How to get rid of age spots on the face with folk remedies

How to get rid of age spots on the face with folk remedies
How to get rid of age spots on the face with folk remedies

The appearance of age spots on the skin is associated with an excess amount of melanin produced in the body by skin cells and factors that influence this process. There are many folk remedies and cosmetic techniques with which you can cope with this problem. Content:

  1. Reasons for the appearance
  2. Treatment of age spots
  3. Traditional medicine

    • Masks
    • Cream
    • Oils
    • Peeling
    • Pharmacy products

Pigmented spots are an excessive concentration of skin cells overly pigmented with melanin in one place. The action of unfavorable factors on the skin triggers the mechanism of active production of melanin pigment, as a result of which atypical "flaws" of a rounded shape appear. This skin disorder is more susceptible to women than men. The significant formation of such defects on the face is a significant cosmetic problem, which leads to coarsening of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles on it, dryness, and the manifestation of blood vessels.

Causes of the appearance of age spots on the face

Our skin has many important functions (excretory, protective, metabolic, reflecting our emotions and state of health). The skin reacts immediately, changing outwardly, after a potentially harmful effect on it, or if a malfunction of any functional system in the body itself occurs. The appearance of age spots on the skin refers to the external manifestation of the negative processes occurring in our body.

Why does excessive pigmentation appear on the face

Pigmented spots on the body
Pigmented spots on the body

Initially, the color of human skin determines the amount of melanin produced by the body, which is normally evenly distributed throughout it. People with fair skin, unlike those with dark skin, are not immune from the appearance of age spots on their skin, since there is less melanin in their skin. When unfavorable factors are exposed to the body or skin, a defense mechanism is automatically triggered, manifested by excessive pigmentation.

What determines the occurrence of skin disorders on the face

Pigmentation on the skin of the face
Pigmentation on the skin of the face

The concentration of age spots around the eyes indicates a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, they noticed the formation of symmetrical darkening on the forehead, cheeks and nose - hormonal disruptions, the spots are randomly distributed on the face with a transition to the neck area - problems in the digestive tract. Skin pigmentation can even hide malignant neoplasms, so it is imperative to find out the cause of this process and begin to carry out appropriate treatment.

There are several sources of this skin problem:

  • Lovers of soaking up the rays of the sun and frequent visitors to the solarium start the process of damaging skin cells. The body triggers the overproduction of melanin pigment in order to protect the dermis from harmful rays.
  • Illiterately performed salon cosmetic procedures (peeling, resurfacing, bioepilation, photoepilation, laser). Such effects on the skin affect the surface layer of the epidermis, thinning it, causing damage and changes.
  • Very often, the appearance of age spots is a consequence of post-acne, when problems with the skin begin in adolescence, have a long course and not timely treatment. Acne over time leads to a violation of the texture of the skin, when its uniformity is lost, it is poorly restored, traces of acne are clearly visible on it, on the places of which age spots appear.
  • Temporary changes in the endocrine and hormonal levels (pregnancy) or its disturbances (functional disorders of the ovaries, inflammatory diseases).
  • Long-term use of medications (antibiotics, oral contraceptives), which over time have side effects on the filtering and excretory organs.
  • Large age spots can appear as a result of friction of dressings, cuts, wounds, belt pressure.
  • Age-related changes that trigger the aging process of the body.
  • The use of highly irritating skin and low-quality cosmetics.
  • Lack of vitamins E, C, B, folic acid and unbalanced diet.

Treatment of age spots on the face

Having found brown darkening on your skin, the question arises of how to remove them and find an effective remedy to return the skin to a healthy look.

Where to start treatment for facial skin pigmentation

Removal of age spots with a laser
Removal of age spots with a laser

Removing age spots should not be started on your own. The first thing you need to do is consult a therapist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, and then a skin specialist. After - to undergo the prescribed medical examinations. The found cause is easily treatable, thanks to a complex combination of medications, cosmetic procedures and the use of traditional medicine.

How to remove pigmentation on the face

Sometimes age spots disappear on their own, but most often, to eliminate this defect, intervention is required in the form of diagnostics and some professional procedures. In cosmetic centers, the removal of age spots is carried out using a laser, cryotherapy, phototherapy, mesotherapy procedures, peeling.

How to get rid of facial pigmentation the fastest

Chemical peeling against facial skin pigmentation
Chemical peeling against facial skin pigmentation

Phototherapy and laser treatment of age spots are painless, non-traumatic and effective methods of removing problematic hyperpigmented skin areas. With the help of laser skin resurfacing, the defect is eliminated quickly (in one to three sessions), without side effects (in a week the skin will be completely renewed and restored). The only drawback of such services is the high price.

An effective remedy for age spots on the face

Cucumber against skin pigmentation
Cucumber against skin pigmentation

Chemical peeling is a technique aimed at complete renewal of the skin by exposing problem areas to special agents that dissolve dead cells. Thanks to peeling, you can also get rid of freckles, the effects of acne, wrinkles. The result will be long lasting.

Removal of small diameter age spots from the face

Cryotherapy is a traumatic way to get rid of stains, but it is quite effective. The liquid nitrogen used in this case acts on the places of accumulation of pigmented cells, destroys and stimulates their further recovery. The only condition for such a method will be its use on small pigmented areas of the skin, since the risk of scarring is not excluded on large areas.

How to whiten pigmented skin

Skin resurfacing
Skin resurfacing

In addition to visiting beauty salons to treat skin pigmentation, you can use bleaching products. Creams, lotions and masks offered by modern cosmetology work to inhibit the synthesis of melanin in the skin. The most effective, but at the same time dangerous, are the substances hydroquinone and koic acid. When purchasing products that contain them, pay attention that the percentage of their content does not exceed 1-2%.

Alternative cosmetics should contain non-toxic herbal arbutin, achromaxin, or recinol. If the label of your chosen cream also contains herbal ingredients (cucumber, parsley extract, lemon juice, jojoba or almond oil), you can safely use such a drug on your skin. All of these substances are safe for your skin and highly effective against pigments.

Traditional medicines against facial skin pigmentation

Hardware cosmetology offers effective and at the same time costly methods of removing age spots. At home, you can use not so expensive, but no less effective methods of folk knowledge, which can be selected in accordance with your skin type. The systematic and long-term use of self-prepared funds is a guarantee that you will achieve the desired result and will be spared the original problem.

Before using your favorite recipe on your face, apply the prepared product to the inside of your elbow. Wait about 30 minutes to check if you have an allergic reaction to the active ingredient of the product used. If no adverse reactions have occurred on the skin, feel free to use the selected recipe to get rid of age spots.

Masks for lightening age spots on the face

Parsley mask for age spots on the face
Parsley mask for age spots on the face

In the fight against skin pigmentation, a variety of masks have proven themselves well. They, like all other products, must be applied only to areas of the skin that have changed.

Popular anti-pigmentation masks:

  1. Lemon mask … Apply 1 to 1 mixed lemon juice and potato starch to the defect daily for 20 minutes. After washing off the mask, apply a nourishing cream to your face.
  2. Parsley mask … Mix honey and chopped leaves or stalks of parsley in equal proportions with honey. Apply the mask to your face for 30-40 minutes. Use a parsley and sour cream juice mask if you have dry skin (for oily skin, use yogurt instead of sour cream). Keep the ingredients mixed in equal proportions on age spots for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Potato masks … Finely grate a small potato tuber, add a few drops of olive oil, some almond bran and 1 tbsp. l. fresh milk. Apply the gruel to the skin spots for 20 minutes.
  4. Cucumber masks … Mix finely grated fresh cucumber with any nourishing cream. Apply to skin for 15-20 minutes. Course - 30 masks. The recipe is applicable for dry and normal skin.
  5. White clay … Make a paste by mixing 1 tbsp. l. kaolin with lemon, mountain ash or cucumber juice, apply to pigmented skin for 20 minutes. White clay can also be mixed with curdled milk or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and applied in the same way. Take 1 tsp. soda and talc, mix with 1 tbsp. l. white clay, dilute the mixture with 2% boric acid solution or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Apply the prepared mixture to the stains for 20 minutes. After washing, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Face pigmentation whitening cream

Grapefruit for age spots
Grapefruit for age spots

Use oils with a whitening effect - almond, jojoba, grape seed oils as the base component of a homemade cream. Apply the prepared cream every day 2-3 times.

Ingredients for a cream based on almond oil (prepared in a water bath):

  • 3 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  • 1 tsp glycerin;
  • 2 tsp decoction of chamomile;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.

To make a lanolin-based cream in dissolved lanolin (15 g), stir 1 tbsp. l. chopped cucumber and grape seed oil (50 gr). Soak the mixture for 60 minutes in a water bath, then strain.

Oils for getting rid of age spots on the skin of the face

Olive oil for age spots on the skin
Olive oil for age spots on the skin

Use only cold-pressed oils to treat pigmentation. When using oil-based products, the skin becomes soft, moisturized, quickly regenerates and whitens, which is achieved due to the content of triglycerides, glycerides, ricinoleic and oleic acids in the product.

Olive oil is used as follows. Mix equal parts olive oil and salt. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin for 30 minutes. After applying the product, use a moisturizer.

For sensitive skin, mix castor oil in equal proportions with sea buckthorn, if you have normal skin, use pure oil. Rub the product daily into problem areas of the skin until it dries completely.

Facial peeling to lighten skin pigmentation

Peeling with viburnum against age spots
Peeling with viburnum against age spots

To combat skin pigmentation, use berries of strawberries, viburnum, black or red currants, pulp of grapefruit, pomegranate, lemon. Fruit acids act as a surface exfoliation. The procedure is painless and low-traumatic. There is a destruction of the accumulation of skin pigment, a decrease in its production and a decrease in the likelihood of the formation of new spots.

Pharmacy remedies in the fight against age spots on the face

Lightening age spots with a badyag
Lightening age spots with a badyag

The presented pharmacy products are the most affordable and inexpensive for the preparation of whitening products:

  • Elderberry black … Pour a glass of boiling water over 5 elderberry inflorescences, leave for 10-15 minutes. In the resulting warm infusion, moisten a napkin and apply on the problem area for 5-10 minutes. Until the effect is obtained, do such lotions daily, after which, to consolidate the result, once a week is enough.
  • Dandelion medicinal … Boil 2 tablespoons in 500 ml of water for half an hour. l. dandelion inflorescences. Store the cooled broth in the refrigerator. Use the prepared lotion to wipe skin imperfections twice a day. Apply freshly squeezed dandelion leaf juice to small, pigmented areas of your skin several times a day. After the juice dries, wipe the skin with serum or kefir.
  • Lovage officinalis … Pour in 1 tsp. lovage leaves 200 ml of water, leave for 1 hour, then boil for 10 minutes. Wipe the stains twice daily for two weeks.
  • Bodyaga … Prepare a homogeneous mixture of bodyagi powder and hydrogen peroxide. Put on gloves. Apply the foaming mass to the pigmented areas of the skin in a circular motion, rubbing it in. Keep the mask on the skin until it dries completely. Rinse your face with hot water, wipe dry and dust with talcum powder. The course of treatment is 1 mask every 5 days, in total - 10-15 masks. Do not use this product on thin, dry or sensitive skin.

Features of the fight against age spots on the face are shown in the video clip:

The use of all of the above methods is possible only after correct diagnosis and only on really pigmented areas of the skin that are not changed in appearance and do not rise above the level of the skin. To achieve the desired lightening effect, set aside some time for the procedures daily, several times a day.