Find out the means and ways to get rid of age spots. Features and rules of skin care to maintain its beauty and youth. Almost every woman is faced with such a phenomenon as the formation of age spots on the skin of the face. Pigmentation is a change in the healthy tone of the skin, which can appear on different parts of the body, as well as on the face. There may be differences in the structure and causes of such spots, and in each case, the method of treatment is individually selected.
Read the review of the Laminari Pigmentation Whitening Mask
Skin color tends to change, taking into account the presence of certain pigments in the epidermis - blue, red, yellow, black.
The formation of red pigment in the skin occurs as a result of the oxidation of hemoglobin in the capillaries of the skin. The cutaneous veins contain reduced hemoglobin, which contributes to the formation of blue pigment. The yellow color is provided by carotenoids. Melanin, which is found in the epidermis, contributes to the presence of black and brown hues.
Skin color directly depends on how strongly the capillaries are translucent, as well as on the thickness of the stratum corneum and epidermis. A pleasant and even skin tone can deteriorate as a result of the appearance of age spots, moles and freckles. In some cases, disruptions in pigment coloration occur due to strong psychological experiences.
Before looking for methods and methods that will help to quickly remove age spots, moreover, if they appear on the skin of the face, you must try to establish as accurately as possible the cause that provoked this phenomenon. To do this, you will need to seek help from a professional dermatologist who will conduct all the necessary research and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.
In the event that the appearance of age spots on the face occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, it is necessary to protect the skin from direct sunlight. Before going outside, a special sunscreen is applied to the skin, panamas or hats with wide brim can also be worn. Do not forget about the use of cosmetics that have ultraviolet filters. It is useful to add foods that contain a large amount of vitamins A, B and C to your diet.
How to remove age spots at home - folk recipes and tips

Today there is a fairly large number of a wide variety of products from the field of home cosmetology, which help to quickly get rid of pigmentation.

It is a wonderful and very effective natural remedy that helps to get rid of pigmentation, freckles and other unpleasant skin rashes. As a rule, a simple infusion is used. To prepare it, you will need to take 1 liter of water and 1 bunch of green parsley.
First, the greens are thoroughly crushed, after which they are poured with boiling water and left for 3 hours so that the product can brew well.
Clean skin is wiped with a ready-made broth several times a day. Also, such a tool can be used to prepare whitening masks. To obtain such a mask, a napkin is moistened in the infusion and applied to the problem area for 20 minutes. To make the skin look healthy, fresh and well-groomed, you need to mix the infusion of parsley and sour cream (all components are taken in equal amounts).
Lemon juice

Fresh lemon juice can be used to whiten skin and remove age spots. For this purpose, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 10 tbsp. l. boiled water. In the composition, a cotton pad is moistened and the skin of the face is wiped. You need to carry out such a cosmetic procedure several times a day.
You can also prepare an effective whitening mask. To do this, take starch (1 tbsp. L.) And dilute with lemon juice until you get a thick enough gruel. This mask should be applied exclusively to problem areas and left on for 20-26 minutes, depending on the severity of the problem.
You need to use such a tool very carefully, as lemon juice can provoke quite severe skin irritation. Therefore, a sensitivity test must first be performed.
Cucumber juice

Fresh natural juice is an excellent natural tonic with a whitening effect. To prepare it, you need to take about 50 grams of cucumber peel and brew with a glass of boiling water. After about 5-6 hours, the infusion is ready for use.
Dairy products

To remove age spots and freckles, it is recommended to use a variety of dairy products - for example, milk whey, natural yogurt without flavors and dyes (preferably homemade), yogurt. The listed funds are used in the form of lotions, and the duration of the procedure cannot be more than 15 minutes.
Black currant

Black currant can be used to make an excellent mask. To prepare it, you will need to take currant berries, but only those that have not yet matured and honey. All components are taken in equal amounts.
The ingredients must be rubbed until the composition acquires a uniform consistency, after which the resulting gruel is applied directly to the problem areas and left for about half an hour.
After the specified time, the mask must be washed off with plenty of warm water. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, the skin is rinsed with water and a small amount of lemon juice.
Bodyagu for whitening pigmentation

In the cold season, it is recommended to use bodyagi masks to remove age spots. To prepare such a product, you need to take bodyagi powder and mix it with hydrogen peroxide (you can replace it with vegetable oil). The components are mixed until the composition acquires the consistency of a sufficiently thick slurry.
The finished composition is rubbed into problem areas and left for about 15-17 minutes. You may feel a slight tingling or tingling sensation, but do not worry, as this is a completely natural reaction.
After the specified time, you need to wash yourself with cool water, after which any moisturizer must be applied to the skin. After a few days, the skin may begin to peel off - this is the effect that should be obtained from a mask made of bodyagi.
It is strictly forbidden to use this tool too often - such a procedure can be carried out no more than once a week.
Raw potatoes for face whitening

The potatoes are peeled, washed and chopped. Then the potato gruel is mixed with vegetable oil (just a few drops are added). The composition includes milk (1 tbsp. L.) And almond bran.
The result should be a fairly thick gruel, which is applied to the previously cleansed face skin and left for about 18-22 minutes. After the specified time, the mask is washed off with cool water.
Honey and fish oil

For all skin types and ages, it is recommended to use a mixture of honey and fish oil to remove age spots. All components are taken in equal amounts and mixed well. The resulting composition is applied to clean skin and left on for 15-16 minutes.
Onion juice for age spots

This product not only helps to remove age spots, but also to discolor freckles, making them almost invisible.
For this, an onion is taken, peeled from the husk and cut into two halves, then fresh juice is squeezed out, with which the skin is rubbed.
However, it is worth considering the fact that this remedy can provoke the appearance of a rather strong irritation, so the mask is washed off after 10 minutes and sour cream is necessarily applied to the skin in a thin layer.
After 10 minutes, you need to wash with warm water. This treatment is ideal for treating dry to normal skin.
Oat soap

To remove age spots, you need to use oatmeal soap, but you need to make it yourself. To do this, using a meat grinder or blender, oatmeal is crushed, after which it is wrapped in a clean (preferably new) nylon sock. Then every day this tool is used during washing, paying special attention to problem areas.
Herbal decoction for pigmentation

Quite often, the formation of age spots occurs as a result of an excess of bile in the body. To determine this indicator, you must undergo an appropriate medical examination.
In this case, you can use a decoction, for the preparation of which birch leaves, pharmacy chamomile, mint, corn silk, calendula are taken. All components are mixed in equal amounts and filled with boiling water. The cooled broth is filtered and used to wipe problem areas.
Prevention of the appearance of age spots

It is sometimes very difficult to get rid of age spots, which is why it is best to use techniques to prevent their appearance. To avoid this unpleasant cosmetic problem, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- you need to use only high-quality cosmetics, which do not contain harmful elements;
- the composition of cosmetics used for both face and body care should include arbutin, vitamin C, retinol;
- it is necessary to regularly use oils that have ultraviolet filters (such oils include shea, jojoba);
- it is useful to periodically visit a beautician and carry out caring and restorative procedures, thanks to which it becomes possible to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin;
- if any suspicious spots appear on the skin of the face or body, the nature of which is not known, you must immediately seek help from a dermatologist who can accurately determine the cause that triggered the pigmentation.
If an accurate diagnosis is made in time, there is a better chance of completely curing the skin, getting rid of pigmentation, making it soft, elastic, smooth and silky. Only a professional doctor will be able to quickly and with minimal negative consequences heal the skin and help quickly get rid of an unpleasant cosmetic problem.
For treatment, not only modern medicines can be prescribed, but also time-tested, no less effective folk methods. It is the last option that brings the greatest benefit, since only natural ingredients are included in such funds.
Regardless of which of the above means will be used in the fight against age spots, their use is possible only after consulting a dermatologist. The fact is that not all methods are safe and as a result, it is possible not to improve the condition of the skin, but to provoke an increase in the problem and the appearance of more pigmentation.
For information on how to get rid of age spots, see here: