Altay for weight loss

Altay for weight loss
Altay for weight loss

Learn how to lose weight with marshmallow. You will also learn about the unique healing properties of this plant, its composition and useful recipes for strength and health. Medicinal marshmallow is a perennial plant that is widely used in medicine. In another way it is called "mallow", "wild rose", "marshmallow". Has a little ramified root system. The stem is straight, not branched, from 1 to 2 meters in height. Leaves are soft, alternate, rounded.

Flowers, collected in a bunch, pink or white. The calyx contains 5 leaves, the fruit has many seeds, disc-shaped, flat in shape. The plant does not bloom for long: from July to June, only 2 months of summer. The seed ripens in the fall. The flower grows throughout the CIS countries, including Ukraine and Russia. The inflorescence is used as a food and medicinal drug. The culture is edible in all types of cooking. You can meet marshmallow on lakes, meadows, deaf thickets.

Procurement of raw materials marshmallow

Dry marshmallow root
Dry marshmallow root

The plant is harvested in the first month of autumn. The roots have medicinal qualities, just like the leaves. They are dug up, washed and dried in an oven or dryer. The main thing is that when they are dried, direct sunlight does not fall on the workpieces. Raw materials should be stored for no more than three years, in glass or metal containers. Seeds are collected from dry, ripe cups when they melt gray in color. Store in a dry place with good access to fresh air.

The healing properties of marshmallow

Althea officinalis
Althea officinalis

The root is a remedy that has mucus. It is used in the treatment of various ailments. The plant mucus that has entered the body remains for a long time on the walls of the intestinal mucosa. The damaged tissue heals quickly and inflammation goes away. The mucus has a softening effect, makes it easier to cough up with a dry cough. A high concentration of gastric juice keeps the medicine taken longer. Marshmallow root is used for diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, laryngitis, bronchitis, gastritis, ulcers.

Due to its enveloping properties, the wild rose, after consumption, covers the gastric mucosa and protects it from irritation. Soothes joint pain, dissolves swelling, useful root for muscle rupture, sciatic nerve inflammation.

Leaves help with tumors of the female breast, pleurisy, tuberculosis. Herbal decoction is able to restore the functioning of the bladder, burning sensation. Removes kidney stones, promotes painless urination. Marshmallow protects well the lining of the stomach and intestines.

Marshmallow is able to cure jaundice, diarrhea, flu, sore throat, psoriasis, inflammation of the mouth, gums. Decoctions, compresses, syrups, lotions, infusions, etc. are made from the healing root.

Marshmallow composition

Pharmacy root of marshmallow
Pharmacy root of marshmallow

It has a rich and useful content, which is very much appreciated by the people and medicine. The mucous substance consists of polysaccharides (pentose, arabinose, dextrose, galactose). It also contains starch, lecithin, mineral salt, betaine, fatty oil, carotene.

The roots contain vitamins, pentose, galactose, dextrose, pectin, starch. It also contains a lot of phytosterol, mineral salts, oils and lecithin.

Application of marshmallow root

Dried Marshmallow Root and Stem
Dried Marshmallow Root and Stem

The product is known as a good pain reliever, sedative, also very effective in bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

A medicine is used from the roots for such diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer;
  • jaundice;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • flu;
  • sore throat;
  • kidney disease;
  • violation of the bladder.

The medicine from the marshmallow root is used internally as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, emollient. Relieves inflammation in the throat, as well as cystitis and prostatitis.

Marshmallow is also used in the form of a decoction, infusion, syrup. The broth is prepared simply: raw materials are taken, filled with hot water, cooked over a fire for 25 minutes, filtered. You need to drink warm in half a glass during a meal.

The infusion is made as follows: marshmallow flowers are poured with boiling water, infused. Then take the infusion before eating.

The syrup is sold at the pharmacy, but you can make it yourself, we'll talk about this below.

Marshmallow syrup

Altai syrup in a bottle
Altai syrup in a bottle

As we already know, the plant has antitussive and anti-inflammatory properties. Let's take a closer look at the syrup preparation procedure. To prepare marshmallow syrup, we need raw materials that need to be filled with water and a little vodka added. After a while, when the mixture was infused, add sugar to it. Then heat over low heat. Add a couple of drops of anise oil to the finished solution. Take this syrup for 1-2 tsp. several times a day. Effective for bronchitis and cough.

Marshmallow syrup for children

Types of marshmallow-based baby syrups
Types of marshmallow-based baby syrups

An ordinary syrup is prepared, as we described above, but fruit syrup is added to it. Take for children 1 tsp. 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-13 days. The agent removes phlegm, stimulates the activity of the respiratory tract.

Altai syrup for pregnant women

The syrup is poured into a spoon
The syrup is poured into a spoon

During this period, it is not recommended to take medications so as not to harm the fetus. But no one is immune from colds and various viruses. According to the instructions, the drug has no contraindications at all. The petiole has a good effect on the human body. But still, the use of the drug should be started after consulting a doctor. If an allergy develops, the medication should be discontinued.

The syrup can be bought without a doctor's prescription, but it is recommended that you seek the advice of a specialist. It is allowed to use the drug for children before and after 12 years, as well as for adults. It is better to drink syrup after meals, the course of treatment lasts 10-15 days.

Using marshmallow root for weight loss

Marshmallow root decoction
Marshmallow root decoction

Women try many different remedies for themselves, ranging from medications to exotic fruits, the use of which reduces weight. But it is worth remembering about phototherapy, which is no worse able to save you extra pounds. Let's talk about one of these plants - marshmallow root, which harmlessly fights excess weight and maintains it normal. For medicinal purposes, not only the lower part of the plant is used, but also the upper one.

The composition of marshmallow is very similar to that of flax seeds. The root is used to treat the digestive and respiratory systems. External use can heal damaged skin. For example, it can heal both acne and the scars that sometimes remain after them.

Thanks to the mucus, which is in the root, the absorption of fats is prevented, appetite decreases. Because of this, a person eats less, the feeling of hunger is suppressed. In addition, the body is cleansed of toxins, radionuclides, toxins. Intestinal motility improves.

The active substances of marshmallow saturate the body with useful components, vitamins. They give energy to the body for the active and correct functioning of the internal organs. When losing weight, you need to use phyto-collection. Pour boiling water over the crushed raw materials and simmer for half an hour. Then strain the broth and cool to room temperature. Take 30 minutes before meals. In general, the course of admission lasts 30 days.

Marshmallow root treatment recipes

Marshmallow leaves and flower
Marshmallow leaves and flower
  1. From the prostate. Medicinal raw materials are placed in a vessel with water at room temperature, infused for 60 minutes, and then filtered. Accept one art. l. every two hours.
  2. Marshmallow root treats conjunctivitis, myositis. Boil water, throw in the potion and let it brew for 8 hours. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. broth.
  3. With bronchitis. Marshmallow tincture will perfectly cope with this disease. After all, it has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Method of preparation of the tincture: the marshmallow root is poured with vodka. Leave everything for 10 days in a semi-dark place. Drink 10-14 drops before meals. The tincture must be diluted with water to reduce the concentration. Take with caution in case of violation of the urinary, digestive system.
  4. With breast cancer. Boil the root for 15 minutes, strain and drink one tbsp. l. You can mix marshmallow with the herb of wintergreen, hazel, cocklebur, aspen bark, horsetail. Apply a poultice to the affected area.
  5. With emphysema. Pour the crushed raw materials with boiled water, and drink half a glass. It is treated for 2 months, and pause for 14 days.
  6. Xerostomia. Marshmallow is insisted in a glass of boiled water. Take 1 tbsp. l. up to 7 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from one to one and a half months.
  7. Neuralgia. The root is placed in cold water, insisted for about 8 hours. Used as a compress and lotions. The leaves of the plant are applied to the erysipelas.
  8. Infusion of marshmallow. The infusion has a transparent yellow mucus. It is characterized by a specific smell and sweet taste. The petiole is cut and placed in water. It costs an hour, then you can drink it for 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours. Marshmallow infusion is used in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. Normalizes the metabolic process, helps with whooping cough, tracheitis. The mucous substance enters the trachea, softens it, has a good effect on the pharynx, tonsils, vocal cords, heals the mucous membrane.
  9. Althea root potion. Various medical preparations (syrup, medicine) are prepared on the basis of valuable raw materials. Effectively copes with complications of the respiratory system. The medicine can be bought at the pharmacy and taken strictly according to the instructions.

Contraindications to the use of marshmallow

Shredded Marshmallow Root
Shredded Marshmallow Root

The remedy, as it turned out, has almost no side effects. But it should be used with caution by people who suffer from diabetes mellitus and pregnant women. It is forbidden to take in conjunction with other medicines that treat cough and remove phlegm.

An overdose of the drug can provoke vomiting, nausea. In such cases, you must stop taking marshmallow.

Cannot be used with:

  • chronic constipation;
  • disruption of the lungs;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergies.

How can breasts be enlarged with marshmallow root?

Breast in a bra
Breast in a bra

Thanks to phytosterone and fatty oils, which are found in large quantities in this medicinal herb, you can naturally increase the size of your breasts. Such a procedure is long, individual, but the result obtained remains for a long time. A herbal decoction is applied for 30 days, and only then will the effect be.

The recipe for the "miracle infusion": boil dry collection of marshmallow root for 10 minutes, drink throughout the day in small sips.

As you can see, the healing properties of marshmallow are simply endless. And getting rid of those extra pounds is just one of them. Therefore, make sure that your first aid kit always has this miracle herb that will help you in any situation. This medicinal product is affordable compared to other expensive and modern drugs. In addition, pharmacy products are absolutely not inferior in effectiveness and benefits to marshmallow.

You will learn more information about the beneficial properties of marshmallow officinalis from this video:
