What are the side effects of steroids that athletes are silent about?

What are the side effects of steroids that athletes are silent about?
What are the side effects of steroids that athletes are silent about?

Are steroids completely safe? Find out what bodybuilders are hiding and what the consequences can overtake you from the wrong use of anabolic steroids. Modern sport is unthinkable without appropriate pharmacological support. Now, even at the amateur level, athletes use AAS and do it very actively. In this article, we will tell you about what side effects of steroids athletes are silent about.

Dangerous side effects of sports pharmacology

The athlete gives himself an intramuscular injection
The athlete gives himself an intramuscular injection

Perhaps the most dangerous side effect is anaphylactic shock, which can even be fatal. Any drugs can contribute to this, but parenteral administration and being polypeptide compounds pose a great danger.

Thus, if an athlete uses drugs of this type (with the exception of oil injectable AAS and their suspensions), skin tests with microdoses of the drugs used should be done. Thanks to this, you can find out the reaction of the body and avoid this dangerous side effect.

Excessive use of diuretics can be very dangerous. When using them, electrolyte imbalance with subsequent death is possible. If the use of this group of drugs is necessary and it is not possible to avoid this, then this should be done only under strict medical supervision. It is also necessary to ensure that regular electrolyte balance tests are carried out in advance.

Today insulin is widely used in bodybuilding and other strength sports disciplines. With the wrong doses of the preparation, the onset of a glycemic coma is possible. Never give insulin if there is no food near you. Do not use more than 20 units of insulin at a time and carry a fast carbohydrate source with you. Their content in the product should be at least 50 to 150 grams.

There can be quite serious consequences when using large doses of beta-2-andronomimetics. Although the manifestation of status asthmaticus when using them is quite rare, but you should not exceed the permissible doses of drugs. The use of drugs of the group of inhibitors of cortisol production can lead to the development of acute adrenal insufficiency. All glucorticosteroids should only be used under strict medical supervision. Moreover, to date, the effectiveness of the use of these drugs in sports has not been proven and it is better to exclude them altogether.

The use of high doses of AAS can cause the development of severe cholestatic hepatitis. If an athlete uses steroids constantly, then it is necessary to constantly take tests for the biochemical composition of the blood, as well as use choleretic drugs and consume alkaline mineral water.

How to avoid dangerous side effects?

A handful of pills and capsules
A handful of pills and capsules

It is important to remember that even if sports pharmacology is used under medical supervision, serious negative effects are still likely to occur. It is necessary to minimize the use of medications. First of all, this applies to amateurs, who in most cases use the sports farm at their own peril and risk.

For those amateur athletes who have decided not to use anabolic steroids anymore, there are some tips to give. It is necessary to understand that refusal to use AAS may not be painless. First of all, we are talking about androgenic insufficiency or male menopause.

After stopping the use of steroids, the athlete may experience psychological problems. The athlete no longer possesses the physical parameters that were on the courses and this is very difficult to perceive psychologically. In addition, the appearance of pain in the joints is possible, which is associated with a sharp drop in cortisone production.

No less important consequences of avoiding AAS can be a drop in body weight and a decrease in appetite. The athlete will no longer be able to achieve the previous level of blood pumping in the muscle tissue, their vascularity and hardness will decrease. As the concentration of androgens decreases, an increase in fat mass is possible due to the high level of estrogen.

During the period of steroid withdrawal, athletes often fall into a state of overtraining. To avoid this, you can use the following tips:

  • Reduce the number of activities during the week to recover better.
  • You can increase the intensity of the training, while reducing the duration of the session.
  • Do not increase the weight of the sports equipment frequently.

You will no longer be able to gain mass and increase physical performance as much as it was possible in the courses of anabolic steroids. But all your achievements will remain and will be real. Remember that in modern sports, doping control can be a powerful tool for eliminating the "objectionable". There are many examples of athletes being punished for using drugs they never used.

For the side effects of anabolic steroids, see this video:
