

All about the blackberry: where it came from, about the vitamin and mineral composition, useful properties and contraindications, the use of the leaves and roots of the shrub. Video about cultivation. Blackberry is a perennial shrub of the genus Rubus, belongs to the Rosaceae family. The plant blooms in mid-June and blooms almost all summer.

Blackberry is traditionally called one of its species - Blackberry, sometimes in Ukraine it is called ozhina, while in the Caucasus it is called azhina.

Fruits, as they ripen, become first green, then brownish and then bright red. And fully ripe fruits are black with a bluish bloom, which is why some call it turquoise. Bushy blackberries have no such bloom.

Blackberry bush with berries, fruits
Blackberry bush with berries, fruits

The berry juice has a dark red color, sour and sweet taste, slightly resinous.

The homeland of the shrub is America, where it now grows throughout the territory. It is quite widespread in the countries of Eurasia, and in Russia it is grown mainly in the Krasnodar Territory.

Blackberry composition: vitamins and calories

Blackberry fruits contain nutrients and medicinal substances, including glucose, fructose, sucrose, tartaric, citric, salicylic, malic acids, vitamins of group B, E, P, C, K, PP, provitamin A, minerals (copper, potassium salts, manganese), aromatic and tannin compounds, cellulose and pectin substances.

The leaves of the shrub contain tannins (up to 20%), vitamin C, amino acids and minerals. And the seeds contain up to 12% fatty oil.

Calorie content of blackberry

per 100 g of product is 31 kcal.

  • Proteins - 2.0 g
  • Fat - 0, 0 g
  • Carbohydrates - 6, 4 g

Useful properties of blackberries

Useful properties of blackberries, benefits
Useful properties of blackberries, benefits

The leaves of this plant stimulate digestion. With the help of their decoction, eczema and skin inflammation can be treated, used for pathological menopause. With climacteric neuroses, it is recommended to drink tea from fresh blackberries. A decoction of the leaves helps with rinsing the throat with sore throat, stomatitis, and adhesive disease that occurs as a result of operations.

The leaf infusion has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diuretic and diaphoretic properties. Pour 200 g of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry leaves and leave for three hours in a thermos. Reception: half a glass three times a day. Indications: for gastritis, diarrhea, dysentery (as an additional remedy), stomach and duodenal ulcers, food poisoning.

Healing blackberry tea: place fresh blackberry leaves in a sealed enamel bowl, stand until dark and wither, air dry and boil with boiling water. It is recommended to use blackberries for atherosclerosis, berries help to improve the composition of the blood.

For wounds, boils, bruises, as well as in the treatment of lichens, eczema and tropical ulcers, grind fresh leaves into gruel and apply to sore spots.

Shrub roots: A decoction of the roots will have a diuretic effect on dropsy.

Blackberry juice: will have a positive effect on tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sore throat, anemia, fever, gynecological diseases, diarrhea, colitis.

Video: the benefits of blackberries

Blackberry harm and contraindications

Harm and contraindications of blackberries
Harm and contraindications of blackberries

For some people, the use of blackberries can be harmful, since the berries can cause an allergic reaction, allergy symptoms can occur both in a few minutes and a few days after taking, and expressed in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and swelling of the mucous membranes.

With excessive use of these berries, diseases of the small intestine can occur.

With high acidity, you cannot take more than one glass of blackberry juice - everything should be in moderation, you should not abuse them in order to take advantage of all the beneficial properties of these wonderful berries.
