Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days: menu

Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days: menu
Anti-cellulite diet for 10 days: menu

Anti-cellulite products: what should you lean on to get rid of the "orange peel" and lose weight? All 10 days of the anti-cellulite diet are listed here. You should not trustingly that cellulite can be easily defeated with an expensive cream, even long-term wrapping procedures in cellophane or just one massage will not help. All this will be a waste of time, money and energy, if only you continue to eat, as before - irregularly, using "unhealthy foods."

What are these "harmful products" that provoke the appearance of cellulite? We will talk about this a little later, but for now let's figure out why this unpleasant phenomenon occurs?

The causes of cellulite are slagging of the body (fast food, irregular food intake, alcohol); bile deficiency; a sedentary lifestyle and constant stress. As a result, lymphatic outflow and microcirculation are disturbed in the subcutaneous fat layer. The skin becomes uneven, depressions and bumps appear, hence the name - "orange peel effect". These are mainly the buttocks, hips, sometimes arms and shoulders.

As you can see, proper nutrition (special, directed against cellulite) plays the main role here, which will gradually remove all toxins and toxins, improve bile secretion and normalize the water-salt balance. Such a diet should simultaneously create conditions for a calorie deficit. Why is this needed? Due to the deficit (lack) of the usual amount of calories, the body begins to start spending its internal reserves, thereby getting rid of fat, flavored with cellulite.

Now let's move on to those products that retain fluid in the body and form free radicals. These include:

  1. Smoked and sausage products.
  2. Fatty meat and animal fats.
  3. Grilled chicken.
  4. Canned food and any manufactured products.
  5. Chocolate, black tea, coffee.
  6. Alcoholic drinks.
  7. Flour, sugar (white rice, pastries, sweets, pasta, bread).
  8. Cubes, artificial additives, seasonings containing flavor enhancers, margarine, ready meals.
  9. Pickles and marinades.
Anti-cellulite diet menu
Anti-cellulite diet menu

Anti-cellulite diet menu: what to lean on?

  1. Foods containing fiber: legumes, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, whole grains.
  2. Meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products (low fat), seeds, nuts.
  3. Drinking water - removes excess fluid from the body and helps to eliminate toxins.
  4. Herbal infusions, green tea, sugar-free compote.

In addition to such a balanced diet, which should be followed in order to avoid the appearance of "orange peel", there is a more targeted program called the anti-cellulite diet lasting 10 days.

So, on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, we eat mostly raw vegetables and fruits. From fruits, it is recommended to eat pineapples (find out about the calorie content of pineapple), oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, kiwi, mangoes, apples, grapes, papaya, pears. Add bean sprouts, soybeans, lemon juice, sprouted wheat grains, a little olive oil to salads. All dairy products are banned at this time.

On the second day of the diet, we eat only fruits (excluding bananas).

On days 4, 6, 8, 10, in addition to raw vegetables and fruits, we add a little cereal to the diet, and we eat some of the vegetables in boiled form. From cereals, you can buckwheat (find out about the calorie content of buckwheat), rice, lentils, oatmeal.

What else do you need to do?

During the anti-cellulite diet, replace intense exercise with a moderate load on the muscles: walking for an hour, Pilates, yoga, exercise on simulators is good. During water procedures, be sure to use a hard mitten or washcloth, rubbing problem areas.

It is important after a 10-day "anti-cellulite weight loss" to continue to adhere to the correct diet, which was described above, but not as hard (as in a 10-day marathon), but more rationally and balanced. Plus, keep an eye on the health of the hormonal system and do not quit exercise. Let it be a minimum, but regular.

Reviews about this diet are only positive, since this method of losing weight and anti-cellulite program has a positive effect on the overall health of losing weight.

No more cellulite, but only a slim figure and healthy, smooth skin!
