How to use Ascorutin for age spots?

How to use Ascorutin for age spots?
How to use Ascorutin for age spots?

What is Ascorutin and what is its effect on the body? Useful properties of the drug in the fight against pigmentation and contraindications for use. Terms of use, results, real reviews about Ascorutin from age spots.

Ascorutin for age spots is a drug used to eliminate pigmentation by replenishing the reserves of vitamins C and P. These beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the body and are involved in metabolism, which causes a cosmetic effect associated with lightening the skin. This article provides information about the drug and substantiates the feasibility of its use to combat the uneven shade of the epidermis.

Causes of age spots

Pigmented spots in a girl
Pigmented spots in a girl

Photo of age spots on the face

Most often, the appearance of pigmentation is associated with a deficiency of vitamins in the body, namely vitamin C and P. But among other reasons, there are those that can speak of various disorders or serious diseases.

Possible causes of age spots on the skin include:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation … With prolonged exposure to the sun or while visiting a solarium, the production of melanin is activated in the skin, which usually leads to the appearance of sunburn. However, in some cases, the accumulation of dye occurs, as a result of which yellow-brown or brown spots are formed. They are usually found on the face, shoulders, décolleté and hands.
  • Change in hormonal levels … In particular, an increase in the level of certain hormones often leads to the appearance of spots on the skin. So, a focal change in the color of the epidermis can be observed during pregnancy, during the restructuring of the body associated with the menstrual cycle and puberty. An imbalance in the hormonal background can also occur due to various diseases, including disorders in the work of the endocrine system.
  • Stress … Exposure to frequent stress, a depressive state is fraught with disruption of the whole body - from the digestive and nervous systems to the skin. Nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders and other stress-related problems also stimulate the formation of age spots.
  • Taking medication … Some medications can cause excessive pigmentation. Often, withdrawal of the drug allows you to eliminate darkening on the skin.
  • Damage to the skin … The reason for the appearance of pigmented lesions may also be illiterate treatment of furunculosis, anke, removal of single acne, incorrect or aggressive cosmetic procedures for cleaning and polishing the surface. In order to remove such defects of the epidermis, chemicals are sometimes used that provoke the appearance of burns, or wounds appear under the influence of mechanical manipulations. Over time, dark spots become noticeable in their place.
  • Age changes … Over the years, a person develops various diseases, which, in addition to the deterioration of the general condition, are manifested by excessive focal pigmentation. Age spots are usually dark brown. In some cases, this is due to liver pathologies.
  • Weakening of immunity after illness … Depletion of the body is often associated with a lack of nutrients, serious metabolic disorders and the functioning of the immune system. So, the resistance to external factors decreases, which can cause excessive pigmentation.

Despite the different reasons for the appearance of age spots, doctors recommend the use of Ascorutin as one of the ways to combat them. It is believed that it is possible to get rid of any pigmentation with the help of vitamin C. It is in this preparation that it is enough to normalize the recovery process of the skin.

Description and composition of Askorutin

Ascorutin for age spots
Ascorutin for age spots

In the photo Ascorutin from age spots

Ascorutin is a drug that is a combination of two vitamins that provide a wide range of beneficial effects separately from each other and in synergy, multiplying the usefulness of the other.

The composition of Ascorutin is as follows:

  • Vitamin C … One tablet contains 50 mg of vitamin C. Once in the body, the substance is absorbed in the small intestine and duodenum and quickly but unevenly distributed between cells.
  • Rutozide trihydrate … The content of this vitamin P in one tablet is 50 mg. In addition to the direct beneficial effect, the substance helps the assimilation of ascorbic acid, prevents its excessive oxidation, which allows it to maximally preserve its biological activity.
  • Excipients … Potato starch, white sugar, talc and magnesium stearate.

The main indication for the use of Ascorutin is a deficiency of vitamins C and P, as well as pathological conditions caused by a lack of these substances. It is also prescribed for varicose veins, accompanied by severe swelling and pain.

The combination of two vitamins allows you to have a complex effect on the body, because the substances that make up the composition are involved in a huge number of metabolic processes and are necessary for the normal functioning of cells and maintaining health.

The action of Askorutin is complex:

  • Antioxidant … Both components of Ascorutin are involved in redox processes. They actively counteract the negative effects of free radicals that cause premature aging.
  • Capillary stabilizing … Vitamin P together with ascorbic acid strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces capillary fragility and permeability, and also strengthens cell walls, protecting them from all kinds of damage.
  • Anti-inflammatory … The drug is able to suppress the inflammatory process, eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, reduce pain and tissue swelling. Due to its capillary stabilizing action, it suppresses the vascular reaction, eliminating spasms and hyperemia, and also preventing the release of plasma and leukocytes.

In addition, the drug reduces platelet adhesion, has a choleretic and mild antihypertensive effect, normalizes blood flow, and reduces the severity of side effects caused by radiation therapy.

You can buy the drug at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The price of Ascorutin from pigmentation for 1 package (50 tablets) varies between 35-45 rubles.

Useful properties of Ascorutin from pigmentation

Pigmented spots as an indication for the use of Ascorutin
Pigmented spots as an indication for the use of Ascorutin

In addition to the main effect on the body, Ascorutin is distinguished by a wide list of properties beneficial to the skin. Therefore, the drug itself and its individual components - vitamins C and P - are very often used for cosmetic purposes to eliminate skin defects, including excessive pigmentation. It is worth noting that when using these vitamins separately, the effect will be less noticeable, because both substances work more effectively in a pair.

Ascorbic acid is considered to be one of the best antioxidants. This means that it is able to solve a lot of problems associated with cellular metabolism, the fight against negative external factors, premature aging, and more. Let's take a closer look at how this vitamin in tandem with rutoside affects the skin in general and age spots in particular.

Useful properties of Ascorutin from age spots on the face and body:

  • Stimulates collagen synthesis … Restoring the natural formation of this protein allows you to accelerate cell renewal and normalize the structure of the skin, increase their firmness and elasticity. In cosmetic terms, it helps to get rid of wrinkles, prevent fading and dehydration of the epidermis, as well as strengthen it.
  • Moisturizes the skin … Ascorutin allows you to normalize the level of moisture and prevent moisture loss by creating a protective lipid barrier.
  • Blocks the synthesis of tyrosinase … This enzyme is found in melanocytes and is a precursor of melanin. Ascorutin blocks its production, which means it prevents the formation and accumulation of pigment.
  • Increases tissue regeneration … Vitamin C, entering the body in sufficient quantities, helps to quickly heal various damage that can open the way for infection. This is due to the fact that it accelerates tissue repair. Timely and correct wound healing avoids the appearance of various spots.
  • Increases protective functions … In the complex, the preparation Ascorutin from spots on the face helps by normalizing the acid balance of the skin, stimulating local immunity and increasing resistance to ultraviolet light.
  • Eliminates vascular diseases … A pathology such as rosacea manifests itself in the form of a vascular mesh, which spoils the appearance. The disease is expressed in damage to small blood vessels and is accompanied by impaired blood supply and cell nutrition. This can indirectly cause the appearance of various stains. The vitamin preparation eliminates this danger by strengthening the blood vessels.

Contraindications and harm of Askorutin

Diabetes as a contraindication to the use of Ascorutin
Diabetes as a contraindication to the use of Ascorutin

Despite the fact that the remedy is very useful for the body and helps to effectively fight age spots, it is still a drug and has some restrictions and contraindications for use. It can also be harmful if misused.

The use of Ascorutin against age spots is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • If you have hypersensitivity … A negative reaction can follow if a person has an individual intolerance to any component that is part of the drug, as well as fructose.
  • With metabolic disorders … This group of contraindications includes a large number of pathological conditions and diseases associated with metabolic disorders. For example, diabetes mellitus, gout, diseases of the urinary system, calcium imbalance (deficiency or excessive accumulation), glucose malabsorption syndrome and others.
  • During pregnancy and lactation … The first trimester is an absolute contraindication. In the second and third, as well as when breastfeeding, it is worth weighing the benefits and potential risks so as not to harm the growing body. It should also be noted that the use of Ascorutin from spots formed as a result of hormonal changes is advisable only after the completion of lactation and if they themselves have not disappeared within 2-4 months as a result of the normalization of the hormonal background.

With prolonged use of the drug inside, problems with the urinary, digestive and cardiovascular systems, blood disorders (increased formation of platelets, leukocytes), increased excitability of the central nervous system, etc.

The list of contraindications and restrictions is quite impressive, therefore, it is highly undesirable to resort to using Ascorutin for spots and pigmentation as part of self-medication. Before using it, be sure to visit a doctor and exclude any risks.

How to use Ascorutin for age spots correctly?

Mask with Ascorutin from age spots
Mask with Ascorutin from age spots

Ascorutin for age spots is used externally and taken orally. One tablet contains half the daily requirement of an adult body for ascorbic acid. Therefore, the medicine is recommended to use 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. However, to achieve a cosmetic effect, you need to increase the daily dosage to 4-6 tablets. But an even greater increase can cause overdose and provoke side effects. The course of application of Ascorutin for pigmentation on the face and body is usually 1 month.

When ingested, you should not drink the medicine with fruit or vegetable juices, because they impair the absorption of ascorbic acid, which means they reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Based on the fact that vitamin C is distributed very unevenly throughout the cells in the body, and the skin usually gets much less substance than required, it is advisable to think about external use. To do this, you can prepare a mask for age spots or other care products with Ascorutin. At the same time, before use, you need to cleanse the skin well and prepare it for increased nutrient intake.

Recipes with Ascorutin for excessive pigmentation:

  • Olive oil mask … Ingredients: Ascorutin (3 tablets), corn flour (1 tbsp), olive oil (1 tsp). First, grind the tablets into powder, then mix them with the rest of the components, bring them to homogeneity and apply to cleansed skin. The procedure is best done shortly before bedtime. Application time - 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Oatmeal scrub … Ingredients: Ascorutin (15 tablets), tea tree oil (5 drops), oatmeal (3 tablespoons). All components must be ground in a coffee grinder and placed in a glass jar under the lid. Use 1 tsp every morning for 2 weeks. The powder should be applied to a moistened face with massaging movements, paying special attention to areas with excessive pigmentation, leave for 5 minutes and then rinse.
  • Chamomile lotion … Ingredients: Ascorutin (10 tablets), boiling water (200 ml), chamomile (2 filter bags). First, steam the chamomile for 20 minutes, then filter and dissolve the tablets in the liquid. Store in the refrigerator. We use in the morning and in the evening, carefully wiping the areas with pigmentation with a cotton pad moistened with lotion.

The results of using Ascorutin from pigmentation

The result of using Ascorutin from age spots
The result of using Ascorutin from age spots

With external use of the drug, the first results can be seen already 3-4 days after the start of use. Gradually, the accumulation of useful substances occurs, cell metabolism and collagen synthesis are normalized. The skin becomes more resistant to the negative effects of external factors.

It takes time to remove excess pigment from tissues. Therefore, age spots are lightened gradually. The speed of disposal depends on the intensity of the color and, of course, the root cause that provoked their appearance. The most difficult thing to remove stains that have arisen with age, due to liver disease and as a result of genetic predisposition.

Positive feedback on the use of masks and creams with the addition of Ascorutin for pigmentation. This option provides a quick lightening of the skin due to a targeted action. In addition, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin relief is leveled. Vascular networks are gradually absorbed. By moisturizing and reducing moisture loss, the integument becomes soft and tender. Firmness and elasticity are gradually restored.

Real reviews about Ascorutin from age spots

Reviews about Ascorutin from age spots
Reviews about Ascorutin from age spots

Among the wide variety of cosmetics designed to combat age spots, many women prefer homemade recipes with added vitamins. At the same time, Ascorutin is very often used as an active ingredient. Given that this drug has contraindications, it is far from suitable in every case, but it is still very popular. Further, a few informative reviews about Ascorutin from age spots.

Olga, 33 years old

I got spots during pregnancy - on my face, in the décolleté and on my stomach. Immediately, of course, she did nothing. And when I finished breastfeeding, it was time to take care of myself. A purchased cream for age spots did not help me. Then I found information about the benefits of ascorbic acid. I bought it in the form of Ascorutin tablets. I took it only internally, and after two months the skin was completely cleared. I also noticed a rejuvenating effect. Of course, all the wrinkles have not gone away, but the oval of the face has tightened, the skin has become more attractive.

Rosalia, 42 years old

Ascorbic acid in masks does not help me. I drink it in the form of Ascorutin. It seems to me that it accumulates better in cells and protects against the formation and accumulation of pigment. And on the skin I can only use creams with SPF to protect against ultraviolet radiation. But my daughter did masks for dark spots after acne. Almost brought them out in three months.

Violetta, 34 years old

At one time I myself read reviews on the Internet about Ascorutin from age spots. And I decided to try. I drank 3 tablets a day for a couple of months. This allowed me to completely remove the spots on the nose and above the upper lip that I had left after the summer sun. In general, the skin color has also become lighter. The face looked refreshed. Really seemed to be a little younger. But when she stopped taking it, her condition worsened again. I understand that I have a lack of vitamin C, and in order to maintain a normal state, these tablets should always be used.

How to use Ascorutin for age spots - watch the video:

In reviews, Ascorutin with pigmentation on the face is often praised for the fact that the drug is very well tolerated not only when taken orally, but also when used as part of home cosmetics. At the same time, in pursuit of quick results, it is important not to forget about precautions and not to exceed the recommended doses.
