Find out what's best for a beginner to become a great bodybuilder or physique esthete like Mens Physicist. The Mens Physicist nomination in bodybuilding appeared only in 2012. Only men are allowed to participate in the competition. If in bodybuilding, the size of the muscles is primarily assessed, then in order to win the Mens Physicist, you must have an aesthetic physique.
Mens Physicist in bodybuilding: what is it?

At the 2011 Mr. Olympia tournament in Las Vegas, the organizers of the competition arranged a casting among the guys for several fashion publications. The judges sent out invitations to those young men who might be on glossy covers. In the letters it was said that an additional tournament would be held within the framework of the main competition.
At first this competition was known as magazine casting and ten guys took part in it. The winner was Steve Cook and a contract was signed with him. However, there were a lot of people willing to take part, and the organizers of the casting decided to hold a new competition. This was a signal for the high popularity of the new nomination. Note that in some states Mens Physicist tournaments are held throughout the year. In Russia, this category is presented only in spring and autumn.
Although the Mens Physicist category in bodybuilding appeared only a few years ago, many eminent athletes participate in it. The popularity of the new tournament has forced the IFBB to include it in the Mr. Olympia as well as the Arnold Classic. Until 2011, all bodybuilding guys could participate in such tournaments. Today it can be done by both amateurs and professionals.
At first, not everyone took the new nomination seriously, because the history of Mens Physicist, unlike bodybuilding, is small. If we talk about the differences between the new nomination and classic bodybuilding, then, first of all, the judges should evaluate not the size of the muscles, but the symmetry and fit of the body. While posing, athletes appear on stage in shorts, which is the reason for the second name of this category - beach bodybuilding.
Who looks better Mens Physicist or bodybuilder?

This is not an easy question, because the assessment criteria are strikingly different. On the other hand, Mens Physicist quickly became popular, because it is known that pumped muscles do not always attract women. The builders themselves have an extremely negative attitude towards beachgoers. Some believe that the main reason for this is the presence of a large number of gay guys among men physicists.
However, in our opinion, the point is different - the builders are sure that to win a new nomination, you can train much less, and the reward for winning has a similar weight. If we approach the issue more seriously, then the differences between the two nominations do not seem so significant.
Training and nutrition
The rules of nutrition are in many ways similar, but classic builders have to eat more food, because large muscles require an appropriate amount of energy. Also, while gaining weight, bodybuilders may not worry about the products they eat, but beach-goers should not be allowed such liberty. They must keep their bodies as dry as possible throughout the year. The training is also almost the same and the physics men work in the gym no less in comparison with the classic bodybuilders.
Muscle mass
Of course, heavyweights have a much higher muscle mass, because this criterion is one of the main ones. The quality of the mass also matters. For comparison, we present the anthropological parameters of Phil Heath, who won at Olympia. During the competition, his body weight was 111 kilos with an increase of 175 centimeters. If he decided to take part in the Mens Physicist competition, then the maximum weight for him would be 78 kilos. The most titled domestic mens physicist Denis Gusev, with a height of 186, weighs about 93 kilos during the competition.
Since beachgoers have significantly less muscle volumes in comparison with classic builders, it is much easier to keep them during the off-season. As a result, beach-goers have muscle mass in the off-season only a couple of kilos less than the competitive one. Denis Gusev, already mentioned by us, during this period can weigh about 95 kilos. It is for this reason that competitions in the Mens Physicist category can be held throughout the year. It is extremely difficult for bodybuilders to constantly maintain a high shape and, for example, Phil Heath, during preparation for tournaments, can weigh 14 kilograms more.
We have already said that beachgoers go on stage in wide shorts, the length of which reaches the knees. Since the legs are almost completely hidden under clothing, they may pay less attention to the lower limbs during training. On the other hand, physics men should pay a lot of attention to skin color, hairstyle and overall attractiveness. In classical bodybuilding, attention is not paid to this.
There are differences in the manner of posing. In bodybuilding, a set of standard positions are used to demonstrate all the muscles in the body. Beach athletes should be symmetrical and proportional and take common positions during the performance. In addition, there is a freestyle program in bodybuilding, during which an athlete has the right to demonstrate various qualities. In the Mens physicist, any liberties are prohibited, and there is no free program.
Sports pharmacology
In classical bodybuilding without pharmacological nutrition, you can not count on winning. But the men of physics can do without illegal drugs. In addition, beachgoers need to monitor their appearance, and the use of AAS can lead to side effects such as hair loss or skin problems. As a result, you can lose in the tournament.
In what categories do they compete in the Mens Physicist competition?

In total, there are six categories in this nomination, and their classification is based on the growth of athletes. In Russia, the following gradation is used:
- Height less than 170 centimeters - the weight of the athlete should not exceed 70 kilograms.
- Height less than 174 centimeters - the weight of the beach man must correspond to a maximum of 76 kilos.
- Height less than 178 centimeters - body weight should be no more than 81 kilos.
- height from 178 to 190 centimeters - the weight of the athlete is no more than 83 kilograms.
- Height above 190 centimeters - the athlete must have a mass of no more than 97 kilograms.
As you probably already understood, the body mass indicator should not be exceeded. If you have less weight, then you are eligible to take part in competitions.
Mens Physicist or bodybuilding: which one to choose?

The question of what to choose - Mens Physicist or bodybuilding is often of interest to novice athletes who decide to take part in competitions. As we have already found out, the main differences between the two nominations are in the amount of mass. If you strive to gain the maximum possible, then there are no options, and your dear is in classic bodybuilding.
In this case, you should eat a lot of food (as a result of gaining fat mass, you cannot avoid), train actively and hard, give the body enough time to recover, and if the plans include participation in tournaments, then you will have to use anabolic steroids. Bodybuilding stars are familiar to all fans of this sport and we will not name their names again.
According to surveys conducted among women, representatives of the fair half of the body are not very attracted to pumped muscles. Of course, to each his own, but the fact remains that way. If you want to not only pump up, but also attract girls, consider the Mens Physicist nomination. Beach-goers have a beautiful physique, because the pumped body of classic builders can not always be called that. Their muscles are dry and relief, and the body is maximally proportional and harmoniously developed. Otherwise, you cannot count on success.
It's up to you to choose, and we just talked about the main differences between Mens Physicist and bodybuilding.
How to prepare for participation in the Mens Physicist tournament?

As an example, consider the methodology for preparing for the Lazar Angel tournaments. This is one of the most famous beachgoers, who has many fans and detractors. According to the athlete himself, he was fond of basketball and even played in the teams of the second league of his country. However, a serious knee injury put an end to his future career.
However, he did not want to leave the sport forever and began to engage in bodybuilding. His training program is as follows:
- 1st day - training the muscles of the chest and the press.
- 2nd day - work on the back and forearms.
- 3rd day - pumping the muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle.
- 4th day - training of hands and forearms.
- 5th day - legs and abdominal muscles.
We deliberately kept silent about the number of sets and reps, because many beginners try to use the training programs of famous athletes. I would like to warn you once again that this is not worth doing. Even if you train like Lazar Angel, you probably will not become the owner of his figure. Remember, the training program should be made up individually and not otherwise.
If you ignore this requirement, then you are likely to just harm your body. Athletes of this level perform about a dozen movements in each session for four or more sets. If you start to train like this with a minimum level of training, you will find yourself in a state of overtraining. As a result, not only will muscle mass not be gained, but also disruptions in the work of the body are possible.
The situation is similar with the nutrition program, although we will give it for reference. As well as the training process, so the nutrition should be organized on an individual basis. However, back to how Lazar Angel eats:
- 1st meal - oatmeal and six eggs.
- 2nd meal - protein supplement, chicken fillet and rice.
- 3rd meal - almonds and protein blend.
- 4th meal - chicken fillet with rice.
- 5th meal - tuna and vegetable salad.
- 6th meal - protein supplement.
Once again, we will say that you should not repeat this nutrition program. In addition to the above products, the athlete also uses various types of sports nutrition. Note that, like most mens physicists, Lazar tries to maintain excellent athletic shape throughout the year. Today it is customary to discuss whether a builder uses sports pharmacology. But we will not do this, although it should be noted that it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to preserve the mass in natural form. However, it is not necessary to use AAS for this, there are other drugs.
Sport battle between bodybuilder and athlete Mens Physicist, see below: