The article tells about the history of the appearance of tomatoes, their beneficial properties, dangers and contraindications in the case of a certain disease. Tomato, tomato (Lycopersicon) belongs to the genus of annuals and perennials of the Solanaceae family and is a vegetable crop.
Tomatoes are low in calories, which is why they are included in many diets. Rich in vitamin and mineral composition, it has established itself as a good aid in the fight against excess weight. Thanks to potassium salts, which reduce the ability of tissues to retain water in the body, these vegetables are so dietary.
Homeland is Ecuador, and the name "tomato" was given to him by the Indians, who first named him "tomato". The French also called him pomme d'amoure, which in translation sounds like "apples of love."
Composition of tomatoes: vitamins
Calorie content of tomatoes
per 100 g is 20 kcal:
- Proteins - 0.6 g
- Fat - 0.2 g
- Carbohydrates - 4, 2 g
The vitamin and mineral composition can boast of its quantity, since it contains a percentage of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamins: PP, K, C, E and provitamin A.

You will probably be surprised by the presence of vitamins C and A in it, this is true, since in a glass of tomato juice drunk, the body is charged with them for the whole day, this is the daily dose that a person needs. Some gardeners call this red vegetable "summer orange" because of such a rich composition of vitamins as in an orange.
Benefits and health benefits of tomatoes

- Possesses excellent taste - an irreplaceable benefit in cooking with a minimum calorie content.
- It contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial properties for the human body.
- It is rich in malic, citric and tartaric acids.
- It is considered one of the best antidepressants, it helps to improve the work of the nervous system.
- Thanks to the content of serotonin in it, it helps to improve mood.
- Thanks to phytoncides, it fights inflammatory and bacterial processes.
- The seeds of this product also have useful properties - they prevent the development of thrombosis, the blood becomes thinner. By eating tomatoes, the development of a heart attack is minimized.
- The skin of a tomato is also beneficial - it provides good peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Contains a powerful antioxidant (lycopene) that prevents cancer cells and DNA mutations.
- Tomatoes will be much healthier when consumed with vegetable oil. So lycopene is better absorbed by the stomach along with vegetable fats. Due to the lycopene content, tomatoes are red in color.
Tomato contraindications and harm

- Unfortunately, tomatoes are allergens. People with food allergies need to keep their intake of this vegetable to a minimum. In cases of the presence of diseases of arthritis, gout, kidney disease, you must also limit their use. They are harmful due to the presence of oxalic acid, which negatively affects water-salt metabolism.
- With gallstone disease, you should also limit their consumption, since tomatoes have choleretic properties.
- In the case of hypertension, kidney disease and diseases of the cardiovascular system, canned, pickled and salted types of these vegetables should be excluded from the diet. Such contraindications for these diseases are associated with the fact that they contribute to the formation of kidney stones and bladder.
- With the constant use of canned tomato juice, stones in the bladder and kidneys can occur.
- In cases of pancreatitis, as in peptic ulcer diseases, it is necessary to minimize the use of these vegetables.
- Nutritionists consider the incompatibility of tomatoes with foods such as fish, meat, bread and eggs. You should take a couple of hours between taking these products.
Video about the benefits of a tomato for humans
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