Pigmented spots on the face

Pigmented spots on the face
Pigmented spots on the face

We will tell you how to get rid of pigmentation using cosmetics, as well as share effective folk recipes. Pigmentation on the face is a fairly common problem among women. In some cases, this may indicate a health problem, and sometimes it is a cosmetic problem. In both cases, the lack of the coloring pigment melanin in the body leads to the appearance of spots. The color of the skin of each person (dark or light) depends on its amount. Therefore, the influence of environmental and internal factors affects this process, which is expressed in a change in the skin, namely the appearance of uneven spots on the face. To treat this problem, you need to find out the specific cause, since the methods for dealing with stains will depend on this.

Causes of pigmentation on the face

Pigmented spots on the forehead
Pigmented spots on the forehead
  • Diseases of the internal organs (most often the liver).
  • Heredity.
  • The effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin of the face (may be due to prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visits to the solarium, where as a result the skin becomes dry, flakes and its water balance is disturbed).
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics.
  • Blackheads can appear on the face, especially when squeezed out. This can lead not only to pigmentation, but also to the formation of scars.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics.
  • Hormonal Disorders. An example would be the period of pregnancy, when the level of hormones in the body increases several times. Also, this can include age after 40 years, when hormonal changes in the body occur and this is manifested by pigmentation on the face.

You can find out what caused the age spots on the face only after an examination with a doctor. He will do all the necessary examinations and prescribe treatment methods. In the case when such spots are not an internal violation, but a purely cosmetic problem, you can try to get rid of them with the help of cosmetic or folk remedies.

Cosmetics for age spots on the face

Laser peeling of pigmentation on the face
Laser peeling of pigmentation on the face

To date, the choice of cosmetics for pigmentation is huge. Such drugs differ in both price and effectiveness. Salon procedures are very popular, which have a good lightening effect. The environments of the most common means and procedures in the fight against age spots are:

  1. Chemical peeling of the face. This is a safe salon procedure that, with the help of special preparations, perfectly cleanses the face, thereby helping to get rid of pigmentation.
  2. Laser peeling. Its effectiveness is that it eliminates any defects on the face, including pigmentation. In addition, this peeling does not injure the epidermis and is suitable even for sensitive skin.
  3. Cream for age spots of the firm "Biocon". In general, not a bad remedy for combating age spots and quite affordable. But it is best suited for dry skin, since the cream is very oily in consistency.
  4. Kinoren cream. Most often, this cream is recommended to be used for inflamed acne, as it has a good antimicrobial effect. It contains several types of acids, so it hides all imperfections on the face, mattifying the skin.
  5. Cream for scars and blemishes on the skin "Clearvin". It contains natural ingredients, namely herbal extracts that grow only in India. They not only help remove blemishes, but also give the skin firmness and elasticity.
  6. Means for pigmentation "Achroactive". They can be of different types: cream, masks, etc. They have proven themselves as effective means for whitening and moisturizing the face.

Folk recipes for age spots

Lemons on the table
Lemons on the table
  • Parsley. The most affordable and simplest remedy, since our great-grandmothers used the magical properties of this plant. Parsley juice has a whitening property, so it can cope with pigmentation without any problems. Any remedy can be prepared from it, for example, the buds of fresh herbs must be crushed and filled with a glass of boiling water. Insist for several hours and wipe your face with this infusion. You can also add olive oil or mix with sour cream and cream. The easiest way is to apply chopped parsley to your face as a mask. In any case, such greens will effectively help get rid of ugly spots on the face.
  • Castor oil. All beauty secrets contain reminders of themselves that castor oil is a wonderful remedy not only for the skin, but also for nails, hair, etc. To get rid of age spots, it is recommended to rub warm castor oil into your face every day. Within a month, the spots will be almost invisible.
  • Lemon. This fruit has a good whitening effect. You can wipe your face with lemon pulp, cutting it in half, or you can pre-squeeze the juice, dilute it with water (1: 2) and add 1-2 tsp. honey. This product provides a good peeling effect, thereby relieving you of pigmentation.
  • Dairy products used in many cosmetic products, since they cleanse the skin well and make it elastic. To prepare a remedy for pigmentation, you can use kefir, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream, milk, cream, etc. You can simply lubricate your face with any of the products, and also add it to your favorite masks and mix with different ingredients. A simple recipe for an anti-pigmentation mask that will also help moisturize your skin: Mix 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream with the pulp of one banana and a chicken egg, add 1 tsp. olive oil. Apply to cleansed face and after 15 min. rinse with warm water.
  • White clay. You can buy it at any pharmacy at an affordable price. For normal skin it is diluted with warm water and applied to the face as a mask. If the skin is prone to excessive dryness, it is mixed with olive oil, cream or kefir. For oily skin, lemon juice, lime juice, or apple cider vinegar is suitable. A prepared product made from white clay leaves the skin clean, soft and healthy looking.
  • Oatmeal. For the preparation of remedies for age spots, it is advisable to use oat flour or crushed oatmeal. They are steamed with boiling water to get the consistency of thick porridge, and applied to the face. You can also boil the porridge in milk, which will improve the whitening effect.
  • Kalina. Viburnum berries remarkably discolor age spots and give the skin a beautiful, even color. Berry juice is used as a whitening agent, to which honey, lemon juice can be added or mixed with dairy products. After the first procedure, you will be able to feel how your face will become delicate and beautiful.

In order not to face the problem of the appearance of age spots on the face, it is important to properly care for it. If you are on the beach, do not forget about products that protect your skin from UV rays. Wide hats or caps can be worn as additional protection. Also, you should ensure that your diet is complete, namely, contains all the vitamins necessary for the body.

Despite the fact that pigmentation on the face is a rather unpleasant problem, it can be solved simply and painlessly. Thanks to modern technologies, as well as folk recipes, this has become a pleasant procedure. Therefore, if age spots become an unpleasant surprise for you, do not despair, but get rid of them with simple and effective methods!

Effective remedies for getting rid of pigmentation on the face in this video: