green tail from each. Cut large berries into pieces, and leave small ones whole. Send the berries to a container with kefir. Both dense and firm berries and soft ones are suitable for a drink. they will still be crushed. You can vary the amount of strawberries to your liking and add as many as you want to the drink. The density of the drink will depend on their number.
You can use frozen berries or strawberry puree. Frozen berries are usually washed, peeled and sorted before freezing. Therefore, it remains only to rinse them with warm water so that they become softer and send them to a container with kefir. Leave the puree at room temperature to soften it. Although, if you have a powerful brand and are confident in it, you can lower frozen foods directly from the freezer.
Also, half a banana will not be superfluous in the drink. It will give the smoothie a viscous texture and additional satiety to the body. Sweeten a little with a spoonful of honey, maple syrup, or brown sugar if desired. But if the strawberries are very sweet, then you can do without the sweetener.

4. Immerse the blender in a container with food.

5. Turn on the blender to maximum power and beat everything, and in a minute you will have a thick homogeneous mixture with air bubbles. If frozen berries are used, then the final drink is chilled enough. To get the same ice smoothie with fresh berries, add a few ice cubes to the ingredients list. Or simply add crushed ice crumbs to the glass of your drink before serving.
Pour the ready-made kefir smoothie with strawberries and flax seeds into glasses and start tasting. They consume it freshly prepared and do not prepare it for future use. You can decorate the smoothie with mint leaves, sprinkle with grated chocolate or a pinch of flax seeds. With regular use of such a drink, you can improve your condition (cleanse the intestines and normalize metabolism), as well as lose 2-3 kg.