Review of a useful plant product - oilseed flax seeds: a brief description, chemical composition, useful properties, for what purposes and how they are taken, harm and contraindications, interesting facts. Flax seeds are ovoid from 3 to 5 mm long, strongly flattened, light brown, smooth and shiny. They contain the fruits of the annual plant Flax, an oilseed crop of the flax family, dicotyledonous class. The plant is cultivated, its botanical name is Linum. Among the hundred types, the most necessary is “ordinary” or its second name is “spinning flax”.

The stem of this herb (see the photo above) grows up to half a meter, without hairs (almost naked), the flowers are not large, blue-grayish in color and five-petal, the five-celled capsule is a fruit, oily seeds ripen in it. It is not precisely confirmed, but approximately the linseed culture began to be grown in Persia, in the Transcaucasus, Anatolia, Indochina. Depending on the subspecies, flax is grown for yarn or for seed production. We are interested in the latter …
Chemical composition and caloric content of flax seeds

Although we are not yet interested in the composition of flax stems and leaves, they still contain: linamarin glycoside, p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, ferulic, chlorogenic, caffeine and several other acids. In total, there are about 20 phenolcarboxylic acids.
The calorie content of flax seeds per 100 grams is 492 kcal, as well as:
- Fat - 38.0 g
- Carbohydrates - 4.5 g
- Proteins - 33.0 g
- They also have a lot of dietary fiber, about 28.0 g
- Ash - 3.5 g
- Water - 6.5 g
Macro and microelements:
- Phosphorus - 640 mg
- Potassium - 813 mg
- Magnesium - 390 mg
- Calcium - 250 mg
- Sodium - 30 mg
- Iron - 6 mg
- Selenium - 25 mg
- Zinc - 4 mg
- Manganese - 2.5 mg
- Copper - 1 mg
- Carotenoid Lutein with Zeaxanthin - 650 mcg
- Ethyl alcohol about 3 mcg
- B1 thiamine - 1.65 mg
- B2 riboflavin - 0.15 mg
- B3 PP - 3 mg
- B4 choline - 79 mg
- B5 pantothenic acid - 1 mg
- C / ascorbic acid - 0.5 mg
- E - 20 mg
- K1 - 4 μg
Amino acids:
Saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated (in particular Omega-3 and Omega-6, Omega-9).
Benefits of flax seeds

The seeds of the flax plant are a very valuable and useful product for humans because they contain a large amount of mucus or water-soluble fiber, lignans, B vitamins and Omega acids.
The water-soluble fiber in flaxseed acts as a healing soft balm that envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, therefore, prevents their damage, irritation, heals wounds, does not allow cholesterol to be "absorbed" into the blood. It so strongly impregnates the inner walls of the gastrointestinal tract that it does not exfoliate when coarse fiber enters and does not interfere with cleansing.
Flax seeds contain a large set of B vitamins, which are actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism. For example, a sufficient amount of B1 helps us to fully absorb sugar.
Phenolic compounds (lignans) or plant hormones are useful for the human body in order to cleanse the blood and blood vessels. Thus, they help us to avoid the appearance and accumulation of sclerotic plaques, which means in time to avoid heart problems and strokes. If you use flax seeds in your daily diet, you can prevent cancer. And here phenolic compounds also play an important role, neutralizing special enzymes produced by the liver at the time of digestion of harmful products. Scientists have proven that lignans help resist breast cancer, prostate diseases, and rectal tumors.
For women during menopause, flax seed lignans are very useful, as they reduce the manifestations of a lack of female hormones (hot flashes, dryness in the genitals, etc.).
Omega acids contained in seeds and flax seed oil are comparable to amino acids contained in meat and soybeans, they ensure normal metabolism in the body, promote better absorption of nutrients, and block inflammatory processes. In addition, not only when taken orally, oil applied to the skin will heal eczema, burns, neurodermatitis, etc.
What do flax seeds treat? The beneficial properties of flaxseed are used in the treatment of ulcers, inflammations (kidneys, bladder, respiratory organs), constipation and flatulence, to remove toxins (for example, in case of heavy metal poisoning).
Flax seeds - how to take?

Flax stalks are used to make strong fibers, but valuable healthy oil is extracted from the seeds by cold pressing. It is used for food, for the preparation of anti-aging cosmetics, and for other, but already technical purposes. For example, pharmacists took note of all the benefits of flaxseed oil and began to produce a drug for the treatment of inflammation of the esophagus, stomach ulcers, prevention of atherosclerosis, skin burns, radiation injuries - "Linetol". Whole flax seeds are taken for baking flour products such as bread. In such heat treatment, only a part of all the useful substances of the product is preserved, but unsaturated amino acids can become a carcinogenic poison.
The healthiest way of all is to take raw flaxseeds. Take 10–20 grams and sprinkle them with cereal for breakfast, salad (this is how chefs serve in restaurants in many European countries), side dish (as French cooks do), goulash or soup. Nutritionists generally recommend preparing a very healthy raw porridge from flax seeds.
1. How to take flax seeds for weight loss

Unfortunately, this product does not have a direct effect on fat cells. But it promotes an accelerated metabolism and the conversion of stored fat cells into energy. If you can reduce your calorie intake and stick to your diet, then the question of losing weight will be resolved.
Flax oil and seeds also contribute to getting rid of excess weight. can remove toxins and toxins.
Read our article on how to use flax seeds for weight loss
The simplest weight loss recipes are flax seed infusion and powder. It is easy to cook them, although the infusion spoils within a day, so portions should be daily. So…
Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of seeds (1 liter will be enough), you need to insist for several hours (for example, overnight), you can in a thermos. The next day, the infusion can be taken in 100 grams half an hour before meals. This volume is enough for 3 times for a day. It is even better to drink such "jelly" together with seeds. Reception scheme: drink for 10 days, rest for 10 days
A powder that is easy to take and retains all the beneficial substances of flax seeds:
the seeds are roasted, cooled and ground in a coffee grinder. The powder is added to various dishes and drinks (kefir, for example). This recipe benefits those who are losing weight also by the fact that it swells in the stomach and dulls the feeling of hunger
2. Flax seeds for bowel cleansing
Cleansing the intestines and organs with flaxseeds has been proven by centuries of traditional medicine practice. A safe, simple and natural recipe is to put a few seeds in your mouth and wash down with water. The seeds secreted mucus, absorbed slags (like a tablet of activated carbon), and came out after a few hours with feces.
Over time, the recipes have improved. For example, fennel and coriander were added to flax seeds. All of them are taken in equal parts, placed in a container and filled with boiling water. For a glass of water, take a teaspoon of raw materials. Insist no more than 30 minutes, shake and drink. The course is 2 weeks, it is used up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach.
It would be nice to insist flax seeds in ordinary sunflower oil for purification: 100 ground seeds are poured with unrefined sunflower oil (250 g), put in a dark place for a week (from time to time, however, the container is shaken), do not filter. Ready oil infusion is consumed for 10 days on a tablespoon on an empty stomach. You cannot drink alcohol at the same time as butter, eat sweet and starchy foods. Unlike water infusion, oil is not taken during periods of exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gallstones.
How and why is flaxseed flour obtained?

Flaxseed milled product is flour. Unlike the seeds themselves, it cannot be stored for a long time - useful properties are lost. But it is much easier to add it when preparing dietary and healing dishes. Bread is made from it, as well as from seeds, and added to cereals and drinks. It gives hot dishes a "jelly" texture and due to this has enveloping properties, heals wounds and small internal injuries, promotes absorption and removal of toxins.
In cosmetics, flaxseed flour smoothes wrinkles well
It is mixed with other products during the preparation of a rejuvenating mask. For example, flaxseed flour, egg, sour cream. Coarse flour makes a very good cleansing scrub.
Flour is prepared at home in two ways: in a millstone mill, which can extract the product of any grind, and in a coffee grinder.
Flax seed contraindications and harm
Flax seeds are a natural plant product that does not cause side effects and can be used in combination with medicines. But at the same time, for certain diseases, it is better to keep this product and its derivatives aside for a while, these are:
- exacerbation of pancreatitis, stomach and gastrointestinal ulcers;
- acute cholecystitis;
- cholelithiasis;
- diarrhea.
In late pregnancy, taking flax seeds can trigger preterm labor.
When your health is stable and normal, you can start eating flaxseeds with a teaspoon (3 g). Then add another 2 or 3 g every week. The recommended intake per day is 50 grams.
Interesting Facts
Flax is the oldest oil-bearing plant, its seeds appeared in Russia around the beginning of 2000 BC. Until the 9th century, it continued to be cultivated to obtain healing oil and durable fiber, and in the following years it was made a medium of exchange as money - they paid them rent, taxes, taxes. Flax and its seeds became a commodity in the 13th century.
Flax goes completely into production: stems, seeds, oil, flour. Even the cake that remains after processing the seeds is used as feed for dairy cattle.
The squeezed oil from flax seeds is also used for technical purposes in the production of waterproof fabrics, for the manufacture of paints and varnishes. European artists gave oil shine to their paintings.
Watch a video about the benefits of flax seeds for weight loss, beauty and health: