Patchouli oil to attract money

Patchouli oil to attract money
Patchouli oil to attract money

What is patchouli oil and how can you use it to raise money? Testimonials from people who have been helped by this tool.

Patchouli oil is a cosmetic product with medicinal properties and is widely used not only in the field of cosmetology. It is actively used in esoteric practices for a variety of purposes, including in order to become successful. This article will discuss the use of patchouli oil to raise money. It will also tell you exactly how it helps and what you need to do for this. Moreover, you will find here reviews of people who were able to solve their financial problems in this way.

What is patchouli oil?

Patchouli oil to attract money and success
Patchouli oil to attract money and success

In the photo, patchouli oil to attract money

Patchouli oil is an exotic remedy made from the young leaves of the patchouli plant native to the Philippines, Seychelles, Java, Malaysia, India and some other Asian countries. To obtain the essential oil of patchouli, only dried raw materials are taken.

Patchouli oil has a unique, persistent aroma with bitter notes. True, over time, with long-term storage, the smell gradually disappears.

The consistency of the patchouli oil is very dense, the texture is oily, the color is pale or rich yellow with a slight green tint, depending on the manufacturer. It belongs to essential and is available in glass bottles, with an average volume of 10 to 250 ml. Due to its high activity, this component is often mixed with soybean oil and a number of others.

The price of patchouli oil for use in order to attract money is about 120 rubles. (UAH 55). Its popular manufacturers are KFK Green Pharm Cosmetic, Phytoproduct, Adverso, Elfarma, Hemani.

The shelf life of the product is 2-3 years from the date of production. The product is stored in a dark place out of reach of sunlight.

How does patchouli oil work to attract money?

Patchouli essential oil to attract money
Patchouli essential oil to attract money

It is believed that for attracting money, patchouli oil brings success in both career and personal life, gives stability and promotes prosperity. It is said to be a source of good fortune and a promise of wealth. There is a sign that just one drop of the product can improve the material condition when applied to the wallet.

There is evidence that patchouli oil attracts not only money, but also love, makes a person more attractive in the eyes of others, helps to get rid of adversity and become happy.

It is especially useful for women who want to build a strong family, and men who want to achieve financial well-being.

How to use patchouli oil to attract money?

Oiled Patchouli Wallet to Attract Money
Oiled Patchouli Wallet to Attract Money

Patchouli oil can really help raise money if used properly.

Here are the main ways to use patchouli oil to raise money:

  1. Take a bill that you do not mind ruining, and lubricate it well with the product. Then dry it and put it in your wallet. Wear it in it without reaching. It will attract wealth and help build capital.
  2. Oil the items or things you need to make money. For example, writers might have a notebook or pen, singers might have a microphone, and so on. The money-raising properties of patchouli essential oil are such that profits will gradually increase and the work will generate more income with less effort.
  3. Lubricate the piggy bank in which you collect the change. This is especially useful for those who wish to earn money for travel or any other purpose. But this method will not be superfluous for those who just want to increase their income.
  4. In order to use patchouli essential oil to attract money, grease 3 candles with it, light them on the full moon and wait until they are completely burned out.
  5. You can also treat your favorite pendant with a product, dry it and wear it for prosperity and increase in money capital.
  6. Take a bath with 30 drops of oil once a week. It will be useful not only for success, but also for beauty.

From time to time, you can use in an aroma lamp a composition of nutmeg oil (3 drops), cinnamon (5 drops), cedar (2 drops) and patchouli (7 drops).

Those who frequently use patchouli oil to attract success and money should not throw away its leftovers. It is believed that together with them, a person gives part of his energy, and therefore the opportunity to earn money.

Also, in no case should you give patchouli oil to others if the packaging has already been started by you - this will reduce the likelihood of achieving financial well-being.

Reviews on the use of patchouli oil to attract money

Reviews on the use of patchouli oil to attract money
Reviews on the use of patchouli oil to attract money

In reviews of the use of patchouli oil to attract money, some write that it did not help them. But to a greater extent, people note the changes in life, the reasons for which they see in the use of such an unusual method. Moreover, among those who are lucky enough to get out of poverty, there are both adults and young people, both female and male.

Dinara, 46 years old

Tired of lack of money, I worked three jobs in order to somehow provide for myself and the child. But there was always not enough money, she could only afford some food, and there was no question of buying new clothes or going somewhere to rest. Attempts to accumulate did not help either, there was nothing to postpone, over time everything was expended. This despair did not give rest, and once I accidentally read about the property of patchouli oil to attract money. Since then I have been carrying a medium-sized bill in my wallet, smeared with a product. Maybe this is funny, but it seems to me that now luck is on my side, my salary has been raised. However, expecting that money will simply fall on your head is definitely not worth it.

Evgeniya, 32 years old

I never believed in various rituals, as well as in the other world, so I got used to achieving everything myself. However, this did not negate the fact that one day I simply began to sorely lack money. The salary of a general practitioner stood still, and it was barely enough for a minimum set of products and payment of utilities. My husband also had problems at work, layoffs began, and he got on the list, now he is looking for a new position. Everything went awry, and secretly from my spouse, I used a review of patchouli oil that I found on the Internet to attract money, greased my wallet. True, then I threw it away, as it became all fat. Either a miracle, or a coincidence, but I was offered a raise about a month later. Now I am ready to reconsider my negative attitude towards various rituals.

Rita, 62 years old

Already 7 years after I retired, of course, there is not enough money for anything, the rent is huge, and you also need to live on something, plus you need to dress and buy medicines. As a result, she took up a small business - she began to grow onions, parsley and other greens. Everything went well, but then the income for some reason began to become smaller and smaller, and there were more competitors. I did not want to give up all this, since I did not see any other way of earning for myself. So it made me turn to unconventional methods of attracting luck. As a result, she began to throw change in the piggy bank and often smeared it with patchouli oil. I myself was surprised how the next lots of greens began to disperse instantly, moreover, I began to hand over them in bulk and now I spend less time on sales, I do not have to stand in the market. And this is with my natural bad luck!
