How to care for dehydrated skin at home

How to care for dehydrated skin at home
How to care for dehydrated skin at home

Often, women are faced with a problem such as dehydrated facial skin. To eliminate this defect, it is not enough to purchase an expensive cream, because you need to properly, and most importantly, regularly take care of your skin. More details about this are written in the next article. Content:

  • Signs of skin dehydration
  • Causes of dehydration
  • Dehydrated Skin Care
  • Folk remedies

Cosmetologists say that approximately 85% of all women living on our planet suffer from dehydration of the skin, which occurs as a result of the loss of life-giving moisture by cells, as well as too slow replenishment of it. Consider ways to combat skin dehydration.

Signs of dehydration of the facial skin

What dehydrated facial skin looks like
What dehydrated facial skin looks like

A variety of reasons can provoke such a phenomenon, but the most common is a change in climatic conditions. Indeed, with the onset of autumn and winter, the skin is not only affected by cold air, but also by sudden changes in temperature outside and indoors.

As a result, the skin becomes too dry, severe peeling begins, an unpleasant feeling of tightness, redness appears. If the skin suffers from a lack of moisture, it becomes ugly and very fragile.

To find out whether your skin suffers from a moisture deficit or not, you need to study in detail the signs that accompany this cosmetic defect. Most women with oily skin type think that they are not in danger of imbalance in the water balance of the epidermis, and they are greatly mistaken in this. Not only dry but also oily skin can be dehydrated.

As a result of a violation of the correct water balance, the functioning of the sebaceous glands increases. That is why you need to be able to distinguish between dry skin type and water imbalance.

With dehydration, the following symptoms appear:

  • Constantly haunted by a feeling of severe drying out of the skin;
  • The discomfort;
  • The skin becomes rough and flabby;
  • Redness appears on the face, which resembles chapped skin;
  • The skin begins to seem thin in autumn, small wrinkles and lines appear;
  • Concerned about constant peeling, which does not help to remove even moisturizers;
  • There is a feeling of incessant itching.

To determine if your skin is suffering from dehydration, you can do a simple home test. It is necessary to wash off all cosmetics from the face at night in any way you are accustomed to and do not apply the cream. If, waking up in the morning, you experience a feeling of itching and tightness, wrinkles appear, peeling begins - these are the first signs of the onset of skin dehydration.

Causes of dehydration of the skin on the face

Long-term medication as a cause of skin dehydration
Long-term medication as a cause of skin dehydration

Before looking for methods to solve this cosmetic problem, you must try to establish as accurately as possible the cause that provoked it. If this reason is not eliminated, all efforts and even the use of expensive cosmetics will not give the desired result, and can only aggravate the skin condition. In the most advanced cases, medical attention may be needed.

In order to determine the onset of the problem in time and do everything necessary to eliminate it, you should be aware of the reasons that can provoke dehydration of the skin:

  1. The onset of the cold time of the cold;
  2. Various skin diseases that cause severe dryness of cells;
  3. Certain diseases of internal organs - for example, infectious, hormonal, stomach problems, which may be accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting, as well as malfunctions in the functioning of the genitourinary system (diuresis, etc.);
  4. Smoking;
  5. Long-term use of certain drugs, which include laxatives, antibiotics, and diuretics;
  6. Increased sweating;
  7. Various negative external factors - for example, low temperature, dry and cold wind, strong ultraviolet radiation, various chemicals, dust, dirt, etc.;
  8. Age - this problem most often appears after 40 years;
  9. Wrong choice of cosmetics for facial skin care;
  10. Improper and unbalanced nutrition;
  11. Compliance with the wrong drinking regime - a large number of dehydrating components are found in various alcoholic beverages, beer, coffee, sweet soda and tea.

It will be enough just one of the above reasons for the skin to start to fade, to lose its natural healthy shine and life-giving moisture. Provided that several reasons are found at once, a significant deterioration in the condition of the epidermis occurs. It is worth considering the fact that the main signs of the onset of skin dehydration are as similar as possible to age-related or seasonal changes. Therefore, it is important not to confuse these two problems, because different methods are needed to solve them.

Features of care for dehydrated skin

Replacing cosmetics for signs of skin dehydration
Replacing cosmetics for signs of skin dehydration

Provided not only regular, but also competently carried out treatment, in a couple of weeks, dry and dehydrated skin will look much better, because now it will begin to receive the necessary additional moisture from the inside as well as from the outside.

The following will help get rid of this unpleasant cosmetic defect:

  • Correct drinking regimen … First of all, it is necessary to restore the lost water balance from the inside. For this purpose, it is recommended every hour, from 8 am to 4 pm, to drink one glass of filtered water, but not boiled. The consumption of coffee drinks and tea is minimized, which are best replaced with dairy products (drinking yogurt, kefir or milk). Various sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol are completely excluded.
  • Lifestyle change … It is necessary to observe the correct daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours a day. We must try to completely get rid of all bad habits, do not visit the solarium and sauna too often. It is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun during treatment.
  • Elimination of negative external factors … In the event that during the day you have to constantly contact with various harmful substances, dust, high temperatures and vapors, you need to take a vacation for at least a week. It is important to minimize stressful situations.
  • Treatment of skin diseases … Provided that dehydration of the skin was triggered by some kind of disease, it will not be possible to solve the problem without a full course of treatment. You will need to undergo a complete medical examination and a course of therapy prescribed by the doctor. Only after complete healing will the skin acquire a healthy appearance, and the problem of dehydration will disappear on its own.
  • Diet changes … The condition of the skin is directly influenced by nutrition. Experts recommend diversifying your daily diet with fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits and berries. It is worth completely abandoning pickles, pickled and canned foods and, of course, unhealthy fast foods.
  • Correct selection of quality cosmetics … For the duration of the treatment, it is necessary to change the cosmetics used. In no case should you buy too cheap cosmetics, it is worth stopping the choice on well-known brands that monitor the quality of their product. It is advisable to choose one line of cosmetics - masks, creams, lotions, scrubs, which were developed specifically to solve the problem of skin dehydration.

Traditional methods for skin dehydration

Facial masks to moisturize the skin
Facial masks to moisturize the skin

To restore the correct water balance in the epidermis, it is useful to use not only modern cosmetics, but also seek help from traditional medicine, because most masks and moisturizing lotions are easy to prepare yourself at home using only natural ingredients. Masks should be applied for 20 minutes, done at least twice a week.

The following masks not only have an excellent moisturizing effect, but also have a rejuvenating effect:

  1. Tomato … A tomato is taken, peeled from seeds and peel, rubbed through a fine sieve. Starch (1 tsp) is added to the resulting tomato mass (2 tablespoons), olive oil (2-3 drops) is added. All components are mixed, and the resulting mass is applied to the cleansed face.
  2. Carrot … Peeled carrots are chopped on a fine grater. Take 3 tbsp. l. carrots, mixed with egg yolk. The resulting composition is applied to clean skin, washed off with cool water after 20 minutes.
  3. Honey … 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, egg yolk is added. The finished mass is slightly warmed up in a water bath, cooled to room temperature and applied to the face.
  4. Herbal … The dried flowers of St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow and hop cones are mixed in equal amounts. Take 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture and poured with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is cooled down, 1 tsp is added. lemon juice, honey and 2 egg yolks. The finished mask is left on the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.
  5. Curd … 1 tbsp. l. fatty curd is mixed with the same amount of milk, carrot juice and olive oil. This mask lasts for 30 minutes.
  6. Cucumber … Fresh juice is squeezed out of the vegetable and mixed with 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream, rose water is introduced (exactly 20 drops). This mask not only moisturizes, but also perfectly tightens the skin, restoring its firmness and elasticity.
  7. Sour cream … Chopped lemon peel (2 tsp) is mixed with egg yolk, sour cream (100 g) is added, olive oil (1 tsp) is added. The composition is left on the skin for 20 minutes.

How to care for dehydrated skin - watch the video:

Dehydration of the skin is a serious problem that requires a comprehensive approach and regular care.