Features and menu of a drinking diet for 7 days

Features and menu of a drinking diet for 7 days
Features and menu of a drinking diet for 7 days

Drinking a diet helps not only to lose weight, but also to effectively cleanse the body. Find out the features of its implementation, menus, indications and contraindications. This technique is based on fluid intake. Moreover, it is liquid foods that should be the main diet for the entire period of adherence to the diet. It is allowed to drink not only pure water, but also natural juices, broths, milk drinks. The advantages of this method include not only cleansing the whole body, but also the ability to bring the weight back to normal.

Drinking Diet Theory and Prospective Results

Three glasses of juice
Three glasses of juice

Many of the fairer sex who are trying to lose a couple of extra pounds are ready to take the most extreme measures and completely refuse to eat. For such girls, a unique weight loss system was developed - a drinking diet, the results of observing which will pleasantly surprise. In the event that you use this technique correctly, in just one day you can lose about 1.5 kg of excess weight.

The main feature of a drinking diet is that the gastrointestinal tract does not receive solid food. As a result, the body rests and begins to gradually get rid of all that is superfluous. No longer worried about the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, there is no feeling of fullness in the stomach. In addition, the body easily digests liquid food, while the formation of new fatty deposits does not occur.

The most important component of this method of losing weight is the simplest water, which perfectly saturates the body and allows you to get rid of hunger for a long time. During the day, you can drink large amounts of fluids that do not even contain one calorie. Provided that liquid food is properly digested, metabolism is activated. Therefore, an intense process of losing weight begins.

If the goal is to lose 5 kilograms, a 7-day drinking diet is just ideal. This time is enough to remove fat deposits on the sides, the volume of the thighs is reduced by several centimeters. While observing a drinking diet, lightness in the body is felt, mood improves, energy and strength appear, which were previously spent on the process of digesting food.

In the case when the body is safely reconstructed to a new mode of operation, it took a few extra pounds, but the result is not satisfactory, you can continue to follow the diet and extend it for 30 days. Of course, for this you need to have excellent health and have the willpower to hold out for four weeks on a very strict diet.

Before deciding on such a brave act, it is imperative to consult with a doctor and undergo a full medical examination to find out about your own health. If you ignore this advice, there is a risk of getting serious problems from some organs.

Throughout the entire diet, certain changes occur in the human body, which are conventionally divided into several stages:

  1. During the first 10 days, the hollow organs are cleansed. A white coating may appear on the tongue, which is normal.
  2. The liver and kidneys are renewed, these organs are intensively cleansed, so a feeling of slight discomfort in the area of their location may appear.
  3. During the last 10 days of the diet, cleansing begins at the cellular level.

If you decide to follow a drinking diet, you must understand that it consists not only of a limited, but also a very strict diet. That is why the body will need support - throughout the course, it is imperative to take special vitamin complexes and biologically active additives.

Drinking diet: types

Different types of fluids for drinking a diet
Different types of fluids for drinking a diet

Today, there are several types of drinking diets, when a combination of mono-diets with drinking is performed. For example, the chocolate drinking diet is very popular, which is based on the daily consumption of dark chocolate (no more than 150 g) and coffee. If this technique is combined with a drinking diet, you can replace hard chocolate with cocoa without sugar, which is allowed to drink up to 6 cups a day. In between taking this drink, it is important to drink plain water - about 1.5 liters per day. The duration of the shock-drinking diet is 3-7 days, and during this time you can lose about 4 kg of excess weight.

The toughest option is the 30-day chocolate-drinking diet. But it helps to achieve amazing results. If you hold on to the full course, during this time you can lose about 12 kg of excess weight in just four weeks. It is allowed to drink up to 8 cups of a chocolate drink based on cocoa with milk per day. Additionally, you can drink not only water, but also juices, milk, broths. It is strictly forbidden to take sugar in any form.

Advantages of a drinking diet:

  1. It is believed that the main advantage of a drinking diet is precisely the willpower, which is developed during its observance.
  2. Excess weight literally melts away without having to exhaust your body with hard physical training in the gym.
  3. Gradually, the stomach decreases in volume and in the future, after stopping the diet, saturation occurs even if you consume smaller portions.
  4. Effective cleansing of the whole organism takes place.

Doctors say that too long adherence to a drinking diet can negatively affect the general condition of the body and the work of certain organs. That is why, if there is a strong feeling of discomfort, you need to immediately stop the diet and seek help from a doctor.

Many girls who have used this diet for weight loss develop additional health problems, which include:

  • feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • avitaminosis;
  • tearfulness;
  • worried about a strong and incessant feeling of hunger;
  • after a drinking diet, the stomach is very difficult to rebuild to eat solid food.

In most cases, after stopping the drinking diet, the lost weight very quickly returns again, as soon as the person switches to the usual diet. Having completed the drinking diet, there is an almost irresistible desire to eat something very harmful, fatty and high in calories, which they had to give up for a long period of time.

A drinking diet is categorically contraindicated for people who suffer from impaired renal function, especially if there are problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Drinking diet: diet

Glasses with vegetable juice
Glasses with vegetable juice

If you decide to test your own body with a drinking diet, the first question is what you can drink and what should be the diet. The answer is very simple, everything is allowed, except for any sugary carbonated drinks, store juices, since they contain a large amount of sugar, including strong coffee and fatty drinking yoghurts.

It is advisable to consume such liquids:

  • 1.5 liters per day of plain non-carbonated water;
  • jelly or compote, cooked without added sugar;
  • coffee, green tea or herbal teas;
  • fresh orange, grapefruit and apple juices;
  • broth, which should be cooked in fish, chicken, vegetables.

Sample menu of a drinking diet for 7 days

A girl holding a glass of milk in her hands
A girl holding a glass of milk in her hands

In just one week of drinking diet, you can lose about 5-6 kg of excess weight. For this period, you need to stock up on various, but only permitted drinks, so that the diet is more varied. Thanks to this, it will become much easier to endure a tough diet.

You can use the following approximate drinking diet for one week:

  • day 1 - dairy products, the fat content of which should not be more than 2%;
  • day 2 - different types of broths, you can make a puree soup, but it must be quite liquid;
  • day 3 - homemade fruit and vegetable juices, as the store product is prohibited;
  • 4th day - black tea with milk and green tea with lemon;
  • day 5 - fruit jelly, compote is allowed, but it must be prepared without adding sugar;
  • day 6 - milk;
  • 7th day - different types of broths.

You can use not only the drinks listed in the menu, but also plain water, which will be a great snack.

It is very important to get out of the diet correctly and smoothly so as not to harm your own body. If the diet lasted 7 days, it will take about one month to get out of it.

After completing the course, the next day begins with oatmeal, but the portion should be small, while the lunch remains drinkable. This regime must be adhered to for three days, after which low-fat foods are gradually introduced into the diet - for example, cheese, boiled eggs, fruits, yoghurts, bread and vegetables.

General advice on adherence to a drinking diet

Girl drinking water on the background of the sky
Girl drinking water on the background of the sky

In order for the drinking diet to bring maximum benefit, while observing it, you need to adhere to several tips:

  1. Throughout the diet, you need to constantly monitor the stool. It is important to go to the toilet every day, but at the same time, diarrhea should not develop.
  2. It is possible to re-observe the drinking diet no earlier than after a year, otherwise there is a risk of causing serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If side effects such as nausea, dizziness or weakness appear, you should immediately interrupt the diet and return to your usual diet.
  4. The use of any alcoholic beverages, fatty liquids and hot spices is strictly prohibited.

Throughout the entire period of the diet, it is necessary to additionally support your body with trace elements and vitamins. You can buy them at any pharmacy. After completing the diet, there will be a great temptation to pamper yourself with any high-calorie foods, but such actions can lead to a quick return of the lost pounds. If you follow all the recommendations and strictly follow the diet, it will be possible to lose weight and effectively cleanse the body.

More about drinking diet in the video below:
