Mate tea has many beneficial properties. Find out the main ones. And also what is included in the mate, how to cook it correctly, and healthy recipes. Mate is a tree with gray oval leaves. It is used for making drinks, the stem and leaves are most suitable for this. A medicinal tree grows in Brazil and South America. The prepared tea is reddish in color and has a bitter taste.
Tea is an excellent tonic drink that promotes weight loss. The composition includes minerals, vitamins, iron, potassium, sodium, manganese, caffeine. Thanks to its qualities and incomparable taste, it managed to gain success and popularity in the market. This tea is rich in nutrients that are difficult to obtain from conventional foods.
The name “mate” means “pumpkin”. For the first time, the Indians began to collect and prepare tea. They crushed the collected raw materials and brewed them in a peeled pumpkin (another name is "kalabas").
This drink contains a lot of antioxidants. The tradition of brewing the drink is different in the countries of the world. For example, Argentines cut the plucked leaves into small pieces and only then brew them. In Brazil, on the contrary, tea is prepared from whole leaves.
Thanks to the flavonoids, saponins, phenols, which are in the mate, the protective function of the body increases. Mat contains amino acids that are beneficial for our body. Low-calorie tea, which is good and effective for losing weight.
Caffeine acts as a vital energy stimulant. And fatty acids promote the synthesis of hormones and lipoproteins. The miraculous drink increases activity, efficiency, stimulates metabolism and improves blood circulation.
Useful properties of mate

Scientific studies have shown that mate infusion can help you lose weight. It suppresses hunger, removes excess fluid and harmful substances from the body. But keep in mind that the benefits of taking a drink will be when you combine it with a proper diet and physical activity.
Positive properties of tea:
- strengthens the heart system;
- has a tonic effect;
- good antioxidant;
- prevents cancer;
- develops endurance;
- recommended for diabetes;
- removes cholesterol from the body;
- increases physical activity;
- slows down the aging process;
- burns fat;
- cleans the liver, removes toxins;
- accelerates metabolism;
- absorbs iron quickly;
- helps to strengthen the immune system.
- improves emotional mood;
- relieves fatigue;
- prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the body;
- reduces dependence on alcohol and smoking;
- improves potency in men;
- fights insomnia;
- acts as an antispasmodic;
- resistance to stress.
Method of making tea

By tradition, tea is brewed in kalabas, and it is drunk with a straw. A filter (small sieve) is attached at the lower end of the tube, which protects the liquid from falling leaves.
Consider the step-by-step procedure for making tea:
- To begin with, the collected dried raw materials are taken. Place the tea leaves on one side of the vessel and slowly fill with hot water. Pour the liquid in small portions to moisten the leaves, but do not flood them completely. Let the drink sit for a couple of minutes so that the leaves absorb the water. The filled-in tea leaves will increase in size and take on the appearance of a thick mixture.
- Then carefully place the straw in the calabash. When lowering the bombill, close the top opening with your finger to ensure a tight seal. Having touched the bottom of the vessel with the tube, gradually add water to the top of the Kalabas.
- Hot water should be about 70-80 degrees. If you pour boiling water over the inflorescence, the drink will lose its taste and healing properties. The tea will be strong and tart.
- You can determine the correct preparation of tea by the infusion, it should be located under the very top of the vessel. In this case, its upper part will be slightly dry and this is normal. It will gradually be saturated with hot liquid and will give color and rich aroma.
- The prepared infusion should be infused no more than 2 minutes. It is recommended to drink in small sips to appreciate the superiority of the tea. You can add honey, sugar (at your discretion) to the mat.
Slimming mate application

- Matein, which is part of the healing infusion, improves the functioning of the nervous system and burns fat deposits. The drink helps to lose weight, reduce the amount of lipids in the body.
- Scientists have proven that this product is safe and helps burn calories by quickly emptying food in the small intestine. At the same time, food maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time.
- When mate is consumed, excess weight is lost, and insulin levels in the liver and blood also decrease. Mate tea speeds up the process of digestion, which contributes to weight loss. Thanks to him, muscles relax, bile is secreted, blood vessels narrow. All these processes lead to weight loss.
- Fully suitable for those who wish to have a slender figure. If you take 1 liter of tea, you can lose up to 4 kg. for 30 days. At the same time, energy costs increase, metabolism increases, decay and excretion of fats take root.
- It has a diuretic effect, thereby removing toxins that interfere with the body. Increases physical and mental activity. Great for use in a dietary diet.
- Much healthier than green tea and does not have the negative effects of coffee. Miracle tea is a natural stimulant: it adds energy for a long period of time. Improves human well-being, strengthens the immune system. Also cleanses the blood, restores the normal functioning of the digestive system.
- Nutritionists recommend drinking tea regularly. Especially for those who play sports and want to lose weight. It will give you vigor and extra energy. The substances that are part of the mat will reduce the amount of lipids and glucose in the vessels.
Try this drink at least once and you will enjoy it all the time. It can be taken throughout the day and even during exercise, because it saturates the body with useful enzymes, salts, acids. Before going to bed, it is better to prepare tea not in water, but in milk and add honey. This will improve the quality of your sleep.
Types of prepared tea-mate

Lemon mate

This drink strengthens the immune system and reduces weight. Ingredients you need to make tea:
- 1. tsp. dry mate;
- 250 ml. water;
- 1 tsp lemon juice;
- 1 tsp honey.
Bring the water almost to a boil, remove from heat and pour over the tea leaves. Let it brew for 15 minutes, drain and you can drink.
Ginger mate

- 1 liter of water;
- 2 tbsp. l. dry tea leaves;
- 1 tsp ginger (grated);
- Honey.
Pour dry raw materials with hot water, let it brew and strain. Then add honey, cinnamon and the drink is ready.
Mate with guarana

This tea cleanses and relaxes the gastrointestinal tract. Promotes weight loss. Ingredients:
- 1 liter of water;
- 25 g of liquid guarana;
- 30 g lemon juice;
- 2 tbsp. l. mate.
We fill in all this and insist for 10 minutes. We filter it and the drink is ready to drink.
Contraindications to the use of mate tea

Exceeding the norm (1 liter) on the day of taking the drink can lead to diseases of the mouth, esophagus, throat, lungs. Mate not only rejuvenates, but also relieves excess weight. Effective in depression, gives a good mood. But there is also a negative side.
It is not recommended to take the product to people:
- with anemia;
- gastritis;
- allergies;
- neurosis;
- insomnia;
- hypertension.
It affects the process of losing weight due to its beneficial properties, but side effects should not be overlooked. Whether or not to drink a drink is up to you. After all, each of us has a different structure of the body. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure whether this tea will be harmful to you or not. To get an objective opinion and appreciate all aspects of tea, you need to taste it yourself. And then you can evaluate how the miracle tea affects you, positively or negatively.
Types of mate tea

- Amargo. Pour some tea leaves into a teapot, shake it slightly and fill it with water. Fill the container with liquid a little more than half. Wait until the leaves stretch with water and top up again. After a few minutes, the tea will infuse and you can drink it.
- "Kosido". You will need 0.5 liters. warm milk, 45 g. mate. Combine ingredients in pots and bring to a boil. Strain and pour into cups with added honey or sugar. It is better to drink this drink before bedtime, as it has a calming effect.
- Terere. Dry raw materials are simply poured with cold water. You can add a few slices of lemon, orange juice, or ice to this. This tea is suitable in hot weather as it is an excellent thirst quencher.
- "Ruso". Mint, berries, raspberries, currants (not fruits, but leaves) are added to the finished tea leaves. Similarly, pour hot water, insist and consume.
- "Argentine mate". Prepared on the basis of honey and milk. Bring the milk to a boil, cool a little and add the mate leaves. Then a teaspoon of honey is added to the prepared infusion.
- "European". We take 4 tbsp. l. tea leaves and add to 1 liter of water. Cook for one minute on fire, remove, cool and accept.
A person who takes healing tea-mate feels rested, vigorous, does not feel discomfort in the intestines. After all, tea not only gives strength and energy, but also removes harmful cholesterol from the body. It also adds strength, eliminates irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. This method of losing weight is harmless and safe. Try it and see for yourself how effective and beneficial it is for the body.
Useful information about tea mate in this video: