How to grow long nails

How to grow long nails
How to grow long nails

Why nails often break and grow slowly. How to grow them at home, recommendations for maintaining a beautiful manicure. Features of the extension of nail plates. Long nails are not only a sign of a woman's well-groomed, but also an indicator of health. Any organic problems and ailments affect the quality of the nail plates. They become dull, fragile, soft, break off immediately, growth slows down significantly. To make a beautiful manicure, first of all, it is necessary to restore the structure of education.

The main causes of brittle nails

Brittle nails
Brittle nails

The nail is a keratinized cell located in several layers. In the place of fusion of the plate with the epidermis, there is the nail bed, which feeds many capillaries through the root, its invisible part that goes under the skin. The growth zone of the nail plate is called the matrix. It is responsible for the quality of the nail, stimulates the growth of new cells, thanks to which the free edge extends beyond the bed. In a healthy nail plate, the lunula, a visible area near the cuticle (the place where the skin transitions to keratinized cells), is white and has a distinct crescent shape.

It has been scientifically proven that nails grow faster in those with long fingers and against the background of hormonal changes, for example, in girls of puberty or during pregnancy. Increased blood supply has a positive effect on growth, therefore, right-handers have longer nails on the right, and left-handers, respectively, on the left hand. The growth rate of the nail plate is influenced by the quality of the structure and the rate of cell division at the matrix level.

Reasons for brittle nails:

  • Malnutrition of the nail plate, insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients: magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Nutrient deficiencies can be associated with strict diets, malnutrition, and seasonal vitamin deficiency.
  • Violation of organic metabolic processes, provoked by various diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Neuroses, overwork, frequent stress, impossibility of good rest.
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the use of certain medications.
  • Infections of various etiologies, in which the nail plates are affected, more often mycoses. Onychomycosis can be contracted during a manicure or, less commonly, in the pool, by grabbing the handrail in transport.
  • Frequent climate changes, for example, during business trips.
  • Poor drinking water quality.
  • Bad habits: drug abuse, smoking, alcohol.
  • Improper hand care: biting, illiterate circumcision, infatuation with low-quality varnishes and the use of products with acetone, neglect of baths to replenish the nail plate.
  • Abuse of thermal procedures, visits to the solarium, baths, saunas.
  • Neglecting the use of household gloves in contact with household chemicals.

High humidity, the need for frequent contact with water, especially cold water, negatively affect the quality of the nail. Rubber gloves do not protect from the cold, and hypothermia disrupts the blood supply to the nail plate, which increases fragility and stops growth.

How to grow long nails

By combining wellness activities and competent nail care, you can achieve significant results. The keratinized cells located on the nail bed will be of an even pink color, the free edge and lunula will be white, and the structure of the nail will be dense.

Stimulating blood supply for nail growth

Massage of the nail hole
Massage of the nail hole

It is impossible to significantly improve the quality of the nail plate in a week, but increasing the length by 3-4 mm is a feasible task. A red pepper mask is used as a stimulant. Mix a very fat body cream and ground paprika (a teaspoon each), add boiled water to get a mass that was easy to apply to the nail plate. Depending on the viscosity of the cream, 10-15 drops of water are added to the mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and then heated in a water bath. You can use a microwave to heat it up, but it is difficult to control the heating temperature.

Apply this mixture to the surface of the nail with your fingers, rubbing thoroughly. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes using a weak solution of soapy foam. After removing the stimulating mask, the nails are covered with fresh lemon juice.

Before going to bed, it is customary to treat the lunulu with iodine. By morning, it will be absorbed, and there will be no yellow spots on the nail.

In addition, they massage the nail hole. The cuticle near the lunula is kneaded, pressing down with the thumb and forefinger of the free hand, at least 5-7 minutes 4-5 times a day. After exposure, the skin should turn reddish. Too much compression should be avoided so as not to injure the vessels feeding the nail root and the matrix.

The downside of this kind of growing long nails in a week is the impossibility to apply varnish all this time. Even the most expensive products contain chemicals that draw water out of the nail plates. Dehydration disrupts metabolic processes, stimulation is ineffective.

Rational nutrition for beautiful long nails

Rational nutrition to strengthen nails
Rational nutrition to strengthen nails

If the intake of nutrients is impaired, then the growth of nails slows down. It is necessary that in the daily menu there is a place for products with a high content of vitamins A, C, E and complex B - B1, B5, B6 and B12.

Nutrition Basics for Beautiful Long Nails:

  • Vitamin A or retinol is obtained from potatoes, cabbage, carrots, sea buckthorn, persimmons, apricots and chicken liver.
  • Complex B is found in buckwheat, spinach, meat and fish, poultry, eggs, legumes, citrus fruits, bananas and potatoes.
  • Vitamin C not only stimulates the growth of the nail plate, but also prevents stratification. Foods high in ascorbic acid: citrus fruits, currants, onions, bell peppers, spinach, lingonberries, tomatoes.
  • In order to replenish the amount of vitamin E, it is necessary to regularly consume seeds, nuts (especially there is a lot of tocopherol in pistachios), season salads with sunflower oil. It is recommended to lean on "healthy" food - salads from cabbage, carrots, seasoned with parsley, as well as supplement the diet with crushed sea buckthorn or mountain ash.

To speed up metabolic processes, you should adhere to an extended drinking regime, drink up to 1.5 liters of liquid per day. The nail plate is brittle and overdried when dehydrated. It is impossible to grow long nails without a healthy diet.

Long Nails Firming Baths

Bath with salt for nails
Bath with salt for nails

Hot baths stimulate the growth of the nail plate and strengthen the structure. The duration of the procedure is at least 25-30 minutes. If there are no oils in the composition of the product, then recharge is carried out after the session in 10-15 minutes in order to prevent drying out of the nail.

The most popular baths for beautiful long nails at home:

  1. Salt … Dissolve 2, 5 tablespoons of sea salt in a glass of hot water. If there is none, then during the procedure, when the liquid cools down, it will be necessary to add 4-5 drops of ordinary iodine. If the bath does not cause irritation, the amount of salt can be increased. It is desirable that the solution is saturated.
  2. Salt bath with lemon … The solution is prepared according to the method already described, but additionally lemon juice is poured into the water - 3-4 tablespoons. This tool has a firming effect and improves the color of the nail plate, removing yellowness.
  3. Salt bath with iodine … Salt is diluted with water, as in the previous case, and 2 tablespoons of iodine are added instead of lemon juice. The duration of the procedure is halved, since the composition of the solution contains alcohol, which can have a negative effect on the nail plate, enhancing the property of salt to draw out water.
  4. Oil bath with iodine … Ingredients for the bath: 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 capsules of Aevit vitamin or 2 capsules of vitamins A and E, 3 drops of regular iodine. All components are mixed, heated in a water bath so that the temperature of the mixture is slightly higher than body temperature.
  5. Gelatin with honey and milk … This tool helps to grow long nails and align the nail plate, if after building it becomes uneven, growths appear on the nail bed. Dilute gelatin in half a glass of milk so as to obtain milk jelly, and then add a teaspoon of honey. The consistency of the solution is viscous, but the drops should flow freely over the fingers.
  6. Gelatin with chamomile … About a tablespoon of bio-raw materials is insisted in a glass of hot water. Until the color of the infusion becomes saturated, the liquid will have time to cool down so much. A tablespoon of gelatin is diluted in it without fear that it will curdle. Achieve a uniform consistency, filter and lower fingers into the composition. The effect of gelatin baths is softer than water baths, the nails do not dry out.
  7. Lemon oil bath … It is recommended to use olive, almond, grape seed, peach or sea buckthorn oil. Olive has a moisturizing effect. Almond prevents brittle nails and delamination, evens out the structure and removes white spots. Grape seed oil stimulates regeneration and saturates with useful substances at the cellular level, it is able to be deeply absorbed into the keratinized plate. Peach moisturizes, restores damaged cuticles, makes the nail more elastic. Sea buckthorn has an antimicrobial effect, prevents an increase in the activity of pathogenic fungal flora, is suitable for damaged nails, but it must be borne in mind that it stains them. Lemon juice is mixed with the selected oil in a 1: 1 ratio.

Alternatively, you can use the lemon and salt express nail polish. Cut the lemon in half, pour half a spoonful of sea salt into each part, squeeze the pulp so that it is absorbed and the juice is released. Then they dip the tips of the fingers of each hand into lemon halves and take an absolutely "natural bath".

Proper nail care

How to shape your nails
How to shape your nails

To prevent nails from breaking, they need to be properly looked after. There are home care rules that accelerate the growth of nail plates:

  • The nail plates are given an almond shape. First, the free edge is cut evenly, and then the edges are filed with a fine sanding file.
  • Nails should not be gnawed, used to open tight lids, you should not try to scrape something with them.
  • When washing dishes or working with chemicals under rubber gloves, thread, cotton should be worn. When working in the garden, cloth gloves are sufficient.
  • Reinforcing varnishes should be used, which help to minimize harmful effects and do not destroy the nail plate, like decorative coatings. Most popular products: Smart Enamel, Eveline or Sally Hansen.
  • After the artificial covering has been removed, the nails need to be allowed to rest so that the nail plate is restored.

How to make long nails with extensions

Extension of nails
Extension of nails

The easiest way to get long nails quickly is to go to a beauty salon.

Nail extension methods:

  1. Acrylic … The material is durable and inexpensive. Manicure does not interfere with everyday activities. Disadvantages of the method: there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction, it is necessary to update the manicure every month, after removal, the natural nail plates require a long recovery, as they become soft, thinned. Fingertips may burst.
  2. Gel … The polymer coating is made from natural material, coniferous resins. The surface is perfectly smooth and can be worn for a long time. The product contains bactericidal substances that prevent the development of the fungus. Disadvantages: requires frequent correction, allergies may appear when building up, difficulty in removing. When cutting, the matrix is often injured. If the artificial turf is damaged, it must be completely replaced.
  3. Resin … Such build-up is safe, the coating is hypoallergenic, the nail is dense, shiny and flexible. Long nails can be printed, washable, there is no danger of scratching the baby. Disadvantages: high cost of extension and the need for frequent correction.
  4. Woven extension … In this case, silk, linen or fiberglass are used. The material is placed under the biogel to prevent damage to the nail plate and create an original coating. Can be used for damaged nails. Disadvantages: the nail turns out to be decorative, it breaks even with minor physical influences.
  5. Biogel … Strengthens the nail plate, is easily removable, hypoallergenic, you can not remove it for a long time, the coating is durable and flexible. The main disadvantage is the price.
  6. Tips … For such a build-up, artificial nails made of plastic are used, which are glued with glue to natural ones. You can choose any nail shape and deal with it at home. The method is cheap, but it has a very significant drawback: under the influence of glue, your nails quickly deteriorate.

However, no artificial nail plates can replace natural manicure. You cannot build up nails if the work requires absolute sterility, during professional activities associated with fine motor skills or with increased injury risk. Therefore, it is better to think about how to quickly grow your own nails.

How to grow long nails - watch the video:

If the nail plates grow by 4-6 mm per month, their structure is dense, there are no cracks, they do not break, then it is enough to do strengthening baths once a week for prevention purposes. If the nails grow slowly, constantly crack and exfoliate, the color of the plates is yellowish, they have multi-colored spots, then it is necessary to strengthen them or a complete examination of the body. Such a condition of the nails is a signal of a violation of the blood supply to the matrix or a symptom of deteriorating health.