Features of cooking. TOP-4 best recipes for goat's milk cottage cheese - classic, on various starter cultures, in a slow cooker. Video recipes.

Goat curd is a product made from goat milk. It is considered more dietary than the classic cow curd. It is better absorbed and contains more useful components. It is especially recommended for a children's diet, and therefore every mother should be able to cook it on her own, because it is not always possible to buy cottage cheese from goat's milk in a store - it is much less common than cow's. In general, there is nothing difficult in this process, the main task is to find high-quality milk. Ready cottage cheese can be eaten as it is, or you can make casseroles, cheesecakes and other delicious dishes from it.
Features of the preparation of cottage cheese from goat milk

Cooking goat curd is a simple process. It is noteworthy that if cottage cheese from cow's milk cannot be prepared without sourdough, then in the case of goat's there is a recipe that does not require the use of this component. In this case, the curdling process (separation of milk into curd and whey) is activated with ordinary salt.
And curd with sourdough, and without it, is prepared using the same technology. Milk (with salt or sourdough) is heated, left in a warm place for several days to sour, and then placed in a gauze knot and hung to separate the whey. In general, after this, the product is ready, but some people prefer to put it under the press for several hours in order to get a denser structure.
Goat curd at home can be prepared from both boiled and raw milk, but in the latter case, you must be absolutely sure of its quality. If in the slightest doubt, boil it to avoid poisoning.
"Sterility" is important in the preparation of the product, all items that are used in the process of making cottage cheese from goat's milk must be clean, otherwise you can provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria rather than beneficial bacteria in the cottage cheese.
It is also important to eat the cooked curd on time - a fresh homemade product is suitable for no more than 3 days. Keep this in mind when measuring milk for a new portion.
By the way, keep in mind that cottage cheese turns out to be much less than the amount of milk taken for cooking. To get about 500 g of cottage cheese, you need about 3 liters of milk.
TOP 4 goat milk cottage cheese recipes
Any recipe for goat curd is within the power of every housewife - it is not difficult to prepare it, but, nevertheless, the product cannot be obtained quickly, since curdling can take several days. However, the end result - fresh tasty homemade cottage cheese without harmful additives - is worth it.
Classic goat curd without sourdough

The classic recipe for homemade goat curd assumes the absence of sourdough and the use of only two components - milk and salt.
- Calorie content per 100 g - 156 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - active - 30 minutes, passive - 3 days
- Milk - 1 l
- Salt - a pinch
Step by step preparation of classic goat curd without sourdough:
- Pour milk into a saucepan, immediately throw a pinch of salt into it, bring to a boil.
- After it boils, it must be immediately removed from the heat.
- The next task of how to make classic goat's milk cottage cheese is to achieve the correct curd. For this, the mass must stand for a couple of days in a warm place. You can also leave the future cottage cheese just at room temperature, but in this case there is a risk that the temperature will be very low and the milk will simply spoil, instead of curdling. To avoid such a situation, make sure that the temperature is at least 23 ° C.
- After 2-3 days, the mass needs to be heated a little, and then transferred to cheesecloth, make a "knot" and hang it so that the serum drains.
That's all, in general, the cottage cheese is ready, you can take it out of the bundle and eat it right there, mixing it, for example, with berries, or you can make the freshest cheese cakes.
Note! If, after the whey drains, the cottage cheese seems too soft and watery to you, put it under a press and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
Goat curd with whey

The whey that remained from the previous recipe does not have to be poured out, you can make pancakes, pancakes from it, or you can use it to make a new portion of goat milk cottage cheese at home. It usually helps speed up the curdling process and is faster and better than adding salt.
- Milk - 3 l
- Serum - 100 ml
Step-by-step preparation of goat curd with whey:
- If you are sure of the quality of milk, then in this recipe you do not need to boil it, otherwise, start by boiling.
- Then pour the whey into either raw or boiled milk.
- Put the mass in heat, here, again, as in the previous recipe, you need the temperature to be at least 23 ° C. If the weather is warm, you can just put the container on the windowsill under the sun, if it's cold, you will have to look for a battery or wrap milk with whey.
- After a day, you can start checking how well the curd process is going, if the whole mass is pieces of cottage cheese, floating in the whey, then you can already proceed to the next stage, otherwise, let the mass stand some more time.
- After curdling, the mass, according to the recipe for the preparation of goat curd, must be put in a water bath and heated for 20 minutes, then cooled and folded onto cheesecloth to drain the whey. Whey cottage cheese is ready - you can eat!
Goat curd with sour cream sourdough

Another way using sourdough is the goat milk curd recipe with sour cream. The cooking technology is the same as in the previous recipes, but we use sour cream to activate curdling. At the same time, it can be both cow and goat.
- Milk - 1 l
- Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
Step-by-step cooking of goat curd with sour cream sourdough:
- Boil the milk or, if you are sure of the quality and freshness, pour it directly into a jar and place it in a tall saucepan filled with water - this way we organize a water bath.
- When the milk warms up a little, add sour cream, mix well, immediately remove the mass from heat and transfer to a warm place.
- It remains to wait for the moment when the milk is curdled, and send the resulting mass into cheesecloth so that the excess liquid is glass.
Do not forget, before making goat's milk cottage cheese, if you want to get a denser mass, after all the whey is gone, the product can be put under a press and put in the refrigerator for a while.
Goat curd in a slow cooker

A homemade goat curd recipe in a slow cooker is a great opportunity for the hostess to save even more time. If you have such a technique at home, be sure to try preparing a product using this recipe.
- Milk - 3 l
- Kefir - 1 tbsp.
Step by step cooking goat curd in a slow cooker:
- Combine milk and kefir, remove to a warm place for curdling.
- Before making cottage cheese from goat's milk, pour the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl, turn on the heating mode and leave for 3-4 hours.
- Fold the mass into cheesecloth, leave the excess serum to glass.
In terms of taste, cottage cheese from a multicooker is no different from a product prepared in a traditional way. If you want to get beautiful granular cottage cheese in a multicooker, try to very carefully pour the curdled mass into the multicooker and do not stir it.